Anyone willing to review my diet and offer advice?

Hi everyone,
This post is just me asking for diet advice - long story short I'm not hitting my 40/40/20 carbs/prot/fat ratio recomended for the Insanity workout routine I'm currently halfway through. I've logged my food for the past week (it's been fairly similar for the weeks before what is logged as well - just ignore Sunday the 29th, I had a cheat day!). I'm hitting the carbs and barely going over on fats (1oz of almonds and a protein bar is putting me over!)

Quick info about me - 26yo male - 155 lbs - just finished my first round of P90X and at the time of writing, starting week 5 of Insanity. I was 190 when I started P90X, so I had a drastic weight loss, all 35 lbs were during P90X, I've stalled in the losing weight department for Insanity, I'm just hoping my body isn't in starvation mode. I'll know by the end of next week when I take my 30 day pics. Hope someone can help me out here!

If anyone is interested/willing - check out - - and look over my diet. I feel it's good, and I'm in my calorie range, but I'm coming up short on proteins everyday and it's irritating. What are some gaps I could fill to up the protein intake. Some of it is very rigid as to what I will/won't eat (everything from M-F has to be either microwaveable or eaten cold, except dinner - I prepare dinner on my own every night) I have it set to a 40/40/20 ratio, which is what is recommended for Insanity. I go over on my fat just about everyday as well, but it's all good fat - almonds/chicken breast.

There is only a week of info as I just started using MFP, but my M-F diet is as follows
Bfast - Yogurt & a fresh fruit
AM Snack - 1oz of almonds (sometimes a protein shake as well)
Lunch - Turkey on wheat/pretzels/fresh fruit
PM Snack - Protein bar (went from clif builder to homemade)
Dinner - Boneless/skinless chicken & veggies (normally broccoli & green beans, but it varies)
dessert - varies/don't always have - fresh fruit or protein shake

Here's looking forward to some help!

Note - I do Insanity 6 days of the week - Mon/Wed/Fri I generally do a very small weightlifting routine. Build up a sweat, but nothing major. Lead a very sedentary life - desk job, no kids, no sports, etc.


  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    I only have a couple things to say, looks pretty good, I don't think I could hit the protein goal myself. I am on round 4 of P90X, but I don't follow the diet plan especially in phase 1. Why not try adding egg whites, you can add them to shakes, have them as a snack or make a great breakfast. Pick up a carton and give it a try. You may also want to change the yogurt you are eating to something a little lower in carbs, I'm guessing it is sugar in the yogurt, maybe try low fat cottage cheese, or plain yogurt instead. And why not add more protein powder, have 2 shakes/day or mix 1/3 of a scoop in other things you already eat.

    Some days you are coming a fair bit under you caloric goal as well, so you may want to make sure you come close to your goal daily. Good luck.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    You could double the protein you get from yogurt by switching to a Greek yogurt. Yoplait has non-fat one available now, and there are other brands available too.

    This is not directly related to protein, but since you are trying to eat healthy, I would encourage you to lose the "Jif" peanut butter and go for an all natural product, such as Adams, Hain, Maranatha brands. If you want some variety, natural almond butter is an option also.

    Also, I noticed that your water is at "0"--I hope you are drinking plenty of water even if you aren't tracking it on MFP. You mentioned your weight loss has stalled, and lack of hydration can contribute to no weight loss.

    I just took a quick peak. I am sure others will have additional ideas for you.
  • scarecrow41
    I only have a couple things to say, looks pretty good, I don't think I could hit the protein goal myself. I am on round 4 of P90X, but I don't follow the diet plan especially in phase 1. Why not try adding egg whites, you can add them to shakes, have them as a snack or make a great breakfast. Pick up a carton and give it a try. You may also want to change the yogurt you are eating to something a little lower in carbs, I'm guessing it is sugar in the yogurt, maybe try low fat cottage cheese, or plain yogurt instead. And why not add more protein powder, have 2 shakes/day or mix 1/3 of a scoop in other things you already eat.

    Some days you are coming a fair bit under you caloric goal as well, so you may want to make sure you come close to your goal daily. Good luck.

    This. More lean protein.
  • adventurechicki
    adventurechicki Posts: 8 Member
    This product totally helps!!!! or try, our brands, torch. It's amazing!
  • marvin_rock
    marvin_rock Posts: 3 Member
    Well the jif peanut butter was a one time thing - literally the first time i cracked that jar open in a year because I had a crazy craving for a PB&J - lack of PB&J became a PB&Nutella! My weekend diet is a little less strict, hence said sammich =D

    I'll def look into the egg whites, I may just have to start waking up 20 min earlier or so to prepare them, in the morning I grab my clothes (already packed) and my food for the day, breakfast - PM snack (all already packed), and head out to gym/work.

    I'm just not tracking water on MFP - I drink on average 10 cups a day, I keep a thermos on my desk that my rough estimate tells me is 3 cups, I finish it 2-3 times a day, then drink more water when I get home. Always loved water, no idea why, but no complaints.

    Lastly - add egg whites to like protein shakes? Sounds interesting. I've been crazy open minded since I started this diet thing back in may and tried a lot of new stuff, that may be next on my list.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    You can throw a few egg whites in the microwave, in a micro safe dish. each 1/4 cup (1 serving) takes about 1 min, depending on your microwave. may save you some time if you can eat them this way. You can throw in a third of a cup and for 1.5 min, once it comes out throw on a slice of low fat cheese and enjoy.
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    If you are hesitant on adding raw liquid egg whites to your shakes (lord knows I am right now), you could add the powdered egg whites. You can find them in the baking section of the grocery, or sometimes in with the other protein mixes in the store. You can also order them online, just google them.
  • marvin_rock
    marvin_rock Posts: 3 Member
    Yeah, after reading Erics tips I started looking into egg white prices online and discovered the powdered egg whites - that's a perfect fit for me, my biggest concern with plain egg whites was me not finishing the whole thing in time and it going bad.

    Also decided to cut my amount of pretzels at lunch to only half an ounce, which clears up 50 calories and I can add 2 extra slices of turkey to my sandwich! more protein, more turkey. I get a really tasty Oscar Meyer Turkey huge 2 pack from Sams club, only 25 calories a slice and it tastes fantastic! That should up the protein a bit, then I'm going to add a protein shake in somewhere and that will hopefully get me where I'm trying to go.