6 Week Body Makeover

I am starting this today and have checked out their site but few people post there.

Is anyone on here doing it or Would anyone else who has this like to give it a try?

I bought my kit back in March 2010 and started right away and lost 8 pounds in a week. I then got some disturbing news from my son and went into my usual starve/binge mode methid of dealing with stress. I found the 8 again but have since straightened up and have lost 4 of it.

My husband started 6WBM in May 2010 and made it three weeks before his job just made it too hard to eat all the meals. He is gone for 16 hours at a time and drives a truck so the packing and prep was getting over whelming. He lost 16 pounds and has kept it off but wants to lose more so he is starting over with me too. We have planned it out beter now and it should be easier, Hopefully.

I basically found it the same diet I followed years and years ago when I was training to be a competitive body builder. The body type analysis is pretty interesting and even though me and my hubby are two different types with totally different diet plans it worked for both of us. Infact we shared teh same kit becasue we needed opposite cards. We did some walking on the tredmill about 20 mins 3x a week but no other exercise.

Anyway I was just looking for a few people tryin it to compare things with.



  • ComfortFoodAddict
    ComfortFoodAddict Posts: 278 Member
    Sorry, I dont know what this is... I would join you if I had it though :D
  • janet67
    janet67 Posts: 38
    I've never heard of this and I've been on lots of diets in my 61 years. I have come to the conclusion that diets just don't work for the "long haul" (pardon the pun. . .I know your husband drives a truck). Healthy eating and live style change is the only way. This site will certainly provide you with some tools to lose weight and keep it off. Good luck with your goals.
  • gnrshelton
    gnrshelton Posts: 358 Member
    I followed it about 6 years ago. It was great. The thing I found was that you have to prepare many days ahead to be able to keep up with it. i grilled several days of chicken and rice ahead of time. I also bought Sams Club packaged turkey and ham. Each slice was an ounce so it make it quick and easy for salad adds. The sodium wasn't as bad as most package meats is why I bought them. I lost 45 pounds and my husband lost 60 at that time. We also packed a lunch box everywhere we went. It got easier. My husband wanted to quit the first week but then he weighed. It was a great motivator when you lose 18 pounds the first week. I lost 8 the first week. I still have my book and have pulled it out thinking about doing it again. but I'm waiting to see if eating right and exercise is going to work for the long run first. It did work really well. Hope you enjoy it. Friend me if you want and or need any more ideas to help with the 6WBM. Good luck
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    I lost a bunch of weight on it about 8 years ago. After week 6 it gets very frustrating because of the plateaus you hit that last weeks. You tend to get in a rut on food because of all the restrictions and are eatting the same dozen items or so. I lasted 12 weeks. 1-6 I lost a bunch, hit a plateau that lasted 3 weeks and then dropped another 5. I did the walking, did the bands (still use those) and followed the meal plan to a T. It doesn't work unless you prep everything ahead of time. It does become more of a chore to eat every 3 hours. You lose any enjoyment of food, and I would get very dizzy if I didn't eat on time. My blood pressure dropped so low my doc made me add salt and 6oz of sports drink a day. The web site wasn't very supportive, they just kept telling the people the same tired lines... stay on plan... no deviation... keep the foods simple... no getting creative... all other plans lie.

    I kept the weight off for 5 years. Life happened and I slid back into the stress and starvation mode and gained it all back plus another 20. So here I am at MFP. I wish you luck!
  • Nicol145
    Thanks all, Not quite the motivation I was looking for.........

    I know the first six weeks are the hardest as they are with lifestyle change. I know that the best way to lose the weight isto eat clean and exercise, but this plan makes it a little easier to understand why your body gains and loses according to your body type. The "diet itself is simple and some might consider it strict. The hardest thing for me is the amount of food and times you need to eat.

    I have started it once and was hoping to find some interested in trying it if they already had it.

    As far as maintenance they also have a plan for that. It is basically common sense, they only thing you take into consideration is your body type after you reach your goal weight so that you understand what your weight gain triggers are so you can avoid them.