


  • booker2shoes
    booker2shoes Posts: 50 Member
    I have a FitBit, and get to see how all of the walking around while cleaning adds up to calories burned on MFP. SERIOUS motivation! I also watch Hoarders: Buried Alive, which makes me get off my *kitten* and clean like a maniac!

    Try logging your cleaning as a workout. You may find the calorie burn more motivating than the clean house.
  • tennileb
    tennileb Posts: 265 Member
    I've modified flylady's routines to suit me, and I find it helps. Also having friends who drop in without warning helps too, I never know when I might have company so I have to keep the mess minimized.
  • PamGeirng
    PamGeirng Posts: 165 Member
    Years ago before I really liked things clean and tidy all the time I would watch T.V. and would get up during the commercials and clean like a crazy person. If you do this during every commercial segment you can get a lot done and you don't have to miss your show or shows. I would set a timer for the internet or other things and do equal time 30 internet = 30 min cleaning. :bigsmile:
  • HealthyBrandi
    HealthyBrandi Posts: 45 Member
    Thanks for all of the suggestions everyone! Everyone is motivating. I have each of the bedrooms completed so far.
  • toridehaven
    When I am feeling truly unmotivated and glued to the TV, I use commercial times for chores. Whenever a commercial comes on I get up and do something around the house. That gives you a good three to five minutes before your show comes on!
  • dnunny70
    dnunny70 Posts: 411 Member
    I have 2 kids & a dog, I HAVE to tidy up daily. Then, I do my major cleaning on the weekend. Put on some music, light some candles and go at it.

    I love when my house is clean and I have a few candles lit...reminds me...need to fold laundry, load the dishwasher...etc. :):laugh:
  • AJinBirmingham
    If you really don't like it - outsource it! Life is too short . . .

    I outsourced my cleaning for years - I actually enjoy it, but was just too busy. The key to finding good home help is NOT to hire a professional.

    Professionals seem to have one cleaning template that they apply to all homes - and it may not fit yours. They also focus more on doing things than getting them done - a subtle but important difference.

    Network around for a grad student who's bright, hardworking, follows directions well and needs some extra cash - then take them through exactly what you want done each week. You may have to hire/fire more than one before you find someone who's a good fit, but when you do, pay well, include bonuses, and provide constant feedback - positive and "constructive."

    It's not as expensive as you think - and knowing it's all going to be done, all the time makes life better.