Working off baby weight- Looking for motivation buddies!

Hello everyone! I'm new to this site so I'm just getting familiar with it!! I have had 2 babies and I'm trying to work off the extra weight that I've put on. I am trying to eat better, keeping under on my calories, and exercise as best as I can. I sometimes need extra motivation to keep up with the exercising. I also love carbs, so I am working on lowering my carb intake and eating more proteins and fibres.
Good luck everyone on reaching on your goals!


  • touchafaith
    touchafaith Posts: 112 Member
    Hi! I'm in the same boat as you. I have 2 children (youngest is 4 months) and I'm trying to get rid of some of the baby weight now as I put on over 3 stone with my first and never lost a pound:blushing: but I've been doing this properly for only 2 weeks now and have lost 5lbs. I don't exercise properly at the moment because I'm really struggling to find the time but I've lost weight just staying in my allocated calories so will add exercise in later when baby is a lil older. Good luck with your weightloss and feel free to add me if you'd like support/encouragement
  • I'm with both of you ladies. I have two boys ages 4 and 2.5 and I can't seem to dedicate enough time for me so hopefully this will hold me accountable. I have been exercising for about 6 months and have lost 8 lbs.
  • darharmar
    darharmar Posts: 28 Member
    Hey! I got two babies almost 3 and 1 (July 21st). After my first baby I was very motivated to lose weight as I saw a number too close to 200 at the height of pregnancy. As well looking back at pictures of myself was very depressing. So I was losing weight by just exercising I could NOT be bothered to change my eating habits. Food means too much to me I realize now, so MFP has helped me for the last 2 days just to be mindful of what I'm putting in my mouth. Is it worth writing down? Is it worth skipping actual food at lunch or dinner for? So I now know how much excess I was eating. I've noticed a difference already after just 2 days. I only hope I can keep motivated. But my biggest change I think has been bc I'm trying to exercise everyday. I started off 3 days a week max and hit a plateau for the last 3-4 months. So now to eat well! Good luck to all you mommies. You deserve to be hot and feel amazing about yourselves. Our kids learn from us how important these things are so when we value ourselves we are showing them how to value themselves as well. Yay us!
  • Snicklefritz81
    Snicklefritz81 Posts: 35 Member
    Hey, mom of 3(1 in heaven) here. I've had three children in 4 years, talk about making a mess of my body and health. They haven't been healthy pregnancies either, one reason being I was overweight to begin with.

    My son is 21 months, and my daughter 9 months. My highest weight in the last 4 years was 279-283. I'm down to 232 and have completely changed our diet, because of other health issues.

    I can understand the whole, not finding time, between the diaper changes, meals, clean up, playtime, hubby time, self time. etc. But one things I've come to see, (last two days) working on my health is VERY important for not just me, but my whole family. I'm a stay home wife and mom, so I do a lot of the house duties. If I'm not up to snuff...things don't get done.

    So anyways, not sure where I was going with this, other than I get it, 100% I do.
    But it's all in the mind, and if you want it bad enough, you'll make time for it. Ask for help. Have the dad watch the kids for your workout, workout with the kids(I danced with mine 3 days ago and counted it, heck I was holding a 14lb baby too!)

    Add me if you like, Best wishes y'all and you can do this!
  • obiegirl
    obiegirl Posts: 28
    Feel free to add me - I'm a mom of two girls, 8 and 19 months. I had two miscarriages before my youngest daughter and put on weight through all of that, and then put on more than I should have during pregnancy and didn't lose it. So now I'm here, committed to doing this right, and doing whatever it takes. I've got about 30 labs to go to get to a happy weight for me.
  • CoachJake83
    CoachJake83 Posts: 108
    I have no doubt you'll be able to reach your goals whatever they are. It's all about developing and sticking to a daily routine.

    Once you develop new habits (which doesn't take long) the rest just happens by itself. Trust me you'll do great! I've sent you a friend request as well if I can help in any other way! =D
  • aftonslater
    aftonslater Posts: 69 Member
    hi! feel free to add me :) I'm currently 27 weeks pregnant with #3 and after turning myself into a whale with #2 I'm on here to stay on track...its a really great site for motivation
  • Good Afternoon,
    I am in the same boat as you but my little one is 9 days old. I just joined and hope to find the inspiration and motivation to get into shape not only for myself but for my little one. Best of luck to you, you may add me if you would like and we can help motivate each other if you would like. Have a wonderful afternoon. :smile:
  • curvykent
    curvykent Posts: 140 Member
    Semi new mom here! I have a nine and a half month old. I have worked off the baby weight but I was overweight to begin with and want to shed that weight before I try for number two.

