It's nothing special..just working out and eating healthy

LosingLbsAndGainingConfidence Posts: 109 Member
edited September 21 in Success Stories
I hate that when people who don't even know you assume if you're losing large amounts of weight that you must be doing something wrong,like starving yourself or something. That personally pisses me off because I work my *kitten* of EVERYDAY to lose those lbs..So don't jump to conclusions if you've never spoke to me in your life..not everyone who's losing weight does it the wrong way..there are people out there who realize what it actually takes to lose's just the dedication and willpower that will get you for the record, I'm losing weight by eating healthy and working out..I know it just doesn't sound believable but believe it..Eating healthy and working out actually does work.


  • AMEN sister!!!!!!!! I actually had a client at our salon, tell her stylist that i MUST be anorexic because of the weight that i lost. When in fact i was calorie counting, eating HEALTHY foods, and hitting the gym once and twice a day. I was working so hard and got accused of having an eating disorder?
  • Yeah, people keep asking me what "program" I'm on...and I reply..."the eating healthy and exercising program, it's a new fad. " Haha.
  • Yeah, people keep asking me what "program" I'm on...and I reply..."the eating healthy and exercising program, it's a new fad. " Haha.
    lol my Dr. asked me that when I saw her on my monthly visit..she's like " that's 15 lbs since I lost saw what program are you doing?" uhm...its called eating healthy and working my *kitten* off
  • it amazes me how many people ask me what it is i do to lose weight, and it is just so simple.... they just can't believe it. or they say that i'm already thin and don't need to be watching what i eat or that i don't need to lose any more weight. first of all, i'm not necessarily trying to lose much more, for the most part, just maintain. i didn't work my *kitten* off to reach my goal weight to celebrate by eating like a pig and gaining it all back? does that remotely make any sense to anyone? didn't think so! Just because other people don't care about their health, weight, etc, why criticize those of us who do?
  • Yeah, and i'm not going to say it's easy at all..because if that was the case I would of never been fat in the first place..But once you get the determination and the Will power..all it really is, is changing your ways of eating and working out..and believe me it wasn't easy at all..There are some nights I DREAD going to the gym at 10pm after I just worked all day..but I want it just that bad so I go
  • StephieWheats
    StephieWheats Posts: 88 Member
    I agree I had a person from this site actually make a comment about how I lost too much weight for this to be my first month. She accused me of not making a lifestyle change and doing "fad diets". I was angry. She made a comment about me using a meal replacement shake for breakfast. I NEVER eat breakfast EVER. So for me to put something in my body is a big change to me. And I have just made better food decisions. Of course I'm going to lose quite a bit of weight when I go from eating close to 3,000 calories a day and not working out, to eating under 2,000 and working out everyday. It really chafes my butt when people just add there 2 cents worth when they have no idea what they are talking about.
  • rubysparkle
    rubysparkle Posts: 362 Member
    I'm always curious what exercise people do when they have lost a lot of weight because i am always trying to liven up my own exercise plans.

    I know there was a lady at work that lost a lot of weight recently and everyone assumed she was ill, but she had just eaten healthily and moved a lot more and in the process lost a whole lot of weight.
  • I agree I had a person from this site actually make a comment about how I lost too much weight for this to be my first month. She accused me of not making a lifestyle change and doing "fad diets". I was angry. She made a comment about me using a meal replacement shake for breakfast. I NEVER eat breakfast EVER. So for me to put something in my body is a big change to me. And I have just made better food decisions. Of course I'm going to lose quite a bit of weight when I go from eating close to 3,000 calories a day and not working out, to eating under 2,000 and working out everyday. It really chafes my butt when people just add there 2 cents worth when they have no idea what they are talking about.

    That's actually the reason behind this post..the comment that one made on my b4 and current pic..He assumed I was starving myself..and then proceeded to give me advice on stuff that I was already doing! i don't understand why anyone would automatically assume the worste
  • opps reprint
  • I'm always curious what exercise people do when they have lost a lot of weight because i am always trying to liven up my own exercise plans.

    I know there was a lady at work that lost a lot of weight recently and everyone assumed she was ill, but she had just eaten healthily and moved a lot more and in the process lost a whole lot of weight.

    well a big thing that people don't do is switch it up..If you switch it up alot and do more than one thing you'll be surprised how much you'll lose

    I do about 1 hr of cardio and 20-30 mins of strength training..and on mondays I just do zumba
  • EKarma
    EKarma Posts: 594 Member
    LOL! Yep yep.. I love it when people ask "How are you losing all the weight?" My reply, "Diet and exercise." Their response, "Are you serious?"

  • KATHRYN81177
    KATHRYN81177 Posts: 49 Member
  • sparis88
    sparis88 Posts: 30
    You look great girl! I love it! :heart:
  • dmoses
    dmoses Posts: 786 Member
    AWESOME POST! i have people at work who have hardly ever spoken to me before asking me if i'm 'okay', if i'm sick or something. they tell me that i'm too skinny, have lost too much weight. funny thing, my doctor didn't tell me that, so how is it that these other folks can judge me?? i eat healthy and i work out, and it is very difficult. it makes me feel stronger to know that there are others out there fighting this same battle every day. STAY STRONG!
  • it gets so frustrating feeling like you have to justify your health to others? makes no sense. I really just want to tell people, just because YOU are content with being fat or whatever, don't discourage me from wanting to be healthy. That may be rude or not politically correct, but it is blunt and to the point, and i think it sure would feel good to vent that! we all have the same struggles...
  • eriny
    eriny Posts: 1,509 Member
    CONGRATS !! YOU LOOK GREAT !! AND I AGREE 100% as i have been asked how what do i take ? etc
  • Thanks so much for this thread! You are absolutely right!

    I've just joined and am finding eating healthily a lot easier than I thought it would be! I'm hoping that I can start doing some more exercise in the very near future as well and see how it goes :) So far, I'm just walking - haven't been able to get to the gym recently :(

    You look great - keep it up and don't listen to ignorant people!
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    I know exactly what you mean. I have dealt with that a lot. People making comments that "Oh, Tami is here..we can't eat!!"....insinuating that I starved myself. It annoys me. I worked very hard to lose the weight I did. I did it with exercise and eating right.

    Don't let it get to you long. There will always be those who will try to rain on your parade. By being nasty, petty, catty...and you may even have so called "friends" turn on you...and throw you under the bus. It happens when you're successful sometimes. It's their issue though.

    Just feel good about what you've accomplished and are accomplishing...and you will have the last laugh in the end when you are successful and not suffering to get there! :)

  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    I will get asked what I am doing then get made fun of for it. I am currently training for a marathon but the weight I lost and have maintained is because I count my calories and exercise. On Mondays I do very little exercise outside of my daily life with 4 very active athletic little kids. Tuesdays I sneak about 20 minutes of cardio in after yoga. Those are low calorie burning days...guess what... I EAT LESS on those days. No ice cream or beer on days when my calories don't allow for it.
    I was recently at a party and a friend asked what I was I explained it to him. Then every bite I took after that he would yell across the party..that makes 8 are you going to record those on your website...(you bet I did)...The others at the party would say maybe she needs a lot more tha 8 pretzels....and one woman actually called me a skinny *****...well I work hard to be this way...maybe they should stop flapping their jaw about my choices and start making better ones for themselves...
  • millerll
    millerll Posts: 873 Member
    Yeah, I get this one all the time. One coworker who hadn't seen me for a while actually came up and told me how sorry he was that I was sick. He thought I had cancer! Um, no, but thanks. And when people ask me what "program" I'm doing and I tell them nothing - just good old healthy eating and exercise, they look disappointed and quickly lose interest. See, they want to lose weight, too, but don't want to hear that it takes hard work and discipline. It would be sooo much easier if I just told them what they wanted to hear - that I found a miracle pill on some obscure Chinese herbal web site, and I suppose I might be able to part with 30 of them for $100. I could easily fund my retirement selling bogus multi-vitamins this way! And believe me, I've been tempted.

    Oh, and the comment that I'm too thin really chaps my *kitten* too. Um, I'm 5'4" and weigh 135 pounds - I AM NOT too thin. In fact, I'm on the high end of normal for my height, but since I do a lot of weight lifting, it doesn't look it. Several of my coworkers have jumped on the lifestyle bandwagon and are doing P90X, C25K, etc. Sometimes, I'll bring in healthy recipes I've gotten off this site for them to sample. Like the brownies from Jillian Michaels' show, for example. I explain how to make the meals better by using healthy substitutions since they're always complaining about having trouble finding stuff to eat that keeps them within their MFP goals. So now they call me the "Food Nazi" and laugh at my lunch. Whatever. You can't out-train a bad diet. Enjoy your meatloaf and potatoes with gravy, buddy.

    You can only give people the information - you can't make them use it. Best of luck!
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