Getting nowhere



  • ahclay
    ahclay Posts: 36 Member
    Does anyone know where I can get one of those calorie tracker armbands that will go around my huge arms?
  • ahclay
    ahclay Posts: 36 Member
    you may be attracted to the strong emotion of being angry at yourself.

    WHOA! This one really made me think. I'm addicted to some emotion, that is true. Not sure if that is the one. Must think about it. I do tend to do my emotional eating when I am angry. I do angry eating, not sad or happy eating.
  • ahclay
    ahclay Posts: 36 Member
    Thanks everyone. They ARE excuses, but they are also reasons. I like the suggestion to swim until I can walk without pain. Also love yoga. Thanks for the link! I also like dancing and don't care when it hurts my feet.

    I have flat feet, and when I do try to walk, just around WalMart like I did yesterday, it's really easy to injure myself. It is not true that one can always walk. But it is true that one can always do something. Thanks for your suggestions.
  • JanetP124
    JanetP124 Posts: 50 Member

    Well there is a bunch going on here.

    I'm going to start with the pain from exercising and the arthritis. In my view this is a pretty important issue because you are pretty young to be experiencing such debilitating pain. This needs to be addressed now because it is not going to improve on it's own and if you don't solve this, you are at a huge risk of being wheelchair bound at a pretty young age.

    I would suggest consulting with a Doctor, and asking about perhaps physical therapy. I know you said the pool is a good drive away, but perhaps it would be worth it at this time if you could participate in some water exercise/aerobics in order to improve muscle tone and exercise in a safer manner. Getting the weight off your joints is going to be a huge key in protecting your health through the coming years.

    I have a feeling your optimal number of calories probably lies somewhere between 1200 and your current levels. The pain right now is probably keeping you from being active, which is going to reduce your metabolism. At the same time, being at a point where you have to have food locked away from you speaks toward some issues there which you are going to have to solve mentally.
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    Go to the site directly and email or call them with your arm measurements and they will let you know what you need. The BMF armbands are fantastic and give you a very clear idea of what you are burning everyday, so you know what you can have to do to create the deficit you need. They are also very motivational in that you can try and beat past "personal bests" I have consistently lost an average of 2lbs a week since buying mine in Feb. I find it every bit as valuable as this website!
  • ahclay
    ahclay Posts: 36 Member
    I'm sure the restaurants where you put the pounds on, tally up to a lot more than 40 mins return. Just a thought. ;)

    Try not to assume. I got this fat by sitting on my bottom and eating too much, but it wasn't in restaurants. I eat out about four times a year.
  • amruden
    amruden Posts: 228 Member
    Whem I'm bored..or its to hot, heck some times I just can't escape my children.
    Youtube has wonderful..short/long/funny workout videos.

    Love doing the ones from the 80s just for some Kicks and giggles. :-)

    Lots of yoga on there too!
  • empresskelly68
    empresskelly68 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm so totally with you about walking not being doable because it's hot. I live in AZ and at 8am it's already over 100. The energy goes right out of me when it's like this. But the reality is, I just do it. For me what gets me out is having a dog that needs to go for walks every day, twice a day. So I get up as early as I can and just go. It becomes a habit if you can do it for 30 days.

    And yeah restaurants are a killer. That's when I stop making any progress -- when I find myself eating out all the time.
  • ahclay
    ahclay Posts: 36 Member
    I'm going to start with the pain from exercising and the arthritis. In my view this is a pretty important issue because you are pretty young to be experiencing such debilitating pain. This needs to be addressed now because it is not going to improve on it's own and if you don't solve this, you are at a huge risk of being wheelchair bound at a pretty young age.

    I would suggest consulting with a Doctor, and asking about perhaps physical therapy. I know you said the pool is a good drive away, but perhaps it would be worth it at this time if you could participate in some water exercise/aerobics in order to improve muscle tone and exercise in a safer manner. Getting the weight off your joints is going to be a huge key in protecting your health through the coming years.

    Thank you. It's nice to be understood. I just had surgery on my thumb because of the pain, and I'm set to have the other hand done next year. I really, really want to avoid knee surgery, so I love the idea of exercising in the pool. Did that for a while and enjoyed it. Thanks again.
  • twelker878
    twelker878 Posts: 146 Member
    52. Yep, I will be 52 in the fall. I used to experience terrible knee pain and have been diagnosed with avascular necrosis (a severe form of arthritis depriving the bones of oxygen.) I will need to have both knees replaced some day. I was on pain pills and did NO exercise. Then I had a stroke at the age of 49. My life had to change. I had to drop the excuses and start exercising. I started walking outside every day. When winter came and it got too cold, I , went onto utube and found many walking videos and started them. Eventually I worked up to Jillian Michals work outs and jogging. The more exercise I did, the more weight I lost and the better everything felt. I now do a 3.5 mile run/walk almost every day. Get up early before it's hot, and outside is no problem. I am off the pain pills, and have not had shots in my knees since last Sept. You need to just start. Make it a priority. And then, maybe allow yourself that treat as a reward for the exercise. You can do this. Friend request me if you would like, and Good luck
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,309 Member
    You can lose weight without exercise.

