ANY 1.5-2 lbs loses per wk success stories?

I know it's possible...but has it happened for you? Has anyone really lost 1.5-2 pounds per week who weigh(s) or weighed 190 pounds and lower?

If so...(PLEASE, as tempting as it may be--pls. don't :yawn: or :grumble: ), but how did you do it and/or what are you doing to achieve this tremendous success?


  • refinley2
    refinley2 Posts: 52 Member
    I actually do average about 1.5 lbs per week. I've only lost 18 lbs (204-186), but I started in September. Food wise, I try (try) to eat only unprocessed whole foods and I generally avoid milk, eggs, cheese, and deli meats. Half my diet is raw fruits and vegetables and I go out to exercise five days a week. I go to the gym and eliptecal and treadmill for an hour two nights a week, and I take an hour long brisk walk for the other three nights.

    The hardest part is getting the fruits and vegetables in, though I've found that the more weight I lose, the easier it is to get out and exercise.
  • mrs_brown89
    I was 175 then lost 45 or so pounds. i was 126 at my best. (which was perfect) then i gained back up to 150.

    As soon as i started eating less and working out the first week i lost 6 lbs.
    Not al actual fat of course, my body is getting used to not over eating so im not carrying around extra food weight.

    im only a week in to getting back to my 126 weight though so dont know what next week will be like . I usually lose .2 - .4 LBS a day (i have a digital scale.)
    so in a week it would be around 1.4-2.8 lbs a week
  • vmekash
    vmekash Posts: 422 Member
    My impression is that if you don't have A LOT to lose, you lose more like .5 - 1.0 per week w/ the ocassional 1.5. I'm in that boat. And, it is okay w/ me, because I want this to be permanent. I'm tired of quick loss and quick gain w/ addl lbs.

    Anyway, when you don't have a lot to lose (say 30 lbs or less), you have to do something drastic (under 1200) to lose 1.5 - 2.0 lbs. per week.

    I don't know what I'm talking about, of course, but this is my impression.
  • tinanana7
    tinanana7 Posts: 53 Member
    I started MFP at the beginning of September with the goal of losing 2lbs a week. I started at 172 and am down 23 lbs now. I think the key was really being accountable and logging my food and staying within my calorie budget. That being said, I very rarely stayed within my calorie budget by eating alone (what can I say I like food and I like to feel full). So the tradeoff is that with a couple of exceptions I have consistently worked out every day for 45min-1hr. I've actually been mostly doing Zumba classes (burn about 400-500 calories per class) which I love mixed in with the elliptical, crosstraining classes and spinning.

    I also try to make smart food choices. And since I like to not feel hungry that means I end up eating lots of veggies and some lean protein. You can eat a lot of broccoli without it impacting your daily budget too much. But I eat all kinds of veggies, you get the most bang for your buck with those if your looking for a larger quantity of food. Good thing I like veggies. I also try to eat whole grains and fruit. I have oatmeal with blueberries every morning. Its tasty, keeps be full and not a ton of calories. I drink coffee as well and like my cream and sugar. I still use the cream but switched to using Stevia for the sweetener. I also was very conscious of snacking (or not snacking as the case may be). Its really easy to grab a bite of this or a bite of that and think "oh its nots really adding that much in the calorie department". But those little bites (even with healthy food) really can add up. I also switched from having beer or wine a few nights a week to only having it every once in awhile. Once Im down to my goal weight and simply maintaining my weight, I will have wine more often (but will definitely still be keeping my food diary). Other than coffee, I only drink coffee, no diet drinks, no juice etc.

    The exercise and change in diet. Both of these things kept me under my daily calorie budget. I did have one advantage though. The whole reason for trying to lose weight was that I'm a new mom (currently he is 5 months and never quite lost all the weight from my first chile) so I was nursing as well but not counting those as calories burned so I think that might be why I was losing at least 2 lbs a week (sometimes more). But I wasn't nursing full time (only at night and maybe once or twice during the day, my son is mostly on formula). Ive eased off now that I am pretty close to my goal weight and shooting for around 1.5 lbs a week. I've still got work to do in the toning and strength training department but have been happy with my weight loss so far.

