Short and Chunky and Loss of Inspiration....



  • LexiAtel
    LexiAtel Posts: 228 Member
    Since you mention "steps", I figured you would like to read this. I, too, believe steps are the perfect way to get into a weight loss (or new lifestyle routine).

    By following these, I have lost 10lbs in 6weeks, I still eat fast food every once in a while though. I am age 26, height is 4 feet 9 inches, and I currently weight 177 (started at 187 May 17th). I weigh myself on Mondays.

    You should take each change one step at a time and allow your body to adjust to each step. Give it time, roughly 2-4 weeks.

    To do this correctly, you first must find out how much fat is in your body, and how many calories your body takes to maintain it's weight. We find out the Body Fat Percentage first, go here and fill out the form;

    Next we need a Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE) calculator, I like this one;

    When you filled it out, you know how many calories you should consume. You can start out as "Fat Loss" or "Extreme Fat loss." Try this for about 2-3 weeks (I did it for a month) and see if you lost anything. If you feel ill during this, try incorporating some protein (about 40-50g a day), protein curbs a lot of peoples appetite and cravings (it did with me).

    Don't step on the scale a lot expecting extreme changes, this is unhealthy PERIOD. I stepped on the scale a lot, just with curiosity, but I didn't get too upset, and you shouldn't either. It takes your body at LEAST 2 weeks to adjust to anything. So give it time. Also losing 1-2lbs a week is very healthy. As most of us say "You didn't gain it all in one day, how can you expect to lose it all in one day?!"

    Step 1; Week 1-4. Eat like you normally would, but with in your calorie goal for 4 weeks. You can weigh yourself, but do not count ANY weight loss until the last of of the 4 weeks. This weigh in will be your official first month weight loss. If you wish to push yourself a little harder, try training yourself to eat appropriate proportion sizes. An example of a proportioned dinner would be: 1/2 COOKED rice, 2-4 oz of lean meat, 3/4 fruit and/OR 1 cup veggie (I usually save my fruit for dessert later).

    Step 2; Week 5-8.
    If you haven't started proportioning your food, this is the next step to work on. Proportions are serving sizes. Meats are 2-4 oz, grains are 1/2 cup of what ever is cooked (potatoes fall under grains here), 1 cup for a veggie, and 3/4 cup for a fruit, dairy is 1/2 to 1 cup depending on your choice. Usually, I don't fret on the proportion sizes for fruit or veggies.

    Also, during this time, you should start an exercise. For 2-3 days out of the week you need to do something active for 20-40 minutes. You can walk, run, you can even do some sort of outside chore (like push mowing the lawn). For whatever you choose, you need to be MOVING for at least 20 minutes. I KNOW this is a HARD thing for most people to do, but I will tell you, the weight loss is over DOUBLE than just sitting on your bum all day. No joke.

    Step 3; Week 9-12.
    Usually, by this time, many people should already been eating healthy. This is because you learn fast that healthy eating usually allows you to consume more food, but if you have not realized this yet, this is your next step. For the next 4 weeks, you should start eliminating a lot of processed foods such as frozen dinners, canned meals, fast food, and the ever loved junk food. You do not have to COMPLETELY shut this all out, we all know stuff is da B0MB to eat, but maybe try making some healthy meals for 3-5 days out of the week instead of relying on a company to provide you unhealthy meals. You will be amazed how heavy your wallet will get with this too. Or how much more food you can buy with your saved money.

    Step 4; Week 13-16.
    Have you lost a lot of weight so far? Maybe you should redo the TDEE and Body Fat calculators. Your body is probably ready for a new change by now. This month, you should start focusing on lifting weight if you haven't started yet. Weight lifting will build up your muscle while also burn extra fat. This is a good thing to do because a lot of people who have lost a LOT of weight become what a many us like to call "Skinny-Fat". This is when you are skinny, but your skin is flabby because there's nothing to "back it up", so it's wise to put something there, and muscle is the obviously the best choice.

    Step 5; Week 17+
    I sure hope by now that you have a lot of confidence and have gotten yourself into a routine! I hope you have also bought yourself some nice clothing too, I would have assumed you would need some with all the weight you have lost!

    Hope these steps have helped you, or has given you an idea on where to start. Just remember, we're all different, and we're going to gain/lose different than someone else.
  • rhinesb
    rhinesb Posts: 204 Member
    Oh and there is something that I read recently that has really helped me. I read a book on a guy who lost a lot of weight 100+. Well for him he did not believe in telling anyone in his real life that he was trying to lose weight. By announcing to everyone that you are trying he found that if he did not succeed then it was just another failure in their eyes and they were less and less supportive as he failed. Not only that but say he had a day where he wanted a slice of pizza if everyone knew he was trying to lose weight he would see their judgement in their eyes and that shake of their head or they would say hey I thought you were trying to lose weight? Thus making him feel guilty for anything non-healthy that went in to his mouth and thus he would start hiding his 'bad' foods.

    For some people announcing to the world that you are trying to lose weight is good as it holds you accountable. But for others it just puts pressure on then to perform and if you aren't performing then you are failing.
  • BrookeLee2
    BrookeLee2 Posts: 39
    Well as my friends would call it...FLUFFY (not fat)! I am a new user and to be honest I don't have a lot of inspiration. I really do want to lose weight, but I guess I just don't feel the push. Slow steps though right?I am still taking the steps, but it hasn't been easy. I just thought maybe if I looked for new friends and see that other people are going through the same problems then maybe I might have more inspiration and not feel so alone to lose weight.

    I am....
    ~150lbs to go.

