Hello, I'm new

Hi there. My name is Michelle. I am new here. I have heard many great things about MFP and thought I'd give it a go. A little background on me:

When I was 29, I was almost 200 lbs and miserable. I decided for my 30th birthday, I wanted to run a 5K. I knew I needed to lose some weight and set my goal at about 20 lbs. I started by cutting out the obvious junk: fast food, processed food, sweets, fried foods. Over the course of a few months, I started dropping weight and when I crossed the line for my 1st 5K, I was a size 8, down from a 14/16. I then added in weights and continued to run. I ended up getting down to a size 4. I maintained that up until about 2 1/2 years ago. I slowly added on weight and now, I'm back where I started and miserable.

I had my workouts and diet so balanced, I never thought I'd reach this point again. I get angry at myself because I know what i should be doing. I have started walking again, about 2 miles at least 4-5 times a week.

My problem is eating: I am a major emotional eater right now. I have had a lot happen and I keep turning to food. I need to get this under control.

So here I am. My goal is to lose 30 lbs, see where I am then and decide if I am good where I am or If I want to keep going.

Thank you for reading.


  • __delete
    __delete Posts: 245 Member
  • chelstakencharge
    chelstakencharge Posts: 1,021 Member
    Welcome...feel free to send a FR!
  • amieleighmac84
    amieleighmac84 Posts: 40 Member
    Hi! :) Sent you an add request!
  • bumpusburn
    bumpusburn Posts: 6 Member
    Welcome, it sounds like you know what it takes and where your struggles are, once you know that it is just a matter of controlling. Perhaps when emotional eating reach for some jerky or almonds at least that way ti is healthy.

    I know what it is like to go up and down, I am 33 and three times in my life I have lost 80 lbs or more two of which I put it back on. This latest time I have lost 121 lbs and have kept it off for a year and a never felt better. If you need some buddies send me a request, I am happy to accept it, you can even see my diary for some meal and snack ideas!
  • yellowsnowdrop
    yellowsnowdrop Posts: 154 Member
    I've been there done that and got the Tee to prove it !! Firstly don't panic, if you're serious about wanting to shed those pounds then you will and you know you can as you've done it before.
    I think that most of this getting fit/loosing weight mullarkey is a mind thing, convince your mind you can do it and miracles can and will happen. I've just strted going to the gym (at the grand middle age of 54) and I LOVE it mainly because I talked myself out of my couch potato lifestyle and decided I wanted to do something better for ME.
    Please feel free to add me if you want, I'm in the U.K. so time difference comes into play here.
  • churchchipmunk
    churchchipmunk Posts: 83 Member
    Hi there!!! Feel free to add me!!!!! I love MFP and it really does work!!!!!
  • MissyShelle776
    Thank you everyone for such warm welcomes. You are so right about the mental thing. When I lost the weight before, it was so much a mental thing. When I ran, I would envision myself reaching a goal: Crossing a finish line, placing in a race, etc.

    The one thing I always go back to is that when I started running, it wasn't about losing weight. IT was just about running a race. The weight was a nice bonus. I remember going into the dressing room before the race to try on some clothes. 12's were too big, 10's were too big. I slid into a pair of 8s and started crying. I never imagined I could do that. A few months later when I slid into a pair of 4s, I was overwhelmed.

    That is the first time i had ever really lost a substantial amount of weight and i was so proud because I did it in a healthy way. No fad diets, no pills, no gimmicks, just good old fashioned exercise and good food.

    So knowing all that, I know I have absolutely no excuses. NONE. So I'm trying to get myself back into that mindset again.

    One good thing I did was give up soda almost 5 weeks ago. Now I just drink unsweetened iced tea or water. My next goal is to cut back on sugar and processed foods.

    I always go back to two things a very wise woman told me: Anything can be accomplished if you are willing to be uncomfortable for a while and When you really want something bad enough, you do it.

    So again, thank you.
  • Colliey
    Colliey Posts: 19 Member
    MissyShelle77, would love to join together with a new newby. There was so much on your post that I could relate too! Maybe a down under prospective would be different.
  • ReddHott77
    ReddHott77 Posts: 49 Member
    HI, I sent you a request! Let's Do This!!!
  • jurgie18
    jurgie18 Posts: 150 Member
    Welcome! I have been there. I lost 30 pounds and slowly through stress eating and not exercising I gained it all back. I am 31 years old and I feel like crap and ready for a change. Good luck with your journey! Add me if you would like :smile:
  • WilliamsPeggy
    WilliamsPeggy Posts: 440 Member
    Hello Michelle. Welcome to MFP! It is an amazing resource if you use it consistently. I am a dedicated logger. Please add me if you want some encouragement. :smile: