My Treadmill Loves Me; Wine and Chocolate Do Not

sdesmond2 Posts: 14 Member
Hello All,

I have been using the app off and on for a few months. I've started to take it more seriously as I'm pushing 50 and the weight I have gained seems to have moved in and refuses to be evicted!

I want my body back. I want to be able to fit comfortably in my clothes, and I want to change old habits as they no longer work for me, but most importantly, I want to not hate my body when I look in the mirror.

My biggest "ah-ha" using this app is that I need far fewer calories than I think I do. I have been eating like a nutritional idiot. I am trying to learn how to choose foods that are not only good for my body but taste good as well. Prior to this adventure, I have focused on "what tastes good and makes me feel good." I am also learning that while I love wine, wine does not love me in the same way. So, cutting back on that one sided relationship has been difficult. (I'm also having the same relationship issues with chocolate. Please don't tell wine about this. It could get ugly.)

Humor and shopping are strong weapons. I plan to use each of them as much as possible. I'm also back on the treadmill-daily. (Oddly, the treadmill and I also have a one sided relationship. It does love me more, but I really have commitment issues with this one, it wants so much from me!)

Well, thanks for spending the last few minutes reading my post. Drop a line or two if you get a chance;:huh: especially if you, like me, have relationship issues with wine, chocolate, and treadmills. I promise I won't tell!



  • beelanc
    beelanc Posts: 71 Member
    If I want it I eat it! As long as it fits into my caloric and nutritional goals I WILL NOT deprive myself. :) That includes chocolate and/or wine. I have a strong dislike for treadmills. They are no fun for me. I LIFT! So far its worked for me. You can add me if you would like. My diary is always open. :drinker:
  • Antoine112
    Antoine112 Posts: 49 Member
    I can relate to your condition... I don't take wine but have a very similar relationship with chocolate and the treadmill!