Newbie question

kpressley392 Posts: 11 Member
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
First of all let me say - I love this website!!! Quick question for some of you that have been here a while - how often do you weigh?

Thanks in advance!


Dieter's prayer:

I beg upon my dimpled knees,
deliver me from jujube's.
And when my days of trial are done,
and my war with malted milk is won,
Let me stand with Heavenly throng,
In a shining robe -- size 30 long.
I can do it Lord, if you'll show to me,
the virtues of lettuce and celery.

Teach me the evil of mayonnaise,
And of pasta a la Milanese
and crisp-fried chicken from the South.
Lord, since you love me, shut my mouth.



  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    Last sunday of each month, first thing in the morning, after using the washroom, and naked, same scale always..:wink::laugh:
  • kpressley392
    kpressley392 Posts: 11 Member
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    Every Friday morning before I eat anything after I go to the bathroom
  • janet67
    janet67 Posts: 38
    Thanks for sharing the "dieters" prayer. . .although we aren't dieting, we're eating healthy, right.
    Welcome to the site and good luck with your goals!
    Would love it if you'd add me as a friend.
  • DiveGal
    DiveGal Posts: 11
    Hi Kim,

    I personally have been weighing myself every day. But that can be detrimental if you worry too much about the little ups and downs. The experts say once a week and I have just recently promised myself to try that or at least only weigh twice a week. Once I have lost my weight (she says with conviction - LOL!) I think only once a week or even once a month would be doable for me. Good luck with your plans. This really is a cool site isn't it? And you can't beat FREE! :)

  • I love the dieter's prayer! haha!

    I weigh myself every Monday morning, first thing after I get up and pee, and butt naked. :) Is that too much info?
  • Dawn_2013
    Dawn_2013 Posts: 170
    :bigsmile: Its sounds like we all weigt ourselves the same way...I mean, it gives us a neutral point...clothes weigh varying amounts, so it makes sense not to wear them :smile:

    I weigh mysefl once a week and on day 5 or 6 if I feel like I have been 'extra' good and want the encouragement, but I have to recommend, measure yourself! It is way more encouraging when the workouts are adding pounds because your jeans are gettign looser and it makes no sense. For example...I dropped 6 lbs over 4 weeks but the scale didnt move for a week...I took my measurements and had lost 8.5 inches! So...use all the tools they give you if you are brave enough :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Because this site was built for encouragement!
  • Dawn_2013
    Dawn_2013 Posts: 170
    :bigsmile: Its sounds like we all weigt ourselves the same way...I mean, it gives us a neutral point...clothes weigh varying amounts, so it makes sense not to wear them :smile:

    I weigh mysefl once a week and on day 5 or 6 if I feel like I have been 'extra' good and want the encouragement, but I have to recommend, measure yourself! It is way more encouraging when the workouts are adding pounds because your jeans are gettign looser and it makes no sense. For example...I dropped 6 lbs over 4 weeks but the scale didnt move for a week...I took my measurements and had lost 8.5 inches! So...use all the tools they give you if you are brave enough :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Because this site was built for encouragement!
  • kathy499
    kathy499 Posts: 11 Member
    I know your not suppose to but I weigh almost everyday. It keeps me accountable and gets me fired up when I lose some from the day before .
  • kappyblu
    kappyblu Posts: 654 Member
    I'm new too, but I am weighing in once a week. I do my second weigh in this Tuesday. :smile: For me, that's Tuesday mornings after I empty the bladder. I also make sure I get the same reading twice before I make it official. It's Tuesday's for me only because I started on a Tuesday. Tuesday is also my one cheat meal day!

    If you are uber curious, you could check your weight the same way halfway through the week. But in the morning, after the bathroom, and before you eat, and of course without clothes. Good luck!!
  • kappyblu
    kappyblu Posts: 654 Member
    Oh yeah, love the poem!! :drinker:
  • cynthiaj777
    cynthiaj777 Posts: 787 Member
    I weigh myself every day because I like knowing exactly when I lose weight. I fluctuate so much that if I did it once a week, I'd probably weigh "off" because I went up that day, and there is no way of knowing what your lowest is when you don't weigh every day.

    I understand that I go up and down, so it isn't detrimental to my determination. It actually makes me accountable for my actions, and it shows me what I'm eating that isn't as good for me. Like, apparently, yesterday's liquor wasn't good for me. I'm up 2 lbs from yesterday morning. (HAHA).

    So, every morning, after I go to the bathroom and naked...and preferably the same time. I can not eat anything or drink anything, go back 2 hours later and weigh differently. So, a certain time is good too.
  • spiritgurl
    spiritgurl Posts: 160 Member
    I'm a once a week kind of gal for weigh in and follow the same routine as everyone else-haha! You will find out what you're more comfortable with. Good Luck...
  • hozik
    hozik Posts: 369 Member
    I weigh every Saturday morning. Once a week is enough to keep me accountable but not obsessed. Good luck to you, if you'd like a support buddy, feel free to friend me.
  • I weigh just about every day, but if you do that, be sure to understand that your weight fluctuates all the time. I think the best time of day is definitely in the morning before you eat anything.
  • DC1981
    DC1981 Posts: 8
    I think most people, including myself weigh in once a week. It helps you stay motivated, especially when you are starting out.
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