    Exercise and weight loss are what are going to heal your pain, though. You are strong enough to save your own life. You have to be - no one else can do it for you.
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    If you don't already use one, I highly recommend getting a food scale and weigh/measure all of your portions out. It will help make sure that your calorie count is accurate. If you are just eyeballing your portions or just using measuring spoons/cups you are probably eating more than you think.
  • ahclay
    ahclay Posts: 36 Member
    I already weigh everything or use measuring cups and spoons. I already don't eat out. Thanks for suggesting them, though.
  • getitamb
    getitamb Posts: 2,019 Member
    Girl you got to work on what you think about yourself. You need to start thinking you are awesome and try to project that. I don't know you but you seem pretty awesome. But me saying it and u believingit are different.
  • fairyt4l3s
    fairyt4l3s Posts: 31
    Don't be discouraged by the fact you're getting nowhere.

    You should cut out all white food like bread, rice, etc... Definitely limit your sugar to natural sugars (like fruit only) and reduce fat. Have smaller portions, I find putting food on small plates helps with this and you still feel full! :smile:

    You can't make excuses for exercise. I'm in my early 20's and I have a bad back/neck and knees from years of horse riding falls and breaks, and I still manage to exercise everyday! Try yoga or pilates (Blogilates is a m a z i n g !) and walking is really good for you. Even if it's really hot, take water with you (even freeze a bottle overnight to take with you) and go out there and do it! The more you exercise, the more you want to to do it, and you'll start seeing results :flowerforyou:

    Don't get disheartened and frustrated - you will get there!
  • SueDalo
    SueDalo Posts: 3 Member
    Do you really want to succeed? Your post is full of why you can't.

    There are three questions to ask yourself before eating
    1. Am I hungry?
    2. What is the most nutritional choice for me?
    3. How much do I NEED?

    As for caloric intake, 1200 is considered to be the absolute MINIMUM requirement, and is not realistic.

    Sugar converts to fat, (processed sugar) this is the first thing that needs to be eliminated
    What is your fiber count?

    There are chair workouts, weight workouts, yoga workouts and many other things you can do.

    It sounds like you are a victim of your own choices. Being healthy and fit is a choice. You can do whatever you want if you want it badly enough
  • KristiCee67
    KristiCee67 Posts: 71 Member
    You can do this. I'm doing it, and I have nearly 200 pound to lose. I would recommend setting MFP for a 2 pounds per week loss. That's what mine is set on. As I lose weight, MFP reduces my daily calories to keep me at 2 pounds per week. But it's plenty of food for me. If MFP is telling you to eat 2000 or 2200 calories, try it. But make sure you count every morsel that goes into your mouth. Get out the measuring cups and the scale and weigh and measure every serving. I was shocked at portion sizes! I had no idea what a real serving was, but I am learning.

    Also, you have to find an exercise you can live with. If you like the pool (which would be easy on your joints), invest in that drive! Who cares how far it is? You are saving your life! Plan to go 3 or 4 times a week. In a few months, your weight will be down and you may feel like walking more, or doing some other exercise. Then you can cut down on the drives. There are lots of "sittercise" workouts, where you do all of the moves from a chair. I've checked some out from my library, and they got me sweating! If you can't hold a dumbbell, try some weighted gloves. They don't have to be gripped. But if you are like me, my arms are so big, they are weights all by themselves!

    Most of all, be consistent. Try to hit your calorie goal every day. Try to move more every day. Drink plenty of water. These simple steps will help you see big changes on the scale. I also find it very helpful to read the message boards. The Success Stories is my favorite. It's so motivating! Lots of people have lost large amounts of weight. Lots of people have overcome health problems, or lost weight in spite of them. You can too! Don't give up!

    ^^^THIS!^^^^ Agree completely with everything she said!!!!
  • Pauline39
    Pauline39 Posts: 5 Member

    I'm pretty good about logging my intake. I've been doing that for years so I'm used to it. The hardest thing to overcome was when I overate and didn't want to write it all down. But now I do. That way I have to own it when I've eaten 3500 calories in one day, which is my worst.
    . , ,
    I have gained 60 pounds in the past 7 years. And I was already morbidly obese before that. I'm over 50 and feeling old and discouraged

