Hanging out with my husband at...a strip club?



  • goalss4nika
    goalss4nika Posts: 529 Member
    They don't let you touch

    You're going to the wrong strip clubs.

    Maybe, I am but It's all good. I still enjoy myself :drinker:
  • AprilRenewed
    AprilRenewed Posts: 691 Member
    I've been to a strip club several times with DH and a few of his friends. The rule is I tip the girls when they walk by the table. It's funny because the strippers all know how much guys like girls on girl..so they will flirt with YOU before they'll flirt with your husband.

    As for the lap dance...my husband was going to pay a girl to do that for me, but they wouldn't allow him in the room, so we didn't do it. I was okay with it if we had. Mainly because it would turn my husband on, and it turns me on to know he's turned on. LOL

    I have a good time. But I can understand why someone might be more nervous. My husband and I have a very, very secure relationship and totally trust each other. He doesn't even want to go to a strip club without me. And we only go because he has one friend who, until he got a girlfriend, really wouldn't go out unless we joined him there.
  • escloflowneCHANGED
    escloflowneCHANGED Posts: 3,038 Member
    They don't let you touch

    You're going to the wrong strip clubs.

    Come to Canada!
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    It's not as bad as it seems.

    I've been to the local one a few times with the ex husband and then again with a boyfriend.

    I felt totally out of place, but no more so than I did at Hooters, initially. Once in...piece of cake. What was FUN was when the ex hubs got a little ticked that I was getting more attention than the guys, bwahaha. That, and like Hooters, women are treated really well in there. Or at least that's been my experience.

    I agree with the poster that said go, but don't jump right into the lap dances. Let YOUR comfort level be your guide. :smile:

    I think it's cool that you are open to this. :) Your hubs is a lucky guy!
  • JenCatwalk
    JenCatwalk Posts: 285 Member
    Being confident helps. Nothing wrong with looking, staring even(they're used to it). I admired their beauty more then anything. Dont touch them tho. My boyfrnd and I went to a few of them. A few of them might come to the table to try to get you to agree to a private dance, or a threesome even. That's where it gets expensive. Just don't bring too much money, be yourself, laugh of you want to. Lapdances can be fun, but its ok if you don't like it because the stripper just cares about getting the money. If you dont want a lapdance say ao. And dont worry too much about it and try to have fun.
  • LATeagno
    LATeagno Posts: 620 Member
    OK, so say I say "honey, let's do this. But let's skip out on the lap dances for the first time so that I can get a feel for the place."

    I think he'll be OK with that. I think. That is, until some chick with giant chesticles (I sound like I'm 5, but I'm trying to keep this PG... lol) is all like "hey, baby, you like these?" Then he's going to look at me like "please, mommy? can i pleaseeeee have the candy?" Haha....

    OK, let's say that doesn't happen. How do you tip? I thought you put money in their underwear or something? And how do you tip? Is it like... here's a dollar? Here's a five. Here's a ten. Like... is there a percentage or something? LOL... What's considered to be an average tip for a non-lap dance? What about for a lap dance? How much is a lap dance?

    If I WERE to get a lap dance, am I supposed to like... stare at the chick? Look at my husband? Am I supposed to be all looking at him like, "look, honey, a threesome! imagine yourself with us!" Or am I supposed to be like, "Well golly gee, ma'am, you sure do have some pretty long acrylic nails. And those clear shoes are just gorg--where did you get them?"

    I'm realizing right now at this very moment that I sound like I've been quarantined in a church bell tower for the last 29 years of my life.
  • RobynLB83
    RobynLB83 Posts: 626 Member
    Strip clubs are not as awkward as you might imagine. The girls are usually pretty nice... as long as you are tipping them... just make sure you are always tipping them. The dancing itself is pretty hot and entertaining... some of those girls are straight up acrobats, and you can appreciate that even if you don't get the sex appeal (which... how could you not?). Think of it as a research expedition... to get some ideas of your own.

    If you don't want a lap dance, and that's where I think I'd draw the line too (because I really don't like lots of touching from anyone I don't know) then just let your husband get one. You might be more comfortable if you pick the girl out. They go around, and they chat with the guests, and you might chat with someone who makes you feel comfortable... like this is just entertainment, she doesn't want to sleep with your dude, she's just a broke pretty college kid with nice boobs and loads of body confidence who would rather work at DejaVu than Denny's.
  • mank32
    mank32 Posts: 1,323 Member
    strip clubs are AWESOME for women. everyone there is happy to see you, especially the dancers. look but don't touch, UNLESS you are explicitely directed to do so (and you probably will--dancers seem to like hamming it up with girl patrons: it's a good show). if you're not comfortable leave, or find another place to sit. DON'T make yourself stay there if you are not comfortable. you may get a lot of looks and smiles from the other patrons, and from the dancers too. i think dancers like M-F couples because 1) the male is very UNLIKELY to be a (grabby, inappropriate, mouthy, etc.) problem and 2) the female is a potential source of a good girl-on-girl display, which is highly popular (in addition to the fact that a F is ALSO highly unlikely to be a problem).

