
HeatherBurke Posts: 147
edited September 2024 in Motivation and Support
Damn brownies to hell and eating while being bored.... I was watching Law and Order alld ay yesterday being a total bum... before I knew it... a few hours later the pan of brownies made the night before was demolished... I feel so disgusting.. I was in tears... it's ridiculous... I didn't go to the gym at all last week and then that just topped it off... I feel terrible.

Back to the gym today and no more junk.. there's a reason obviously why I don't/can't have stuff like that in my house... My boyfriend gets upset at my lack of self control but it is what it is... we don't live together yet and he always tells me it sucks that he won't be able to have things he likes because I can't control myself... I told him he can have it in the house if he wants me to be 300 pounds... changed his tune really quick. He can eat it at his moms house..

I just had to vent. I hope I'm not the only one that has done something like that before.... I was in shock at how terrible and bloated I felt yet continued to eat the stupid things....



  • ckahler
    ckahler Posts: 4
    Just remember it's a new week and don't let the lst week hold you back. As for the sweets in the house the compromise I made with my husband is he can make while I'm not home and then put it away so that I don't know it's there or make something i don't like. This usually works for us if I don't know it's there it's not tempting for me and we're both happy.
  • dianka93
    dianka93 Posts: 21
    For me it was pizza. Way too much yesterday. Sometimes the only thing you can do is look at certain days as learning lessons. And there is a reason I don't have brownies in my house. I cannot resist them and seem to have no control when they are there. You most certainly are not alone.

    Making new habits is key. No eating unless sitting at the table; find something you can do while watching TV that makes it difficult to eat. Drives my husband crazy that I can't just sit there and watch TV. I am always doing something else, too.

    Don't beat yourself up over the brownies. Just move forward and take it one day at a time.
  • 1Steph1
    1Steph1 Posts: 145
    You gotta stay committed, if we rely on motivation its pointless because motivation comes and goes. Committment is whats gonna get you through, doing it even when you really really reaaallly dont feel like doing it. Motivation is great to I just think people rely on it too much and then mess up when its gone.. I agree about no junk in the house, hist first concern should be supporting you, and he should not be eating it anyway, that stuff is not good for you even if you dont have a weight problem. One of the books I read a while ago refered to junk food as a chemical **** storm haha, its all chemicals and processed crap :) Might taste good but your body has no use for it. Good luck!! :)
  • dansdeb
    dansdeb Posts: 164
    Its only one time period - forget it, we all do it. you just need to refocus and get back on track. I can't have chips (especially BBQ) in the house or I eat the whole bag. When we do have company over and we have the snacks, I send them all home with the company. If I do have any snacks in the house I make sure they are some of the less dangerous ones, like skinny cow products etc..

    Tell the boyfriend you need to do what you need to do, also if he wants you around for a while you need to be healthy.

    one day at a time...............
  • geekyjen
    geekyjen Posts: 103 Member
    Self-restraint is really hard, especially in the evening or when bored. I find that if you know it's coming, start chewing a piece of gum or something so that you can't subconsciously just keep putting food in your mouth.
  • mlipsey
    mlipsey Posts: 34
    Some people are able cut sweets out cold turkey but I'm one of those who {just} can't do it. I had to learn moderation. Next time after making the brownies instead of leaving them in the pan, try bagging them into one serving size ziploc bags. This helps me because If I dare try to go back for a second bag I can see how many servings I'm eating Vs. looking at a pan, I will keep slicing and eating. I do the same with any other treat. You can do it. It just takes practice.
  • symonspatrick
    symonspatrick Posts: 213 Member
    You have the right idea. Just start back over, every day is a new day. We all stumble and fall. I have done it more times than I can count. But today is a new day. Don't beat youself up because of yesterday. Your health is the most important thing and you are on the right track trying to stay healthy. I can totally relate to not wanting to be around food that I don't want to eat but am tempted by. It is so much easier to have self control when the foods aren't dangled in front of our faces. Good luck, it sounds like you're on the right track.
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