A Little Nutrition Help....


Just looking for a bit of advice. I've started recently (i'm on about Day 25) of P90X. While I love it, and am trying to up my protein to help with doing this. I am also still going to the gym regularly also as I love it and couldnt stop doing the classes as well as it's a bit social part of my life.

So, in regards to the nutrition side of things, I cant afford to do the P90X nutrition guide as there are two of us doing it in my household and we are both on low wages. I am making the changes they suggest (not had proper coffee now for 25 days! go me!)

My query is if I am eating enough some times, as on a Sunday and a Wednesday especially, I am burning over 1000 at the gym, ( I have a hrm Polar FT4 so I know what I'm burning) and then with P90X on top of that, I am burning an extra 300/400 cals as well. So altogether at least 3 days a week I am burning 1400 cals. and I am eating roughly about 1800 - 2000 (ish). I am not really losing much, but not taken any measurements yet since Day 1 (my MFP diary is sat at 1490 as that is what it calculated when I first started MFP and I'm too scared to change it).

On other days of the week I'm still burning upwards of 350 cals too. My day job is an office job and I do sit for large portions of the day which is why I'm a bit worried as to the nutrition and food as I dont want to be outdoing all my hard work by eating too much and sitting at my job.

Any help would be gratefully received.

Thanks again
G x


  • jjjbeans111
    I think you are doing great actually - burning quite a bit all in one day!

    I'd look into multivitamins/mineral supplements if you are worried about missing certain nutrients due to budget and whatnot. Other than that, keep up the good work!
  • metalgearpanda
    metalgearpanda Posts: 43 Member
    Thanks very much! Yeah I've sort of taken the bull by the horns as such and just gotten right into it, and now if I dont do exercise (like today, I'm banned from the gym till sunday) I feel cranky as hell!

    Thank you for the advice I will check that out!

  • Pearsquared
    Pearsquared Posts: 1,656 Member
    This almost sounds like one of those story problems we used to get in math. 8D

    You could take those calories you're burning, and divide them evenly throughout the week. That way, even though you're burning them 3 or 4 out of 7 days, your calorie count will be consistent, and it will be easier to tell when you've gone over.

    You could also do a weekly calorie count with both calories consumed and burned, and then divide the whole thing by 7, or keep that goal in mind when you're eating throughout the week.

    With how much you're burning, eating as you are shouldn't be a problem.
  • metalgearpanda
    metalgearpanda Posts: 43 Member
    Thanks Pearsquared!

    That's how I felt about my situation, it felt like a math equation, and I'm not good at maths hahah!!

    Thanks for the tips! I shall keep them in mind :)