    Hope that helps!
  • tinanana7
    tinanana7 Posts: 53 Member
    that should say other than coffee I only drink water (or sparkling water if Im in the mood for something fizzy) lol!
  • sweetgrasswoman
    sweetgrasswoman Posts: 99 Member
    I joined MFP almost two weeks ago with a starting weight of 187, lost 2 lbs in my first week. Tomorrow I weigh in, but have been dieting since October 20, I drink protein shakes every morning and hit the gym every day with a min of 50 mins. This week I started the 30day shred with weights to work on strength training. Im still learning, snacking on the weekends is my weakness but I hit the gym longer on those days. Ive switched to tea with honey versus coffee, I have saved allot of money that way LOL. I am at the point where I have to go to the gym as opposed to forcing myself, I leave water bottles everywhere (car, desk, work, home, gym bag etc.). This year was the most weight I have gained in my life, and I do not want to be one of those people who lose, gain, lose, its my lifestyle change and do not want to be overweight again, because I know my metabolism will slow as I get older. Eat lots of raw fruits and vegetables!
  • postrockandcats
    postrockandcats Posts: 1,145 Member
    When I worked out of the house and moved more, I was doing the 1.5/2lb a week thing with great success; I lost the majority of my weight this way. But, I'm more sedentary now and had to move my plan to a pound a week as I was just too, too hungry with that little food (lower TDEE combined with a 750 deficit was too much). Once I get back to my normal activity level, I'll go back to it.

    Most of my food choices didn't change- I drink either water, unsweetened iced tea or cafe con leche when I want something spiffy to drink. Occasionally there will be a small coke when I have a hankering.

    Food wise, lots of veggies calorie-dense foods. When most of my plate was composed of veggies with a hit of a calorie-dense protein and a good carb like quinoa, I was quite satisfied.
  • mgobluetx12
    mgobluetx12 Posts: 1,326 Member
    I regularly lose this amount. Just lost 1.7 today after being in Vegas last week. I eat clean 95% of the time (40/30/30) and work out 4-5 times a week using weights for at least 45mins (burning 450+ cals). I also eat around 1200-1400 calories a day and eat back half of my exercise calories if I can. I'm NEVER hungry. It's surprising how easy it's been once I figured out how many calories worked for me. TDEE - 20% was WAY too high for me to eat. Everyone's different, so just try some different intake numbers to see what you can work with.

    Also - log every bite. Measure everything. Drink a ton of water.
  • punkture
    hey mate i do, i started at 86 or so kg, then started keto and now at 78kg, in 11 weeks, honestly ketosis worked wonders for me, and i have lost negligable muscle tbh. alot of people say they lose too much muscle, but in reality, they didnt have as much as they thought to start off with. Mix that with less glycogen to look less full and there's your "muscle loss"
  • janbez
    janbez Posts: 37 Member
    I have been here for almost three months and have lost 23 pounds, so that is close to 2 pounds a week. The thing is, the weight does not come off in an even and predictable way. At the beginning, I had one week where I dropped 5.5 pounds. Since then, I have even had weeks where I gained a little. For me, the answer is to keep on going and keep on tracking, no matter what the scale says.
  • kmarie01
    Hi There!

    A little background: I am a 5'6" female. I started MFP around a year ago and lost 31 pounds starting at 156 lbs down to 125 lbs. Unfortunately once I reached my goal weight I decided to stop tracking my food and exercising and gained back up to 142. I started logging two weeks ago again and getting back on track (already down to 138!)

    To answer the question: I averaged about 7-8 pounds lost a month. I ate 1200 calories a day and worked out six days out of the week. I logged everything. I'm talking like if I ate a single chip I logged it. Due to how tedious that was I completely eliminated snacking without even trying. I ate three healthy meals a day and always drank at least 8 cups of water. I had to cut out drinking alcohol and pretty much all out food. As far as exercise I did the C25K plan three days a week, yoga twice a day every day and strength training the two days off from the C25K. It was tedious but in my opinion worth it. Good luck to you!
  • barb1241
    barb1241 Posts: 324 Member
    I have lost a total of 63 pounds. It took 4 months approx. for the first 59. I got sidetracked and gained back around 10 lbs, and started again I think around 6-7 weeks ago. I've lost 14 lbs.since then. I exercise (walk) a LOT. I also eat 1500-1800 calories a day to not feel ravenous. I now have a minimum of 31 pounds left to lose. Maybe more. Have to see when I get there.

    So, I try to eat nearly double the protein that MFP tells me. Actually, on the best days foodwise, I do about 40% carbs, 30% fat and 30% protein. I am not at risk of any of the things you can develop with too much protein, and I'm not convinced that I am eating too much in the first place. It does seem to have a positive effect on the bone spurs on my heels and my overall energy, as well as helping me feel full longer.

    I eat a LOT more vegetables and not much junk. Even my snacks are a LOT better than before. Cheese, veg, hummus, etc. instead of chips and dips, stuff like that. I do eat processed foods more than I would like to, but I can't do all clean foods right now, so I do the best I can with what I have to work with.

    Eat less, move more. I try to make the food count so I can get the most volume and nutrition with the least calories. I allow myself anything I want if I can fit it into my caloric allowance. Caveat that I might be able to fit in a couple of twinkies and 2 snickers bars, but dang, I would be starving, so I try to eat foods that are more filling and consequently more healthy than that. I also decide in the morning usually what I want to eat for the day so I don't get sneak attacked by being hungry and grabbing junk. Somtimes I do extra exercise so I can have 12 oz. of wine in the evening instead of 8, or a whole Hershey's dark candy bar instead of half.

