help me please have IBS and struggling to lose weight



  • sarahellenx
    Crohn's and colitis are inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) and are very serious and potentially fatal. IBS is inconvenient but it is by no means in the same league as IBD in terms of seriousness as - thankfully - IBS does not cause damage, just symptoms.
  • PepperWorm
    PepperWorm Posts: 1,206
    I have IBS triggered by stress.

    You're doing PERFECTLY fine. You're eating properly. Your body fat is going down. Your measurements are going down. This means that your body composition is changing. The scale won't reflect your muscle gain over fat loss. I have had weeks where I lost nothing, gained, then dropped two pounds. It's all a part of the process.

    Are you taking fiber supplements? If so, HOW MUCH? I had the absolute worst time with fiber supplements awhile ago due to them giving me awful constipation. Now I just do 1 teaspoon of the clear fiber a day in my 1 cup of coffee. It truly helps the cramps.

    Are you taking a probiotic? My doctor recommended one to me and I took it for awhile. It had the opposite effect on me, too. I completely stopped probiotic medication. If you're not taking one, however...try it! It may just help you.

    Have you seen your doctor recently? I had a bad flare up and asked the doctor about the cramps. She prescribed a great anti-bloating/cramping medication. It really helps.

    Under a lot of stress? Exercise! Write in a journal! Do yoga! Nobody is ever going to eliminate stress, but doing something to greatly reduce it will help you in the long run.

    Ugh. People recommending the diets

    I know when I 'cleaned up' my diet that I felt better. I don't eat fried foods or overly greasy foods when I can help it. Very acidic food sometimes has the same effect.

    Good luck OP. Hang in there.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    Try taking Betaine HCL. A homeopathic nutritionist suggested it to me a few years back. (I have IBS-C also) I have an awful time digesting meat, especially red meat. I was so frustrated at being fit and tiny but looking like I was preggers because of my constipation bloat.

    Betaine HCL is the acid in your stomach that breaks food down, many of us do not have enough of it and that is why we get constipated. I get mine at a all natural grocery store but GNC carries it as well, all though the dosage of HCL is lower than what you can find at a health food store. I get the 500 mg and take one in the middle of a big meal, or if I am having red meat, I take one before and one in the middle.

    You can google low HCL and see what you think.

    Good luck!
  • lsegatti
    lsegatti Posts: 77 Member
    You may want to consider taking one food type at a time out of your diet and see if that "helps" in some way. I know that many people say that high fiber grains are the way to go. They make me bloated and they make me gain weight. I do not digest them well. So I switched to a rice bread, rice cakes and crackers, even my one vitamin is made with rice bran oil.........this was a success for me once I told my sister. She gave up wheat 4 years ago and has lost 40 pounds.

    So not only we are what we eat, it is a slow mindful process of figuring out what we can truly eat, feel well and digest. Take it one or two weeks chunks and totally remove a food type out of your diet and see what happens.
  • tlou5
    tlou5 Posts: 497 Member
    I had a very similar problem. Has your GP tested you for Celiac disease? I was diagnosed as IBS for YEARS and felt awful. It wasn't until I started getting super sick due to anemia and electrolyte imbalances that they figured out it was Celiac disease. I have been gluten free for one year now and can not believe how good I feel. Don't let your GP tell you constipation and being overweight aren't symptoms of Celiac disease. They are not the NORM but there is a significant subgroup of people that present with chronic severe constipation and obesity.

    Good luck, however do NOT go gluten free without being tested first please. If it is Celiac you need to know because it is very different than eating gluten free due to IBS or intolerance, and if you are tested AFTER being without gluten you could possibly get a false negative.
  • larsensue
    larsensue Posts: 461 Member
    I have IBS but the other way.... I go all the time. I cut out gluten (mostly) and started taking probiotics (Align) and CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid). I was hugely bloated as soon as I ate anything it seemed and I would go after eating anything. the supplements seem to have brought everything into a state of normalcy. although if I cheet and don't take them or ingest a bunch of gluten I am back to the old problem again.
    I wish you luck with finding what works for you.
    I know how losing and gaining the same 10lbs feels. I have also had the same problem since January and so far I feel better but my pants are still tight, my weight has not changed (except up or down by 4 every other week or so) and I am SOOOO frustrated.
    if you want you can add me as a friend...
  • Rosie4732
    Rosie4732 Posts: 42 Member
    I have ibs. Last year I was on major levels of drugs for acid reflex and chronic stomach/gut cramps and bloating
    For me cutting out white dyed flour and any chemicals or forced rising agents/processed food has really helped
    However I did get clogged up when I first started my diet (I've lost 2st 8oz since jan)
    What I found really helped was -
    Liquorice tea
    Plenty of water and then more
    Increasing healthy fat in diet
    Cutting out white carbs and reducing Red meat to occasional treats - plus low levels of white meat (fish/seafood seems to keep my body the happiest)
    Low carb diet (I still eats oats every day for breakfast but the rest of my carbs come from fresh fruit and veg or beans etc)
    Using reflexology pressure points on the hand (I swear this really does work)
    Adrenaline (I have a horse and Competiton nerves help!)
    It took my body about 4.5 months to get used to the new diet so that I was regular
    I hope you find a solution as I can totally empathise how horrid it is
  • kitticus15
    kitticus15 Posts: 152 Member
    Thank you everyone

