Short and Chunky and Loss of Inspiration....

Well as my friends would call it...FLUFFY (not fat)! I am a new user and to be honest I don't have a lot of inspiration. I really do want to lose weight, but I guess I just don't feel the push. Slow steps though right?I am still taking the steps, but it hasn't been easy. I just thought maybe if I looked for new friends and see that other people are going through the same problems then maybe I might have more inspiration and not feel so alone to lose weight.

I am....
~150lbs to go.


  • MoJoPoe
    MoJoPoe Posts: 139 Member
    I am 52 years old with more like 50 lbs. to lose. I was tall and thin when young, bu heavier over time. I also have yo-yoed a bit.

    I am NOT losing weight nearly as quickly as I wanted. I am exercising much more.

    I TOTALLY believe in MFP. I am counting calories for the first time in my life. I know I will be doing so for the rest of my life.

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you think I may inspire you. :flowerforyou:
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Welcome... it's tough. The best advice I can give you if you're overwhelmed and not sure you can stick to it is go with the 'lose 1lb a week' setting and stick to that calorie goal. It's actually easier than you think, because you realize that you don't have to give up everything you love, just stick to your calorie goal... you can do it! Just make sure you weigh everything you eat.
  • Snicklefritz81
    Snicklefritz81 Posts: 35 Member
    Hi, I'm 32, 5'7'', my highest weight was 279 (thank you 3 pregnancies), and I can closely relate to how you feel. I have days like that myself, I think we all do.
    The key is to have a plan, a support system, and patience...remember that it took us how long to get here?

    I'm a mom to 2(3rd is in heaven) littles and am just beginning to find my workout mojo (like literally two days ago I was a couch potato)
    If you'd like, add me and we can help each other out! :)

    Best wishes, and here's to a new you! (us!)
  • Ca1iso
    Ca1iso Posts: 8
    MoJoPoe, Francl27, and peggyspencer5. Thank you so much! Glad to hear when other people have had the same problem. I have sent you all friend requests and with time we can all do it! ;^) Glad I have some type of support system, its kind of hard where I am living to have that kind of support, but I am changing things in my life so hopefully it will all work out. :^)
  • Snicklefritz81
    Snicklefritz81 Posts: 35 Member
    Welcome... it's tough. The best advice I can give you if you're overwhelmed and not sure you can stick to it is go with the 'lose 1lb a week' setting and stick to that calorie goal. It's actually easier than you think, because you realize that you don't have to give up everything you love, just stick to your calorie goal... you can do it! Just make sure you weigh everything you eat.

    I second the weight everything you eat. I'm finding that my weight is 'stuck' right now, I can't seem to break 230lbs. So, no more being lazy in the logging. Today I've started putting everything, and I mean EVERYTHING on a scale.
  • Hi. I started my journey a month ago. I just wanted to reach out to you and encourage you to just start. Fitness and weight loss starts when you change your thinking. I looked at myself more than a month ago and felt overwhelmed. I wanted to be fit not flabby but there was more flab than fit. But I took baby steps. I would do little exercises while I heated up my coffee like jumping jacks or high knee raises for however long it took my coffee to heat up. Then I started telling myself I can and will loose 30 lbs. LOL. It was hard but I kept doing it. I feel better. Over all I'm happier. That's my motivation. I no longer drink coffee...just water now. But my point is start where you are and build on it. YOU CAN DO THIS. :happy:
  • Snicklefritz81
    Snicklefritz81 Posts: 35 Member
    MoJoPoe, Francl27, and peggyspencer5. Thank you so much! Glad to hear when other people have had the same problem. I have sent you all friend requests and with time we can all do it! ;^) Glad I have some type of support system, its kind of hard where I am living to have that kind of support, but I am changing things in my life so hopefully it will all work out. :^)

    It can be hard, even with a support system. Which is why you'll hear so many successful 'losers' (haha!) say that it begins, and end with you. Where you mind is, how you will deal with the day to day temptations to eat whatever you want, to forgo the workouts, etc. Right now...I'm having to tell myself every 3-5 minutes during a workout that I CAN do this. This is for a better, stronger, healthier me. Don't listen to my old lazy self. ;) It's been working. lol
  • Ca1iso
    Ca1iso Posts: 8
    danamosley908, peggyspencer5

    Thank you, I agree about the putting into places that you can haha. I am actually about to go for a walk and I hope that drinking more water will be good for me. I am definitely just trying to have a mentality of every little bit helps. Thank you for you kind words of support as well. :)

    haha I also have a lazier side telling me that I want to just eat the fried foods and soda but I just stopped drinking soda this morning and switched it with water. I am sad to say that I had some brownie this morning BUT I wont have anymore and will do my best. :)
  • JenniBaby85
    JenniBaby85 Posts: 855 Member
    I'm 27, and have lost 123lbs since 2009. You can do this!
  • rfsatar
    rfsatar Posts: 599 Member
    You have to want it, and you have to want to work at it.
    I had a great NSV almost a year in, bumping into a mate I haven't seen in almost a year who noticed I'd lost weight immediately - first thing she said.

