Friends with a sweet tooth (like me!)

I have a small group of friends on here so far, and I'm looking for more that struggle with the same thing I do - a sweet tooth! I think it helps when you know one another's pain. Feel free to add me... :smile:


  • nightrose117
    i struggle with jellybabies..(love them).. all they are is sugar.... and i have diabetes... i'll send a friend request.... every time you feel the need for sweet things.... i'll be there screaming
  • _KrisMarie_
    _KrisMarie_ Posts: 146
    Thanks!! I definitely need that!
  • origamixstarzz
    origamixstarzz Posts: 15 Member
    My struggle is sour patch kids. I can't get enough of them. They are like my addiction. :love:
  • junco1971
    junco1971 Posts: 26 Member
    If there is ice cream in the freezer all bets are off. I can't say no lol
  • adchill
    adchill Posts: 51 Member
    I suffer from a sweet tooth like crazy. When I say sweets I mean candy, jelly beans, chocolate , etc. not fruit. I feel like I need something sweet after every meal. I feel alone because I tell people that and they just do not understand.
  • sbrownallison
    sbrownallison Posts: 314 Member
    Lifelong problem with that. The only solution for me has been tough love and controlling my environment. Yes, that means I no longer eat desserts (i.e. cakes, cookies, candy, etc.) because I cannot control over-eating them. I no longer bake sweets unless I am taking them away to someone else's home. If I buy a dessert for guests coming to dinner, I send the rest home with them and I do not eat a serving of it myself. I know that if there's a cake in my house, it will never see the morning light. It has taken me years to understand and accept this. I know there are people who can handle these kinds of foods: I am not one of them. Several years ago (before my epiphany about this), I was eating a candy bar. I realized that I was not even enjoying it because I was thinking about how good the next one would be (I had more in my desk drawer). Pretty soon the bag of "fun size" (what a lie that name is) bars was completely gone. And I was, once again, almost 200 lbs. Today, I am five pounds from my goal weight of 126.5 lbs, thanks to MFP, Fitbit, and my own self-imposed dietary restrictions. I bow to those who can handle these kinds of foods responsibly. Me, I'm apparently an addict.
  • chelstakencharge
    chelstakencharge Posts: 1,021 Member
    Oh gosh....those dang milk duds call my name from the store parking lot!!!
  • _KrisMarie_
    _KrisMarie_ Posts: 146
    If there is ice cream in the freezer all bets are off. I can't say no lol

    Oh yes, I hear that! Ice cream is the devil! ;-)
  • _KrisMarie_
    _KrisMarie_ Posts: 146
    I suffer from a sweet tooth like crazy. When I say sweets I mean candy, jelly beans, chocolate , etc. not fruit. I feel like I need something sweet after every meal. I feel alone because I tell people that and they just do not understand.

    You're not alone! I'm the same way - the meal is over and bam! Where's the sweets??
  • _KrisMarie_
    _KrisMarie_ Posts: 146
    Lifelong problem with that. The only solution for me has been tough love and controlling my environment. Yes, that means I no longer eat desserts (i.e. cakes, cookies, candy, etc.) because I cannot control over-eating them. I no longer bake sweets unless I am taking them away to someone else's home. If I buy a dessert for guests coming to dinner, I send the rest home with them and I do not eat a serving of it myself. I know that if there's a cake in my house, it will never see the morning light. It has taken me years to understand and accept this. I know there are people who can handle these kinds of foods: I am not one of them. Several years ago (before my epiphany about this), I was eating a candy bar. I realized that I was not even enjoying it because I was thinking about how good the next one would be (I had more in my desk drawer). Pretty soon the bag of "fun size" (what a lie that name is) bars was completely gone. And I was, once again, almost 200 lbs. Today, I am five pounds from my goal weight of 126.5 lbs, thanks to MFP, Fitbit, and my own self-imposed dietary restrictions. I bow to those who can handle these kinds of foods responsibly. Me, I'm apparently an addict.