    I have had Celiac tests done = clear, negative

    thyroid tests done = closer to high levels

    cross panel bloods tested = all fine

    so it seems I will have to work it out with my diet, looks like it will be trial and effort but will be so worth it when I work it out

    I do find I am sluggish feeling and tired if I eat too much meat, so am cutting back the meat, I also find white bread, past and rice are ok but if I eat brown bread, rice and pasta I bloat up about 7 inches on average within half an hour of eating.

    I do hope one day we find a way of dealing with these symptoms and make everyone's life easier and bloat/pain free
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    Thank you everyone

    I have had Celiac tests done = clear, negative

    thyroid tests done = closer to high levels

    cross panel bloods tested = all fine

    so it seems I will have to work it out with my diet, looks like it will be trial and effort but will be so worth it when I work it out

    I do find I am sluggish feeling and tired if I eat too much meat, so am cutting back the meat, I also find white bread, past and rice are ok but if I eat brown bread, rice and pasta I bloat up about 7 inches on average within half an hour of eating.

    I do hope one day we find a way of dealing with these symptoms and make everyone's life easier and bloat/pain free

    There is, it is called HCL and enzymes that you get a GNC. I have the same issue, the dr even put me on Zelnorm, that crap killed people. It took a homeopath to tell me how to cure me, naturally. I was in pain 10 freaking years before finding this out. I was PISSED!
  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    I had IBS like symptoms for 7 years still have problems from time to time. I can tell from your posts that our triggers food wise are already different except for meat. That did not agree with me at all. When I stopped eating meat I got better for a month. Then back to like before. A bit later someone told me cheese might be a new problem. So, only eat cheese on rare occasions it turns out I am ok with smallish amounts it was probably the 6 ounces a day that was the problem. I cut out milk as well and that also seems to have helped. All I know is I am not in extreme pain anymore and I rarely have an emergency situation. Those emergency situations caused a bit of agoraphobia if you know what I mean.
  • amoymh
    amoymh Posts: 44
    Hi dear-sorry for your frustrations. I too have IBS and its a pain in the but-I know. 100% Whole grain bread, lean meats and fish works wonder and staying away from acidic foods (Ketchup, vinegar etc...) helps as well because it doesnt irritate the mucosal linings of our already sensitive gastrointestinal system. The extra fibre and gallons of water I drink allows food to pass freely (and painlessly) through my system and I have no troubles in the bathroom department. Hope this helps!-Good luck girl, you will get through it :)
  • vaporhockey83
    vaporhockey83 Posts: 84 Member
    I have IBS as well. Stress definitely has an impact on the entire digestion. My doctor originally said try Metamucil or other fiber types, but I was bloating up and couldn't have a single movement. I'd start by dropping that. My doctor also gave me a medication known as Amitiza. It's for IBS folks with constipation. I can attest to having results in 30 minutes. You can use it as needed. I rarely use it anymore. Over the counter, you can try Miralax types. If the stress is getting to you, you might even be prescribed an anti-depressant as serotonin is key in digestion. I've taken to probiotics and that Amitiza to keep my digestion woes away. Not trying to push pills or meds, but in my personal situation, it helped a lot. Hope you feel better and get well.
  • angelahammon
    angelahammon Posts: 114 Member
    I suffer with IBS too, and find one week i can go every day as normal and then the next week lucky if i can go once a week, I have tried dried prunes and apricots , and they have made me go occasionally , the first time i had them i had a lot and they made me go two hours after eating them, also Peppermint tea is good for helping to support your digestive system and help go too, plenty of water or all the fibre will bung you up, I know how difficult it is suffering with IBS, try not to stress about your weight as this could be not helping either
  • Kittyvicious1
    Kittyvicious1 Posts: 190 Member
    have you tried yogurt with probiotics? you can also buy probiotics otc and put it in your food. Probiotics helps digestion
  • MyJourney1960
    MyJourney1960 Posts: 1,133 Member
    I no longer eat any junk food, I eat plenty of veg and a smaller amount of fruit as the recommendations are 2 of your 5 a day to be fruit the rest veg, it has been a long standing problem 16+ years, on paper everything is correct and I should be losing weight, the tape measure has shown reductions, the bodyfat readings have shown reductions, the scale shows nothing, if I do lose weight within a couple of days it shows it as back, so it seems I am losing and gaining the same 10lbs.