    Exercise, watching my portion sizes.
    I eat what I want still, when I want... just less of it.
    I cook from scratch more and I switched the order of things - protein and soups in the day... balanced meal in the evening.

    You have to want to make the change to be honest - it took me two weeks JUST to get used to logging (not to mention the HORROR of seeing how much I was eating).
    So maybe try that first - getting used to it all, and definitely invest in some digital scales - that made a HUGE difference for me.

    Work at it. If you want it.
  • prgirl39
    prgirl39 Posts: 108
    Hello. I am 43, mother of 3, recently diagnosed with diabetes. That was the wakeup call I needed, right? Still find it hard to get up, eat right and exercise. I really hope you can find the support here. I have always been a plus size girl growing up ( size 14 to 16) but my heaviest was 225. I have lost 15 pounds making small but good changes and yes, every now and then I eat what I want and not fuzz about it.

    Add me if you want. Lets do this and support each other! I know I need all the support I can get. Just remember you are not alone, and there is always tomorrow. Little steps bring little changes. Slow progress is still progress.
  • Emilie04444
    Emilie04444 Posts: 151 Member
    It can be hard, even with a support system. Which is why you'll hear so many successful 'losers' (haha!) say that it begins, and end with you. Where you mind is, how you will deal with the day to day temptations to eat whatever you want, to forgo the workouts, etc.

    I agree with this. You really have to want it as they say. It's nice to have some support but at the end of the day it is all about you, how much you want it and how you deal with stress and temptation when it comes to foods that you know aren't good for you. Even with a reason like diabetes or lowering your cholesterol, it is still tough. I say make a list of all the reasons and review it often. When you want something that won't help you, review that list. That is what I try to do. It works sometimes. I also think that you need to look at it in 5-10 .increments, since 150 can seem overwhelming. I would also set up a schedule with exercise and do it no matter what you eat. I think it's very easy when starting out to say f* it if you mess up on your meal plan. Stick to an exercise schedule to get in the habit. Good luck!
  • Snicklefritz81
    Snicklefritz81 Posts: 35 Member
    It can be hard, even with a support system. Which is why you'll hear so many successful 'losers' (haha!) say that it begins, and end with you. Where you mind is, how you will deal with the day to day temptations to eat whatever you want, to forgo the workouts, etc.

    I agree with this. You really have to want it as they say. It's nice to have some support but at the end of the day it is all about you, how much you want it and how you deal with stress and temptation when it comes to foods that you know aren't good for you. Even with a reason like diabetes or lowering your cholesterol, it is still tough. I say make a list of all the reasons and review it often. When you want something that won't help you, review that list. That is what I try to do. It works sometimes. I also think that you need to look at it in 5-10 .increments, since 150 can seem overwhelming. I would also set up a schedule with exercise and do it no matter what you eat. I think it's very easy when starting out to say f* it if you mess up on your meal plan. Stick to an exercise schedule to get in the habit. Good luck!

    Good idea, making the schedule, and sticking to it. I'm going to do that myself. :) Thanks! lol
  • Ca1iso
    Ca1iso Posts: 8
    JenniBaby85: WOW! That is amazing, seriously, that is a very good job. Makes me very inspired! :D

    rfsatar: Yes I agree, it is hard just putting myself on a plan. I have already done several things this morning that I am not used to and it kinda feels good. It will be really nice when people start really noticing a difference. It will be even better when I start noticing it lol. :^)

    prgirl39: I come from a family that is diabetic and I am sure I would be considered so as well, I just haven't been tested. I know that is definitely something I don't want that to happen to me either and so I understand about the shock and wake up call. It was crazy when we found out that both my parents were diagnosed. Thank you for the kind words I really appreciate it. Hopefully we can support each other. :^)