    That's what is working for me, and it seems pretty realistic, even when I get onto maintenance. Not sure if it would work for anyone else, just sayin'

  • AbiCusPeck
    AbiCusPeck Posts: 96 Member
    Can you list exactly what you are doing (eating and exercise) to loose this weight? :flowerforyou:
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    I actually do average about 1.5 lbs per week. I've only lost 18 lbs (204-186), but I started in September. Food wise, I try (try) to eat only unprocessed whole foods and I generally avoid milk, eggs, cheese, and deli meats. Half my diet is raw fruits and vegetables and I go out to exercise five days a week. I go to the gym and eliptecal and treadmill for an hour two nights a week, and I take an hour long brisk walk for the other three nights.

    The hardest part is getting the fruits and vegetables in, though I've found that the more weight I lose, the easier it is to get out and exercise.

    Thanks so much for posting :flowerforyou:
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    I was 175 then lost 45 or so pounds. i was 126 at my best. (which was perfect) then i gained back up to 150.

    As soon as i started eating less and working out the first week i lost 6 lbs.
    Not al actual fat of course, my body is getting used to not over eating so im not carrying around extra food weight.

    im only a week in to getting back to my 126 weight though so dont know what next week will be like . I usually lose .2 - .4 LBS a day (i have a digital scale.)
    so in a week it would be around 1.4-2.8 lbs a week

    Thanks so much for posting this!!!!
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
  • number1cluts
    I started at 99 lbs, which i know sounds like i was way to skinny to try and lose weight, but i am pretty short and only wanted to get down to about 95 lbs. i got to 97.4 lbs in 8 days through eating less and exercising more.
  • geralynhoerauf
    geralynhoerauf Posts: 73 Member
    I lost 35 lbs in 21 weeks from Jan 2 - June 1 of this year, so a little over 1.5 lbs on average. Starting weight was 175 lbs and I hit my goal of 140 lbs three weeks ahead of schedule.

    Diet: tracked religiously on MFP and aimed for 1300-1350 net calories per day. Severely reduced alcohol intake -- none the first month and then only 1-2 glasses of wine on days that I also exercised. Eliminated 99% of processed foods, no white flour/processed sugar baked goods, no chips/snax, pasta only once every other week; whole grains for breakfast, huge salad for lunch, protein and veggies for dinner, nuts and fruits as snacks; 6-8 glasses of water a day in addition to black coffee. My diary is open.

    Exercise: A succession of Jillian Michaels dvds 5-6 days a week at 5:30am before work. Finished 30 Day Shred, Ripped in 30 and Killer Abs, usually taking a weekend day off.

    Once I got into the routine, I did not find the calorie restriction or exercise schedule hard to maintain.
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    I lost 35 lbs in 21 weeks from Jan 2 - June 1 of this year, so a little over 1.5 lbs on average. Starting weight was 175 lbs and I hit my goal of 140 lbs three weeks ahead of schedule.

    Diet: tracked religiously on MFP and aimed for 1300-1350 net calories per day. Severely reduced alcohol intake -- none the first month and then only 1-2 glasses of wine on days that I also exercised. Eliminated 99% of processed foods, no white flour/processed sugar baked goods, no chips/snax, pasta only once every other week; whole grains for breakfast, huge salad for lunch, protein and veggies for dinner, nuts and fruits as snacks; 6-8 glasses of water a day in addition to black coffee. My diary is open.

    Exercise: A succession of Jillian Michaels dvds 5-6 days a week at 5:30am before work. Finished 30 Day Shred, Ripped in 30 and Killer Abs, usually taking a weekend day off.

    Once I got into the routine, I did not find the calorie restriction or exercise schedule hard to maintain.

    :smooched: :love: :heart: {{{{{{{{{ geralynhoerauf }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}:heart::love: :smooched:

    You're my shero, thank you so much for posting this VERY inspirational and encouraging reply--you ROCK, period.

    WOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • geralynhoerauf
    geralynhoerauf Posts: 73 Member
    Thanks, 4me. Gosh, looking back it wasn't THAT big a deal :blushing: .

    Just so you know...I weigh-in every Saturday and some weeks I lost 3+ lbs and some just a half-pound. So the 1.5 lb loss is an average. Since considering myself on "maintenance" (June 1st), I've proceeded to lose another 3 lbs and am now trying to halt further loss. So I've upped my daily calorie count to about 1750 and have switched to yoga 5 days a week. I think my challenge will be to continue to avoid yummy baked goods and minimize cheese intake. Otherwise I'm pleasantly surprised to have done this well: I went from a size 14 right past my target of size 10, and now a size 6 is a little loose.

    Good luck to you...I know you can do it :wink: !!!
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