Finally going to do it

Hi. I am new to mfp. My name is Louise, I am 27 and currently weigh 195lb. I have 2 children aged 3 and 4 months.

I have recently given myself a good talking to and realised that now is the time to get healthy again. Before I got married in 2008 I was around 154lb and quite happy with my weight. After I got married and then had my first child the weight crept on until I found myself at 213lb. I decided to lose some weight and managed to lose about 28lb before finding out I was pregnant again. I totally let myself go while pregnant and after my 2nd baby was born found myself back at 213lb. I have lost 18lb so far and aim to reach 154 again where I felt good. I finally feel motivated to really do it this time.


  • ybursto2
    ybursto2 Posts: 22 Member
    Good for you, you got this.
  • floshideaway
    floshideaway Posts: 101 Member
    Hello, I am a lot older (60) but started at the same weight 2 years ago and went down to 127. I am right now 137 due to a lot of events this past year but back on track to lose 5 (127 was too low, I looked sickly, lol..), so if I can do it at my age you sure can too. There is a lot of support on this site. Make sure you keep your diary public so people can help you. Be truthful to yourself and do not omit to log a single bite, it really is the key. Do not guess, make sure you have a scale. It is well worth the effort. Good luck, I know you can do it., feel free to add me as a friend.
  • llouise86
    llouise86 Posts: 5
    Thank you both for your support.
  • stacie102
    stacie102 Posts: 3
    good for can do it!!