    I exercise daily and eat right MOST of the time. I like sweets and since I never indulge in an alcoholic beverage I consider it my trade off.

    Carbs are not a bad thing unless you are talking about white refined carbs. Eating complex carbs is necessary for successful and long term weight maintenance. It also helps to keep your body hydrated, helps your brain function and all sorts of important duties. So don't cut them out. Just limit the white rice, white bread, and pasta and switch to whole grain.

    Good luck fellow momma!
  • Thanks for the advice on the carbs, curvykent!! Also for you ladies with little ones & babies- a great way to exercise & lose weight is to put your babies in the stroller & have a good walk!! It's good for you & the babies & little ones. I put my2 year old & 9 month old in the double stroller & walk for an hour every day!!
  • Oh, and yoga is really great! It's relaxing & really helps keep the stress at bay. There's a great app called Yoga free, it shows you how to do each pose & you can customize your own yoga routine to how you like and how long you want.
  • crystalbuchholz1
    crystalbuchholz1 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello! I am a stay at home mother to a 3 yr old boy and 1 yr old b/g twins. After my firstborn I lost all the weight but the weight from the twins was much harder to get rid of. I am new to this site but am finding it very helpfull and motivating. I am sooo ready to get rid of the extra baby fat!
  • darharmar
    darharmar Posts: 28 Member
    I've done the couch to 5k app and it takes you 8 weeks and you're running. I did not run...EVER. I'd run a block and be winded. Now I'm running 3ish miles appx 2-3 times a week. It's different for everybody but I prefer my treadmill at home. (Best exercise equipment out there for those who like to walk, but live in crazy weather like we have in Manitoba). I can let the kids watch tv while I sweat my brains out! Also love the walks with the kids in the double stroller, when they're not hitting each other that is...
  • Coie77
    Coie77 Posts: 2
    I'm here too! 3 babies in 3 years, youngest is almost 9 months. The babies took a toll on my body, but mostly to blame are my terrible eating habits and lack of motivation to work out. :( I just got back on here this morning after getting on the scale. It was either get my butt in gear, or smash the mirror with my scale. LOL Help me!!!

    *Edited for spelling-because apparently I'm still half asleep.
  • Terryism
    Terryism Posts: 314 Member
    Another mommy here, my son is almost 2. All my "baby weight" came on after he was born and I got some really bad eating habits (he was 13 weeks premature so fast food because an easy friend driving to and from the hospital every day). Feel free to add me, I'm looking for more active friends!
  • simplemamato3
    simplemamato3 Posts: 20 Member
    I'm right there with you. I had #3 in Dec and I can not get the weight off! It just came right off with no problems after the first 2! Just started MFP this weekend and also looking for some motivation buddies, so feel free to add me.
  • simplemamato3
    simplemamato3 Posts: 20 Member
    I'm right there with you. I had #3 in Dec and I can not get the weight off! It just came right off with no problems after the first 2! Just started MFP this weekend and also looking for some motivation buddies, so feel free to add me.
  • rebeccaker
    rebeccaker Posts: 54 Member
    Mom of 6 here. The 2 youngest are 30 months and 16 months. I am down almost 20lbs!! With 6 kids I don't have much free time to exercise at all. I do try to walk as much as I can. If the kids are outside playing I walk around the yard. Its not much but better then sitting on my butt watching them play. I also try to take a walk 4 times a week after the kids are in bed. Its nice to walk around town at night bc its not to hot! Just try to find way to stay on your feet more. Every little but helps!!
  • pwittek10
    pwittek10 Posts: 723 Member
    It has taken me 44 years to loose my baby weight gain,
    Good going for you
    This sight helped me do it!
  • I'm a mom of three girls, ages 7, 5 and 10 months, and also hoping to meet some new friends here to help keep me accountable! I'm about to turn 35 and have felt the weight has been harder to take off with sweet babe #3. The fact that we had a seven month winter here in Minnesota did not help my activity level this time around either! Right now, I've begun to eliminate all grains and sugar, and feeling inspired by Tim Ferris's 4 hour body. I'm staying moderately active...(thank goodness for summer!)...and hoping to fit in more structured workouts in the next month or so. I'd be happy to connect with anyone else who is looking for support and encouragement!