Healthy food suggestions


Does anyone have a healthy suggestion for breakfast/lunch/dinner?

Currently have for breakfast: -
1x wheatabix
Cup of tea
Low fat milk

222 calories

Either: -

Mashed potato


Ham, cheese & salad roll

500 - 1000 calories estimate


Packet of instant noddles

143 calories

Few cup of tea during the day

Any new ideas ye may have would be greatly welcomed.

Thanks in advance,



  • moosenbratsmommy
    on my good days i like to have...
    an egg or 2 with a little cheese for breakfast... or an english muffin with an egg and a couple slices of turkey meat and a slice of cheese

    lunch- string cheese, tomato, land o' frost turkey slices and a jell-o

    and for dinner turkey breast or turkey patty- or chicken breast- or fish
    ~~with brocolli or salad or brussel sprouts

    (now i'm trying myoplex lite for breakfast)
  • bonnienm
    bonnienm Posts: 329 Member
    A piece of whole wheat toast with a tsp jam, no butter. Yogurt with 1/8 c. Kashi Go Lean Crunch Cereal, banana with 1 tsp PB, any fruit, a few almonds.
  • ejschantz85
    Well Breakfast
    There's fruit of any kind
    *Apples are a negative calorie food because it burns more calorie to digest them that what you consume*
    Hard boiled egg
    Scrambled egg (use whites for less calories)
    Kashi cereal, I use Soy Milk b'c I do not have tolerance for milk
    Granola bard (Natures Valley)
    Protein Bar (Cliff Bars are good and mostly organic)
    Tea with honey or Splenda if you like sweeter tasting tea
    Slim Fast with soy milk or a protein shake

    For your roll try this
    1 to 2 slices Ham
    1 to 2 slices of American Cheese
    Wheat Tortilla Shells
    1 tbp of lite mayo
    This will cut the calories down and it's pretty good

    I would bake the potato
  • millerll
    millerll Posts: 873 Member

    Here's what I recommend as food options:

    Yogurt (greek is best, but any low-fat, low-sugar option will do)
    fresh fruit - I like bananas or apples
    Oatmeal or bulgur wheat
    whole wheat toast with a little honey or natural (no sugar) peanut butter or alnond butter

    Lean protein (chicken or turkey)
    Steamed veggies
    Fresh fruit
    Leafy green salad with tomatoes and peppers

    Lean protein
    Steamed veggies
    Carb - brown rice, wheat pasta, quinoa

    Some tips: I work long hours and don't have a lot of time to mess with my food. On Sundays (my day off), I bake a bunch or chicken and turkey breasts seasoned with Mrs. Dash (a salt-free spice). Then I live off them all week. I also make crockpot meals - you can search this site for some yummy, healthy recipes. Those last for days as well. I use a lot of frozen, no-salt added, no sauce added veggies. At night, I measure out my chicken breast and 2-3 cups of veggies. I add cut up peppers and onions to the veggies to add a little zest, and add Mrs. Dash when I steam them up at work in the microwave.

    I make my own fruit salad of cut up cantaloupe, pineapple, apple, blueberries, strawberries, raspberries - whatever strikes my fancy that week. I also do this on Sunday and measure out 2 cups of it into containers. Then in the morning, I just grab the next one out of the fridge and off I go. Ditto with cut up carrots and celery. For snacks at work, I have low-fat string cheese, Babybel cheeses, Laughing Cow light cheese wedges, etc. I also keep almonds and macadamia nuts in my desk at work for snacks. My green salad has lemon juice and Mrs. Dash seasoning as dressing - no calories.

    Basically, I do most of my food prep on the weekend and live off it all week. I use a food scale to make sure my portions are accurate. Unfortunately, I don't care for seafood, so I mostly eat chicken and turkey, with red meat once a week or so.

    I think you need to add more fresh fruit and veggies, and up your lean protein, especially since you run a lot. I lift a lot of weights, so I always make sure to get enough protein every day.

    Hope this helps. Good luck!
  • mm3898
    mm3898 Posts: 138 Member
    Well Breakfast
    There's fruit of any kind
    *Apples are a negative calorie food because it burns more calorie to digest them that what you consume*
    Hard boiled egg
    Scrambled egg (use whites for less calories)
    Kashi cereal, I use Soy Milk b'c I do not have tolerance for milk
    Granola bard (Natures Valley)
    Protein Bar (Cliff Bars are good and mostly organic)
    Tea with honey or Splenda if you like sweeter tasting tea
    Slim Fast with soy milk or a protein shake

    For your roll try this
    1 to 2 slices Ham
    1 to 2 slices of American Cheese
    Wheat Tortilla Shells
    1 tbp of lite mayo
    This will cut the calories down and it's pretty good

    I would bake the potato

    Not sure about the negative calorie bit... An empire apple (small) is 80 calories... a hard boiled egg is 70 calories, so by that logic, an egg would also be a negative calorie food. I like your food ideas, all great stuff, but I really wouldn't believe too much about negative calorie foods!
  • Kminor67
    Kminor67 Posts: 900 Member
    Feel free to look at my food log.
  • lizmccl
    lizmccl Posts: 9 Member
    Breakfast I usually have Cheerios... I'm having multi-grain now with non-fat milk or instant cream of wheat w fruit
    Lunch - I have a salad or ham and turkey on potato wheat bread (very yummy) w mustard
    Dinner - I try to eat what the family is eating but control my portions and make sure I'm eating more veggies and meats then starches
    I aim to have an activia light yogurt for dessert at night with I think its non-fat redi whip!!!!

    My biggest issue is that I'm a picky eater!!!!