kids who don't eat their fruits and veg



  • jsiricos
    jsiricos Posts: 338 Member
    My 21 year old son has always been a picky eater.

    I smuggled stuff in his food, just to make sure he was getting what he needed nutritionally, he never noticed.

    Then a few years back, after Christmas Dinner at my Mums, I was sitting in the kitchen talking to my youngest brother, and my son came out to "listen to the grown ups"

    While he sat there, he started picking at the tureens and platters from dinner... and started eating sprouts like they were candy..
    Ok so I'm not a big sprout eater, so I was amazed, my brother was shell shocked which turned into great amusement, as I was the one sharing a room with my son... (if you eat sprouts you'll understand!)

    Kids go through phases, what he likes this week, month, year, will change as he gets older, as he see's his friends eating stuff he doesn't eat.

    I always had a container of carrot and celery sticks that my kids could snack on in the fridge, my son liked PB, my daughter, ranch dressing.. - until they went off it.. - Now, all I have to do is keep the fruit bowl full of apples..
  • pumpkinspice84
    pumpkinspice84 Posts: 160 Member
    Maybe find different methods of cooking the veggies and adding different seasonings. My kids love roasted veggies. They also love dips hummus, honey mustard, ranch, ketchup, salsa, ect. Maybe she can help plan meals? Look at cook books or online for ideas together. Take her shopping with you and have her help cook. Kids are more willing to try foods they helped make. I know I love to try what I make. :)
  • CAMP30
    CAMP30 Posts: 17
    I think you guys are great responding to this. It should be a non issue. but for some reason I think she should eat it, and it is easy to think she is being stubborn. I will try that garden idea. Also I am not sure one commenter said to make a story and presentation that she will like, I will also try that. I hope it is a faze and I hope that I can influence her positively. thank you all so much for these creative ideas.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    The key is to give the fruits and veggies to your child when they are babies, so they grow up developing a taste for them. Too many people just give junk to young kids and they never develop a taste for healthy food.

    I've actually also heard that what women eat while their child is in the womb affects what they have a taste for. Freaky!
  • jsiricos
    jsiricos Posts: 338 Member
    Cant be true... I ate very healthy, plus protein shakes when pregnant, and I have normal picky eater offspring

    A friend had bad morning sickness and lived on tootsie rolls, and her son LOVES his veggies..

    Hmm.. maybe it's the other way around? They dont like what we feed them in utero..
  • hmg90
    hmg90 Posts: 314 Member
    Take away everything else until they have to eat through starvation. When I refused to eat my veggies, my mum just said I could leave the table and go hungry to bed instead.

    Nobody is 'born' with a certain set of eating preferences. They eat what they're used to, and they get fussy eaters if they're allowed to much unhealthy foods.
  • chrishunny
    chrishunny Posts: 1,855 Member
    Try roasting veggies. I love roasted broccoli, cauliflower or asparagus. I didn't like or eat any of those till I was nearly 40 and roasted them.

    I like spinach cooked in things but not on its own. So in spinach artichoke dip, chicken rollatini etc I like it.

    The smoothie idea is good, you can add spinach etc to them as well.

    I put a lot of stuff in meat pasta sauce and taco meat. It started as a money saver but it ends up being pretty nutritious. To sauce I add shredded carrots & zucchini, chopped up spinach, onions and garlic.

    Try muffins as well, zucchini, carrot or apple muffins are all hits here.