    Oh my gosh, I completely relate to this! I know better; I mean, I used to be a health educator. I KNOW! But I can't just eat a serving of ice cream, a small piece of candy. Nope, it doesn't work. The problem for me then is when I've totally quit something, I'll be fine for a while, but then I binge on the sweets really badly. Kudos to you! I haven't yet found exactly what works for me...
  • wisebuys
    wisebuys Posts: 51 Member
    Me, I have a sweet mouth. I don't eat cakes, pies, cookies or ice cream anymore and still eat double my sugar allowance almost daily. I am a fruit addict. I've replaced ice cream with fruit smoothies and must have at least a bit of chocolate and a caramel nip daily. Add me if you like.
  • colvin14
    colvin14 Posts: 4
    Hey, My name is Antonette. I'm 51 years old and I'm a nurse. I love sweets too! I also like healthy foods like salads and veges. I don't eat much meat but I sure do like deserts, which is my weakness. My goal is to decrease my sweets and eat more healthy and continue to exercise and try to get enough protein in my diet.:smile:
  • _KrisMarie_
    _KrisMarie_ Posts: 146
    Me, I have a sweet mouth. I don't eat cakes, pies, cookies or ice cream anymore and still eat double my sugar allowance almost daily. I am a fruit addict. I've replaced ice cream with fruit smoothies and must have at least a bit of chocolate and a caramel nip daily. Add me if you like.

    Better fruit than desserts though!
  • sdesmond2
    sdesmond2 Posts: 14 Member
    I can so relate, although I think I have more of a "sweet brain" than just a tooth. Especially in the afternoons and after meals.

    I was raised by parents that lived through the depression, and over compensated for that with sweets.(It makes sense. They had nothing growing up. Food meant everything.) It was not unusual for my mother to make 13 different kinds of cookies at Christmas time. We always had dessert after dinner, whether we finished the meal or not, and often afternoon snacks were, you guessed it, cookies and milk.

    Yes, Mom did develop diabetes in her 70's, just like her mother. So, here I am, approaching my 50's and taking a good long look at what I am putting into my body and why. I can't just substitute a piece of fruit for a cookie. It goes deeper than that.

    Hang in there. And let me know if you come up with some healthier alternatives.
  • youngcaseyr
    youngcaseyr Posts: 293 Member
    One word: chocolate
  • rCatheriner
    rCatheriner Posts: 48 Member
    Oh yes! I can't get through the day without at least 1 piece of chocolate. Recently I've been keeping a bag of dark chocolate hershey's bliss chocolate in my desk and having 1 or 2 pieces after lunch. They're only 30 calories apiece so it doesn't mess up my day too much.

    I also identify with the eating dessert after every dinner- that's how I grew up and I think I'm finally getting over a little bit.

    Anyone who wants some support is free to friend me!
  • Me2FitMe
    Me2FitMe Posts: 1,284 Member
    All sorts of sweets... but baked goods and chocolate!! OMG!!!
  • jhodgee
    jhodgee Posts: 2 Member
    My favorite sneak is a spoon w/peannut butter dipped in the chocolate chip bag, then I savor it -mmmm.

    BUT I just found this awesome peanut putter
    JUST GREAT STUFF -organic peanut butter, it is powder and you mix it w/water and substitute this in a recipe - plus 85% less fat, yum.

    here is the link
  • MiKiTzLi
    MiKiTzLi Posts: 8 Member
    My struggle is dark chocolate covered anything and all kinds of bread. Help!
  • AMS58
    AMS58 Posts: 183 Member
    I am the queen of sweet tooth problems..... I can't keep anything sweet in the house cause I hear it calling me all the time.... especially after dinner. I am learning to keep gum in the kitchen and have a piece after dinner to put that sweet taste in my mouth, it works better some days than others. Please feel free to add me :flowerforyou: