Everyone has "that picture" that makes them cringe.

This picture of me and my adorable friend, Marco, was taken March 27, 2011. :noway:


I know the date because my boyfriend tagged me on Facebook. After an internal battle with myself, I didn't yell at him to take it down, like I normally did. I still won't let him post some pictures because... well, mostly because I haven't done the many "tricks" to look smaller in those impromptu moments that's he's snapping away.

I digress, the reason I didn't ask him to take the picture down was because I wanted a reminder of what I looked like. I knew, even then, that I didn't want to be that blob-like anymore. I knew that I want a waist and I want to wear clothes that aren't made out of tent covers. 2 years and some change later, I've only lost 57 pounds. I'm not sad, at all. That's a lie, haha. I would have hoped by now I would have been at my goal weight. I didn't take the first year seriously. I starved myself, overexercised, mainly did everything COMPLETELY wrong. Popcorn diets, eating only energy bars, you name it... I've probably done it. I'm still not perfect, and still working on this weight loss/healthy living thing. But, I'm getting there. So, yes, I'm sad, but glad I went through all that to know what worked, what didn't and what was just ridiculous!

Now, I would feel way too yucky if I didn't post a pic that makes me feel good, after posting the atrocity above. :laugh:

So, here it is:


Now, I know I'm not Miss America YET, but it just makes me feel good to compare the two and actually see a *hint* of a waist line, and 1 less chin. Lolz. The progress is slow, but it's happening, and I couldn't ask for anything more out of this journey... progress. <3

If you'd like to share some of yours... :flowerforyou:


  • crazebeck
    crazebeck Posts: 70 Member
    Way to go on your journey! I am usually the one always taking pictures and avoid cameras so I didnt have a before shot of my journey. I have a few from here and there but nothing from my heaviest.

    You can definitely see a big difference! You are doing great! Keep up the great work!
  • Kristy7418
    Kristy7418 Posts: 85
    I don't have many because I'm the same and am usually the picture taker because I hate pics of myself but here is one that got tagged on FB from a get together back in April. Yes I untagged myself in the pic.... It's a tad blurry but you can see how big I am. Working on changing that though! You are looking great! Keep up the good work :)

  • LassoOfTruth
    LassoOfTruth Posts: 735 Member
    Thank you both for sharing. I am the one usually taking the pictures, as well. The rare moments a picture is taken, I make sure to scrutinize before anything is done with it. Lolz.

    Small goal: be able to take a picture, once... and look good in it. :P
  • HI

    I put my "cringe" picture as my profile picture because then I see it every time I log in and I find that it motivates me.

    JO x
  • sgk0411
    sgk0411 Posts: 105 Member
    I can't figure out how to get the picture in here. :( but I have a specific cringeworthy one
  • LassoOfTruth
    LassoOfTruth Posts: 735 Member

    I put my "cringe" picture as my profile picture because then I see it every time I log in and I find that it motivates me.

    JO x

    That's a good idea... although, I think I would cry if mine was my profile picture. I like having it around, but not all the time. It'd cause me to eat more, out of sadness. Lolz.
  • Zombella
    Zombella Posts: 491 Member
    Mine has to be a picture of me with my dad and sister at an amusement park. It was from the side and I was like AM I REALLY THAT WIDE?!?! ... also my driver's license picture. I had to get an updated on on my birthday a year ago.. I looked at it and started bawling my eyes out saying when did I get this fat??
  • Katkamm77
    Katkamm77 Posts: 108 Member
    All my pictures make me cringe. I have very few pix of me with my kids and that makes me sad. I don't have many pix of my mom because she was heavy and didn't want her pic taken. So, I make myself get in the pix with them now. But I can't stand to look at the pix after. I've buried my head in the sand for too long.
    I don't know how to add pix. I tried copying the image and pasting it here but, since it didn't show up, I guess that's not how to do it.
  • tampajudy140
    tampajudy140 Posts: 6 Member
  • Katkamm77
    Katkamm77 Posts: 108 Member

    I'm trying but, don't know if this pic is actually going to go through. If it does, I'm the tall one. If it doesn't, it doesn't matter which one I am.

    Nope, didn't work. Oh well, I hated it anyway
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    I was pretty good at avoiding camera's when I was my heaviest. My husband has one on his phone that makes me cringe, but I'm only in a bra and underwear (I don't know what possessed him to take it and keep it). So this is the best I have. It's my drivers license photo, because sadly my license had to be renewed when I was at my heaviest.

    edit: if you really want to see the one that makes me cringe, its here:
    I blurred out some of it (around bra and undies).

    I am still a work in progress, but I'll share with you what I look like now:

    *The two pictures where I have long hair is from around June 23, The rest are July 1