    I'm a girl as well, in high school, and I'm only 5'0/5'1! I have about 87 pounds left before my goal.
  • tklively719
    tklively719 Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks for the support. I'm about to make myself jump around my living room for 20 mins to use up a few calories. My cats will either a) be afraid, b) be annoyed or c) ignore me all together.
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    I am going to give contrarian advice. I am not going to say YOU GO GIRL! And YOU CAN DO IT! And "just set up MFP to lose 1-2 pound a week."

    I say: If you aren't too motivated, then why push it? Just use MFP to take inventory. Don't even think about weight loss just yet.

    That's what I did when I first started. The goal at first isn't even to lose weight. It's to figure out where you are. See what you are doing well with and what areas need improving. Then you can decide if there is anything you want to change.

    For me, I started logging my food and my fluid because I was thinking about WLS and I wanted to see where I was. And just the act of writing down what I was eating caused me to eat less. That happens sometimes.

    Then I noticed in my logs that I wasn't drinking enough. So then I started drinking more. And, by drinking more, I was eating even less. The next thing I noticed is that some days I hardly got in any protein at all. So I started trying to eat more protein-focused snacks. And I found I was full longer and eating even less.

    And so forth and so on and all of this was even before I started to exercise! (Which I eventually did.) I went from eating about 2250 calories a day to eating 1500-1700 without even breaking a sweat. Most days I wasn't even hungry.

    At that point, I got motivated. That's when it got harder. Going below 1500 was hard. Adding in exercise was hard. That’s when it felt like being on a diet and some days I went to bed hungry.

    But I lost the first 21 pounds just making small changes and without really trying. And I think you can too. Motivated or not.

    The other thing I would say is that everything we know about weight loss is wrong! Our whole approach is wrong. It's all based on deprivation and shame. It's based on a cycle of YOU GO GIRL! followed by "falling off the wagon." Well, I don't think there is a wagon. There's just our life.

    Not to mention losing 1-2 pounds a week is not slow loss. It’s FAST!

    It took me almost 6 months to lose my first 21 pounds. But I wasn't hungry that entire time. I wasn't depriving myself.

    And I didn't get into that cycle of deprivation, followed by falling off the wagon, followed by shame and beating myself up, followed by binging, followed by renewed deprivation so that I was losing and gaining the same 20-25 pounds over and over either.
  • me_monster
    me_monster Posts: 98
    Hey I'm 27 too! (hooray...see? little victories. haha) Inspiration is hard to come by, we can help each other! Add me :)

    MacMadame is totally right- MFP is a great way to start taking inventory. If you want to know why you're not losing weight, just start by taking inventory. Remember to be honest, or else you can't help yourself and I can't help motivate you.

    If you want more than the "you go girl!" and "yummmm!" then let me know, some people need tough love.

  • Ca1iso
    Ca1iso Posts: 8
    aragorn11: You're right! I think I am at that point too. I just tell myself these days, every little bit helps. I weighed myself today and I am one whole pound lighter! haha Not a lot, but it's better than nothing. Good for you and your weight loss too! At least we are all doing it together. :^) Oh and I love Aragorn too haha.

    Trilby16: Shorter then some, but taller than others, you are right. :^)

    rhinesb: I definitely agree with the whole aspect of doing at least a little bit everyday. I have messed up a bit, but I still try to replace things for something healthier and to do some type of exercise even when I don't want to. Did that just today actually. Also, on your other note, maybe that is the key. I get a lot of judgement from the family anyway for most things and I haven't even done anything wrong. Maybe I should just ignore them. :^/

    LexiAtel: Thanks for the really helpful steps and good job on your own weight loss! I have definitely been trying to just take one step at a time and monitor all the things that I have been taking in. I know my biggest obstacle is just sugars in general. It is hard when you want to see changes quickly and it is not something I want to tell myself because I'm not patient at all, but I do know I have to tell myself that if I really want to lose weight I have to be prepared to take my time on it. :^)

    BrookeLee2: Good job on your weight loss so far! Every bit lost is less that you have to lose haha. Go bro army! ;^)

    tklively719: ahahha Well if your cats are anything like my own, then it will be a mixture of all three at the same time! xD Good job on the exercise. :^)

    MacMadame: That's a really great idea about seeing where I need to improve and change. I already know I'm not drinking enough water so that is something I can add. I know that the exercise that I am doing is pretty easy, but at the same time, I'm fat so any exercise isn't all that easy haha (walking around a mile each day), but its all that I can do right now so I figure its better than nothing. Its also not really the exercise I want to be doing for real weight loss, but until I get a job and join a gym I just have to keep walking. I think you're right too about the "positive/shamed/binge/do it all over again" process. Its hard when we want to lose weight fast, but then it doesn't go and then we eat something bad and feel bad and then are depressed. Its a never ending circle. I have just been trying to make small changes and not feel too bad when I don't eat completely healthy ALL day. Good advice, and seriously, good job on your own weight loss. You have done really well. I am sure I can lose that weight too one day. :^)

    me_monster: Yay, we've made it to nearly 30! hahah Always good to keep living! I will totally add you and I appreciate the support! ;^)
  • bacn60s
    bacn60s Posts: 33 Member
    Have a GOAL...Myself I'm 63 and short 5'6" ..When I started in April of this year I was 223 lbs. I set my calorie intake and stuck
    with it..1200 calories a day. and began walking 3 times a day for a total of 90 min.
    Approx. 90 days later I have lost dramatically!! Today I am 179 lbs.
    So in a short time you can do this. I gave up all my junk food and only eat HEALTHY FOODS... No eating after 6pm.
    I now eat 3 meals a day plus snack in between. I am never hungry!! This works if you give it a I feel so much
    better about myself... Stick with it..