    To Getting Nowhere -
    If you don't change your eating habits, you could gain another 60 pounds in the next 7 years.
    Your willingness to log your intake honestly could be a big help. Just write down everything you eat, as you eat it, and when you reach your goal calories (1800 or whatever), just stop eating, and don't eat anything until the next day. If you can do just that, you can also consider taking various steps to healthier eating, and getting more exercise. Good luck!
  • Spresto2
    Spresto2 Posts: 53 Member
    Hello! I work with people who have all varieties of physical limitations in a professional context as I work in skilled nursing facilities and hospitals as a therapist. Arthritis is really painful and my heart goes out to you...however...and here comes the tough love part...there ARE many things you can do. BUT...YOU...are the one who has to do them. I hope you are still reading now that I have been a little blunt. I mean what I said in the kindest of intentions and it can be very hard to come on these boards, ask a questions, and have perfect strangers judge you or scold you or reprimand you or patronize you or essence NOT give you the answers you were expecting or hoping to receive. That can be a little hard to swallow. I think what you need to do is change your perception of yourself first, before anything else. YOU CAN DO ANYTHING YOU DARN WELL PLEASE unless you are deathly sick, in a bed, with a terminal illness, or you have lost your cognitive or conscious functions. You are YOUNG and INTELLIGENT and SPUNKY. You are on HERE! You know it's possible somewhere within you, but you may have to admit that some suffering is probably going to have to come to the surface to reach you goals. But the most painful part may be the part where you become honest with yourself about the fact that it's your attitude more than your lifestyle that needs altered. Delve into your spirit and look for is going to be a bumpy ride. Here is what I suggest, based off professional experience with older people in rehab who have tons of arthritis and based from my personal successes with weight loss and fitness.
    1. YOU ARE NOT OLD. Don't make yourself old in your mind if you are not...because I am 30 and I do NOT want to think of myself as old at 52...I don't look at any 52 year old and think, "They're old...." Don't put that negativity on yourself. Push it away. You are middle aged and on your way to meeting your goals.
    2. Get active. This may require Tylenols, icy hot, heating pads, ice packs, very light impact be it. Do try Leslie Sansone's walking away the pounds. It's an indoor walking program on a video. You don't need much space to do it. Don't even need shoes. You could do it naked. Try seated exercise videos too. Get on and find a video or 5 of them that look good and DOABLE to YOU. Buy them. Put them in and do at least an hour daily. 5-7 days a week.
    3. Cut your calories. If you want to lose weight, eat less than 1800 cal. If you aren't working out and you want to be 40 lbs lighter like the sis...follow her plan. You may be able to eat a little more as long as you are truly getting an hour of the low impact exercise in, but remember...with the lighter types of exercise, you can't really eat that much extra. You will negate the hour and not lose anything. In 60 min. of the leslie sansone walk workout, you may only burn 300-400 cal. eating 1500 and burning this amount is safe in my mind and COMPLETELY doable.
    4. Choose healthy FILLING foods often 80% of your time, but allow some "naughty treats" here and there BUT responsibly so...STAY AT YOUR LIMIT CALORIES WISE.
    5. Research arthritis. Get online and find out all you can about this condition. Look for people who have overcome this with diet and exercise. NOT MOVING IS THE BIGGEST MISTAKE you can make with this condition. When you move, your body creates a lubricant for the joints...not moving, the joint become sorer and stiffer over time. Ask any doctor or physical therapist and they will tell you MOVE MOVE MOVE. You don't have to do things that outright cause pain, but for the first months of this, you may simply have to do seated workouts and light weights. I've seen 90 year olds with YEARS of arthritis and broken hips lift 2 lbs weights over and over like it's nothing and pedal arm bikes. Research arthritis. Find supplements and foods that decrease INFLAMMATION. Look into it all. Nutrition can heal your body. Find the foods that will do that and EAT them EVERY day.
    6. Buy fitness equipment that fits in your home. An arm bike that convert to a foot pedals that you can adjust resistance on is a great one to start with. It will loosen up all your joints with minimal impact and will increase your heart rate for light cardio. Again, look on amazon.
    7. Go for walks in the evening when sun goes down. Even if it's for 15 minutes. Who cares. It is better than nothing.
    8. Stay positive and be proud of any small thing you add into your life to rejuvenate and strengthen your soul, your mind and your body. You can do this. You have the power and the intelligence. You have will power. If you find will power a challenge...if you find cutting calories and working out an hour a day TOO MUCH...pray, meditate, read self help books that address your psychological problems...RISE ABOVE THESE MENTAL BARRIERS! Stop allowing yourself to accept mediocrity and stop giving into instant gratification. Prove to yourself you can reach your goals! And then flaunt the same size pants as your sister at the next family gathering in 6 months from now. :):):)
  • lesliefb
    lesliefb Posts: 88 Member
    In addition to the challenges we all face, it's extra hard to lose weight when you're a woman over 40, 50 and beyond. That said, it can be done -- you can see that in the success stories on MFP . You just won't necessarily see big losses each week like you'll see with younger folks. Oh well. :) I think having a goal of losing 0.5-1 lb per week (or most weeks) is realistic. For me, when I set up a "2 lb loss" on MFP, it actually works out to less than half that.

    Stick with it and make changes that are good for your overall health, such as weight training (very impt for women to slow down bone loss), regular active exercise and eating plenty of fruits and veggies. That way, you'll be making positive changes, and any side effect of weight loss will be a bonus.

    Feel free to friend me if you'd like to connect. I'm on the slow but sure path again too.