    + your man gets to look at gorgeous naked women
    + your man gets to SHOW OFF HIS OWN gorgeous, STEADY woman (to the jealousy of the other male patrons: ego boost for him)
    + you get to see other men completely enraptured by other women
    + you get to see your man get excited
    + you get to BE the entertainment for a few minutes, maybe, if you (and the dancers) want to
    + you get to be admired by other men just for showing up
    + you both get the chance to stoke the fires, so to speak, for yourselves for later

    if any one of the above gives you a sick feeling, DON'T DO IT. if any of the above gives you a nervous feeling, go about it with an open mind and don't feel obligated to stick with it if you get creeped out. it's not for everyone.

    i like strip clubs. but then again i'm a girl, so they're not intended for me and it's a completely different experience.
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Strip clubs are not as awkward as you might imagine. The girls are usually pretty nice... as long as you are tipping them... just make sure you are always tipping them. The dancing itself is pretty hot and entertaining... some of those girls are straight up acrobats, and you can appreciate that even if you don't get the sex appeal (which... how could you not?). Think of it as a research expedition... to get some ideas of your own.

    If you don't want a lap dance, and that's where I think I'd draw the line too (because I really don't like lots of touching from anyone I don't know) then just let your husband get one. You might be more comfortable if you pick the girl out. They go around, and they chat with the guests, and you might chat with someone who makes you feel comfortable... like this is just entertainment, she doesn't want to sleep with your dude, she's just a broke pretty college kid with nice boobs and loads of body confidence who would rather work at DejaVu than Denny's.


    ETA: I chose the wrong road...when I was young enough to pull something like that off, I got manhandled by old men at Denny's. :bigsmile:
  • TyTy76
    TyTy76 Posts: 1,761 Member
    OK, so say I say "honey, let's do this. But let's skip out on the lap dances for the first time so that I can get a feel for the place."

    I think he'll be OK with that. I think. That is, until some chick with giant chesticles (I sound like I'm 5, but I'm trying to keep this PG... lol) is all like "hey, baby, you like these?" Then he's going to look at me like "please, mommy? can i pleaseeeee have the candy?" Haha....

    OK, let's say that doesn't happen. How do you tip? I thought you put money in their underwear or something? And how do you tip? Is it like... here's a dollar? Here's a five. Here's a ten. Like... is there a percentage or something? LOL... What's considered to be an average tip for a non-lap dance? What about for a lap dance? How much is a lap dance?

    If I WERE to get a lap dance, am I supposed to like... stare at the chick? Look at my husband? Am I supposed to be all looking at him like, "look, honey, a threesome! imagine yourself with us!" Or am I supposed to be like, "Well golly gee, ma'am, you sure do have some pretty long acrylic nails. And those clear shoes are just gorg--where did you get them?"

    I'm realizing right now at this very moment that I sound like I've been quarantined in a church bell tower for the last 29 years of my life.

    You're wayyyyy over thinking this.

    Go, have fun...if you don't have fun, don't go again.
  • _Wild_Card_
    _Wild_Card_ Posts: 124 Member
    Get a couple's dance. You and your husband will be sat on a loveseat sized couch. You two can touch each other a little while the girl or girls do their thing all over the both of you.
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    Just go....have a couple drinks and feel it out (heh). you may find that you have a great time. hope your husband is prepared for YOU to get more attention than himself. strippers love when chicks come in...men tend to be creepy and the ladies just wanna party and have fun (so says a stripper i know lol).
  • LATeagno
    LATeagno Posts: 620 Member
    I'm OK. I swear I am. lol
  • Elliesque
    Elliesque Posts: 156 Member
    You tip them whatever you want. But, if you go to a high end club with really high end girls you usually don't tip in dollar bills - you look at least $5+ and you only tip the ones you want to, you don't have to tip them all. Just relax, really! If you get a lap dance just go with it, look at her, look at your hubby, just have fun - there is no rule book (just dont touch the girl lol).
  • LATeagno
    LATeagno Posts: 620 Member

    "You're wayyyyy over thinking this.

    Go, have fun...if you don't have fun, don't go again."

    Sorry, quotes got screwed up.

    Haha... I know I am. I think I just need to be plastered first and then I'll be OK. Clear booze and diet soda here I come. It's Friday morning, so I should probably start now so I'm good and unconscious by the time hubby gets home from work. LOL
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,669 Member
    I took my ex girlfriend to a strip club and she was more amazed at some of the actual dancing and music. I haven't been to one in awhile (2010), but when I go, it's definitely for the music.:wink:

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • CountingCaloriesSuxass
    CountingCaloriesSuxass Posts: 387 Member
    You overthinking this..nothing to be nervous about...yea there's gonna be naked women, so what? Go and have fun..second and third time is always better
  • LATeagno
    LATeagno Posts: 620 Member
    Get a couple's dance. You and your husband will be sat on a loveseat sized couch. You two can touch each other a little while the girl or girls do their thing all over the both of you.

    Ohhh, this is a thing? This sounds pretty awesome. Thanks!
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    I went to one in Vegas. I was very turned on the whole time. It was 3 couples and one of my cousins felt really awkward and it was obvious she didn't like it and we had to leave. If you don't park some where to throw money or 'insert' money or pay chicks to crawl all over you... then you gotta keep it moving. You can't just stand around and gawk at the whole scene. LOL

    It was an experience!
  • LATeagno
    LATeagno Posts: 620 Member
    PS: You guys are all super awesome! I feel better about this already. =)