Anyone work nights????

I work 3 12-hour shifts a week, usually in a row, so my eating schedule is wacked out all the time. I have a nutribullet and I make a fruit smoothie and eat a Danon Light and Fit yogurt while I'm at work and resume my normal eating routine when I finish working the 3. But I don't know if this is ok??? And when do I weigh in? morning? night? Help!


  • thefragile7393
    thefragile7393 Posts: 102 Member
    This may not help much, since I work only one night a week. What I do is I have my dinner at work and snacks in the first part of the my case that will be a aVisalus shake, then maybe some babybel cheeses. I monitor my food throughout the day before I go into work (usually visalus shake, a green salad with fruit, something light mostly) so that I am under my calorie goal by the time midnight starts. Around 2 or 3 am I eat my "lunch" (something from lean cuisine and maybe a naked juice or Odwalla, something I can scan in easily). Then I go home, have my morning visalus shake around 7:30, 8:00 in the morning, and sleep If I have to go in a second night I repeat the same cycle, but that is pretty rare since I am not as young as i used to be when I could do 3 12's or 5 8's again overnight alone.

    In your case, I would look for weight loss smoothie recipes, green weight loss smoothie recipes (many amazon books cheaply found) since you have the nutribullet, as your base for work days and nights when you will work. Since your body clock is going to be a little wonky because of the overnights and then sleeping at night, I would try to keep the calories pretty light. That is my best advice. For anything else I don't situation is a bit different like I said earlier so weighing in isn't an issue.
  • kcummings330
    I work night shift too and I count my calories from midnight to midnight. I usually have lunch at around 2am and count that towards the next day since I don't normally eat a lunch anyways because I'm sleeping. As far as what I eat,I just eat what I would normally have for lunch on my off days or bring leftovers from dinner. I weigh in every Monday,so if I work Sunday night I weigh in Monday afternoon when I wake up. Hope this helps :)