hello. Military dad trying to keep up

Just introducing myself. I am a dad of 4 and my wife is deployed in the Air Force. I am trying to make time to stay healthy and active while being mr MoM with a full time job. Help!!!!!! This site looks like a good starting point for me.


  • Welcome!!! I am a Mom of 4 just chase those kids down lol that will keep the pounds off!!!
    EJJISON Posts: 3 Member
    Yea, they keep me running. Could just use moral support at times. Funny thing I read your post first, and what came to mind was>>>>>>... Pain is inevitable yet suffering is optional. We all have that something we would rather be< But my hope is to suffer less by accepting I will not be this way forever ;-) Keep those kids smiling!!!!! And stay the course. Ur doin fine
  • Man I hope so!! I wasn't always this big and I know some where in me is that skinny chick SCREAMING to get out!!!!
  • Good luck!
  • erikaramirez4872
    erikaramirez4872 Posts: 35 Member
    4 kids! I only have two! Idk how people can do it with more than one. Haha
  • LyndaBSS
    LyndaBSS Posts: 6,964 Member
    Welcome to the community! <3

    If you haven't already, read the stickies at the top of the getting started forum. Very informative and helpful.

    Good luck with your journey!