THAT'S IT....NO MORE false starts of P90X...



  • feisma
    feisma Posts: 213 Member
    I highly recommend making a cerficate for yourself after each round completed. We got certificates when we were kids, so why not now. I made a P90X certificate for my husband and I after we finished round one. walks you through. I just made an Insanity completion certificate this weekend.

    I LOVE this idea! Thanks :smile:
  • interleukin01
    interleukin01 Posts: 2 Member
    I'll join you, but I've been planning on a start for tomorrow.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Here's a link to the P90X / Insanity hybrid that I started today:
  • feisma
    feisma Posts: 213 Member
    2 days down...and man do I HURT! Wow...I can't fully straighten my arms (thanks to the pullups from Day 1), my abs are aching (day 1), and now my entire lower half hurts compliments of Plyo (day 2)... So what am I gonna do about it you ask? I am gonna push play for day 3 ... Have a great day all!
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    2 days down...and man do I HURT! Wow...I can't fully straighten my arms (thanks to the pullups from Day 1), my abs are aching (day 1), and now my entire lower half hurts compliments of Plyo (day 2)... So what am I gonna do about it you ask? I am gonna push play for day 3 ... Have a great day all!

    That's right!!! I have a date with some Aleve gel caps after work, but I will be pressing play at 5am as well!!!