    I don't even want junk food now, the smell and taste makes me feel sick, GP has said its one of those things and looks like this is how I will be, no point in fighting it, just continue to eat healthy and exercise.

    its just soul destroying to know I am eating healthy and exercising but that this IBS is the problem, GP thinks it will stop after menopause as my periods are a trigger for IBS, stress causes my periods to go out of wack and scale not showing all the work is stressing me. I am in a very vicious circle :(
    so you ARE losing weight, it's just not showing up on the scale. you say that your body is getting smaller (tape measure) and your bodyfat is decreasing. Please stop stressing about the scale - hide it for a few weeks. as long as you are getting smaller, you are doing something right. continue measuring and take pictures of yourself in a gym outfit every few weeks so you can see the difference.
  • JoyceMccormack1958
    JoyceMccormack1958 Posts: 22 Member
    Sometimes a high fibre diet can cause problems . I have a son who suffered from chronic constipation and I can sympathise with you. There seems to be no magical cure, just plenty of fluids and a varied diet nothing over processed. Make your own bread - these quickly made commercial loaves are seriously bad, go for something with. Slow rise time, mix the dough in the morning leave it somewhere cool and shape it into loaves in the evening and whack in the oven an hour or so later. Keep the diet varied and the meals small and more frequent so that your colon doesn't have to cope with too much at once. This seemed to work for him anyway.
  • LauraHasABabyJack
    LauraHasABabyJack Posts: 629 Member
    IBS is miserable and I can sympathize though mine is the opposite. My son had horrible issues pooping until we cut out dairy. That's made life so much easier- he goes completely on his own! He can't drink milk at all or it stops him right back up. Yogurt is ok as a little cheese though I can always tell when he's had too much. My triggers are sugar, dairy and stress, especially stress (holidays can be rough).
  • kitticus15
    kitticus15 Posts: 152 Member
    Doctor referred me to weight management and it's them that are having a go at me for the scale not going down, it really annoys me cos it causes me more stress and I even told them if they aren't happy do they want me to stop eating?

    Seems they are happy to take the scale into account and nothing else...
  • karekare413
    I have suffered from IBS for 20 years now. I do not have constipation. I have diarrhea, unfortunately. Actually, I'd have to say it's mixed. But I definitely have a pattern. I won't go for a few days, then I will bloat, get hot, cramp and go to the bathroom three times. Each time it's softer and softer until a blow out. (sorry, all conversations turn to poop eventually! LOL) I also have a rectal fissure (chronic) that I am trying to avoid having surgery for. So, I take a stool softener. The bad thing about the softener is one of the ingredients is sorbitol. IBS suffers should avoid sorbitol at all costs. I found out recently that my favorite Special K cereal bars contain sorbitol. It's a natural laxative found in a lot of fruits but it is also in gum and added to foods for flavor. There are others within the same family and I believe they are called "xylotols". Could be wrong, but google it. Red meat is a trigger for me. Small amounts I do okay with. A steak, not so much. And I love steak. Dairy is a trigger and I love ice cream. Sometimes I suffer and eat it anyway. One thing that is been a life saver for me -probiotics. My symptoms have markedly improved since beginning them. I use Colon Health, but you could anything that works for you. I don't like yogurt, so I use a pill form.

    For years, I was on an anti-depressant for IBS. There were times I needed it and I am glad it helped in more ways than one. Now, I no longer need meds and I am working with my diet to help with IBS. I wish I had tried this years ago. I'm only 45 and it started when I was in college in my 20s.

    In addition, I am a very picky eater. I like fruits, some veggies, chicken, pork, ham, turkey, beef (in very limited amounts if any at all). I love pasta and have had to try and switch to whole wheat for better nutrition. And, I started using this app for a healthier lifestyle and it's working.
  • coral_b
    coral_b Posts: 264 Member
    I'm still battling my IBS, and think it is the reason i retain weight. I've stuck to 1300 cals and exercised daily for 40 days- no drop!
    My main trigger is milk, i now have lacto free and things are much better with symptoms. Still get the odd flare up from toomuch wheat/gluten but it's better than it was- as for weight loss, FODMAP is fabulous! however it's quite strict and I struggled and reverted back. If I havent lost in a month i'll be going back to boring but effective FODMAP.
    Good luck xx