    musicvixen24: That is a really great idea. I should make up a list of inspiration and you are definitely right. Only I can say no to myself and keep myself from truly getting into that stuff. I appreciate the advice. :^)
  • I am right there with you. I have tried so many times to lose weight and feel better, but it's not working. I am finally turning to online community which I have never done to get some inspiration. I am 5'9, male, 245 and have 75 lbs to lose. I have gradually gained weight ALL of my life. It's evil and insidious, and I'm starting to develop a frustration and depression to it. It is only going to get harder, hopefully having some online support will make this attempt more successful. GOOD LUCK to you all!
  • tklively719
    tklively719 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi! I am 51, very quickly breathing down on 52. My doctor said I'm prediabetic...I don't want to be any kind of diabetic :happy: I need to lose 50 lbs, but am WAY too happy sitting on the couch with my pets. I know what I should do, but it's very hard to do it. I can use any support! Thanks
  • Ca1iso
    Ca1iso Posts: 8
    nurseguybri: I completely understand about the whole depression thing. I finally have kicked it just out of my regular depression, but then there's the overweight depression that is hard to lose. I know we can do it though and together we can definitely support each other into losing it all....or at least some of it haha. Good luck to you too! ;^)

    tklively719: hahah I definitely know that, I have a very hefty kitty that has been put on a diet himself and I am sure I am pre-diabetic if not full myself. It would be nice to sit around though lol. I guess we just have to do it for the animals! Use them as our motivation to be able to chase them around and be healthy for them. ^-^ We can do it together!
  • aragorn11
    aragorn11 Posts: 2
    You say you aren't feeling like you really want it, but I think you do because you reached out. When I started there wasn't any point where I 'saw the light' or had a 'wake up call' or any other revelation-type moment. All my life I've been overweight - and rarely did anything really serious about it. Honestly, I just didn't have the confidence that I could do it and I couldn't stand the thought of all my family and friends knowing I'd tried really, really hard and failed. It seemed so cliche - I envisioned having to comfort myself with the benefits of just making the effort. Over many years I finally reached the point where I could say I need to do this for myself no matter what the consequences. No matter what back-sliding or yo-yoing of weight might happen, I needed to tap into the me trapped inside (I know, another cliche!). So before I started I told myself the the effort I was going to make was, in a way, the goal itself.

    I believe you may be at that point. You just have to say 'This is for life - it is a lifestyle change'. It's not just - oh I'm going to diet and exercise for 6 months to a year and then I'll be ok. Tell yourself you are turning a corner, turning over a new leaf, making a new you (or finding the one inside and helping her become dominant). When I run, I keep going 'til the next tree, the next stop sign, the next fire hydrant. The point is to always have a goal. With the weight loss, don't make it too small or too big. Big enough so that your mindset is - I have to work hard to do this - but small enough that you know it IS possible. If you think you should be 100 lbs lighter, start with a goal of 30 lbs., for example. I needed to lose about 115. My first goal was 45 lbs. I lost 34 and then did some backsliding while going through some particularly stressful events. I'm back on track now and 5.5 lbs. into my new goal of 35 lbs.

    So kudos to you for starting. Kudos to you for reaching out and getting support - it makes a difference. You CAN do this!!!
  • Trilby16
    Trilby16 Posts: 707 Member
    5'5"? That's not short.
  • rhinesb
    rhinesb Posts: 204 Member
    Well, Hello,

    I am....
    ~60lbs to go.

    I started out last year at 230 lbs. I lost some and then gained some and then lost some and then gained some. It has only been here recently that I started to realize that the food that I am putting in my mouth doesn't taste as good as it used to. Meaning I used to eat to feel good. Eating was fun. Fun on the taste buds that is. But here recently I've realized that it doesn't taste as good as I thought it did. I would rather be a healthy mom to my four girls than one who says hey let's celebrate by making a cake. Heck even that cake doesn't taste as good as it used to. I haven't completely been in the I'm done now and I don't need food to be happy. I need a no just kidding.

    My weight is holding me back from getting me that job I want. My job is partially outdoors and they see my big butt and they pass on my for the job. That is just the way the die roll. :( Plus my hubby got all studly. I want to get in shape too.

    I'm simply tired. Tired of my knees and feet hurting. And as I get older the more they hurt. But as I lose weight the less they hurt.

    I've said it before that I am done being fat. And well I guess I'll say it again now...'I'm done being fat'. I guess the biggest problem is that you can't let life drag you down. I wake up tired and go to bed tired. Hard to get the energy to work out when you can barely get the energy to do daily life things. I feel like a failure when I say I'm ready to not be fat any more and yet I then proceed to get fat again. ugh. But what can you do? You just have to keep trucking. If you let it get you down you will again be bogged down.

    One of my biggest no nos for me is a lot of people have a break day where they eat whatever they want (within reason) and/or days where they don't exercise. I found that for me I can not have those break days. I lose energy and motivation when I have a break day. A no exercise day leads to more no exercise days. A eat what ever day leads to more eat whatever days. It totally throws me off in to laziness. So if I have a day where I'm really sluggish then I still do SOMETHING...even if it is not much but I do SOMETHING...because doing something is better than doing nothing and it keeps me from falling in to a rut.