I've always been overweight. I'm now 18 and I weigh 264.2 pounds 5'5.
I have came a long way even before I started My fitness pal; I use to eat 2 of everything, but now I hardly eat (which isn't good) I mean I eat my calories but I'll eat like 2-3xs a day. I don't have to drink soda or eat sweets.. So what I'm trying to work on is healthier food choices and the gym.

I don't really know what my point is for posting this; I guess it was to just get it off my chest since I've never done this.



  • Hello! Welcome to the forum. I hope you find your motivation soon. I wish I could help but only you can determine what your motivation will be. What kind of activities do you like to do? Maybe you can start with what you like to do and go from there.
  • nmpetri
    nmpetri Posts: 11
    Thanks. it's complicated. I don't mind being active; I like softball, zumba, I like going to the gym and here recently I've been wanting to go hiking. My problem is not being motivated enough to do it alone.. >.<
  • Kash4Life
    Kash4Life Posts: 48
    Welcome to MFP , the thing that help me get motivated is looking at people success stories . Good luck on your journey and feel free to add me :-)
  • Hello lovely,
    You found MFP and that will definitely help you. I had MFP before but life got in the way, so I made a new one. On my old one, I lost 15 lbs in 4 weeks because I was so dedicated to a healthy lifestyle change and found motivation. You need to find something that will keep you going. Only you know you and you will find it soon enough.
    My motivation is the bikini. That keeps me going and that is the reason why I get up at 6am to go to the gym. I made a poster and placed it somewhere I will always see it. This is what it looks like (although I have changed a few things because I don't do the Shred anymore and my GW is no longer a super low number) I also put my bikini on the wall next to my poster.

    You are doing great lovely. I wish I can get myself to cut soda completely. The never ending struggle.