Any successful phentermine stories?



  • ambercanfly
    ambercanfly Posts: 150 Member
    I am currently taking it again, as well as a healthy diet and exercising. I take mine right after I eat breakfast, it does its job and I don't get shakey or crazy feeling. Again, it works as long as you take it with a healthy diet and exercise. To me, it helps curb my cravings and hunger. That's just me though.

    Mine says to take it 30 minutes before my first meal. Have you tried that? I wonder if taking it after breakfast would take away from the "jittery" feeling I get. Hmmm
  • ambercanfly
    ambercanfly Posts: 150 Member
    Hi Amber...I've actually only been off of it for about a week. I haven't noticed a difference so far except I'm more tired for my 4 am workout haha. My weight actually went up this morning but I think that's because I had high sodium last night. We'll see over the next week if my metabolism slows etc. I'll keep you updated.

    4am workout?! Way to go! That is intense. Not sure I could do that...

    Let me know about the possible weight gain. I'm sure it's the sodium. That'll usually do it!
  • stephevers1227
    stephevers1227 Posts: 175 Member
    Well, I found if I get up and do my workout before school (I'm a teacher) I have more energy for the day and I'm sure I got it done. It's the only way I've been able to successfully keep to a routine. I've found that when I have those little increases, I typically have a good drop at my next weigh in so I'm not too stressed about it. I looked at all my weigh ins and my friday weigh ins are better and I've lost an average of 2.15 lb per if I gain at a weigh in or don't lose that...I know that I'm still doing great and that's what's important. Also, my husband and I started coming up with mini-goal rewards and then a big reward at goal and another maintenance goal...each month. Stuff like new shoes, massage, manicure...
  • mrsdeiexx
    mrsdeiexx Posts: 1 Member
    I thought she asked people who have had positive results to respond....
  • luvaddo
    luvaddo Posts: 13
    I thought she asked people who have had positive results to respond....
    well have you?
  • _Lori_Lynn_
    _Lori_Lynn_ Posts: 460
    My sister was given Phentermine twice by her doctor. Both times she got teeny-tiny and adorable. The first time she had to stop when she got pregnant. She then went back on them and as I said, she became itty, bitty and so cute, but they stopped working, I suppose her body became used to them. She went off of them for a while and gained right away. She kept trying to use them again, but they would never work again. She is now fat again. They only worked for a little while. She swore she'd never gain again, but she did.

    Her diet while on them (as I observed) was to eat a cracker here and a cookie there. That's why they didn't work. She took advantage of no appetite in order to not eat, but enjoy junk at her leisure. She made no attempt to learn how to be healthy and eat correctly and workout. She learned nothing about her body.
  • _Lori_Lynn_
    _Lori_Lynn_ Posts: 460
    Oh and then there is my story with them. This is brief. My sister gave me her left over Phen bc they wouldn't work on her any longer. I had two week's worth. I took them for 14 days and lost 7 lbs (I only took half a pill, not the whole). I gained that all back in three weeks when done with the pills. I never pigged out to gain it back either. My goal then was to keep it off and continue to lose, that didn't happen. I was only eating once a once a day and only for energy and not due to hunger. I felt so weak and sick. Super dry mouth and no appetite. I didn't even feel like drinking water. I don't ever want to go through this again. How depressing to put it all back on within the month. Other things work on me, even the cleansing everyone bashes on here. I don't gain from those, I did with these pills though.

    When the pill would wear off around 4pm I felt super depressed, like I wanted to cry. If I took another pill, I felt happy again.
    That scared me. That is what I saw as an addiction about to happen.
  • I go to a local doctor in Atlanta, GA that offers phentermine, and this is my second time using it to start my weight loss. I recently had a baby and just needed a little help. When I wanted to stop I just cut my dose down until I just didn't need any at all. Hope this works and good luck with your weight loss!
  • indoroids
    indoroids Posts: 1
    yes phentermine works, big time
    but we also need to combine it with diet and exercise, so in future we don't rely too much on phen
  • amburballin
    amburballin Posts: 12 Member
    I was on it after high school. It worked for me. People here say: "count calories, do the work" but they do not realize that it's not for everyone. Some people, like me for instance" cannot exercise. I kept the weight off except when I got pregnant. I lost 40 pounds in two months. It gave me the energy to make better choices. When I am depressed because of my injury or I lack energy due to insomnia, I couldn't control myself. I'm glad I got it. Don't let anyone tell you what you're doing is bad. If you feel you need it, take it. (:
  • rhondaflaming3
    rhondaflaming3 Posts: 4 Member
    I took it 7 summers ago for 6 weeks, along with a healthy diet and exercise (swimming 45 minutes of laps and walking 3 brisk miles a day at 6 days a week) and I lost a total of 48 pounds and am happy to say that I have kept it ALL off!!! I am a mom of 4 kids, healthy and I weigh 125 at 5'3" tall. I feel good!
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    The bottom line is that phentermine is an appetite supressant. The reason it causes weight loss is because it causes you to consume fewer calories. If you change your diet and exercise and don't go back to your old habits when you stop taking phentermine, you'll keep the weight off. You can do it with or without drugs and get the same results. Well, if you do it with drugs you're putting your health at risk, but other than that it's the same.
  • msliu7911
    msliu7911 Posts: 638 Member
    Phentermine makes you eat less, give you lots of energy, and make you drink lots of water.

    I know its easier said than done, however have you tried eating less w/o the help of meds (I.E reducing your calorie allowance)? You've done great so far, but maybe your calories need readjusting.

    Its true when they say there is no magic pill out there. And while I'm glad it is working for you, and I've also used this in the past with success a few years back, just be aware that using it for too long can mess a lot with your head (literally mess up the chemicals in your brain). Also, something I learned from this medication is that it truly is all about eating less and moving more (i.e. calories burned > calories in). The pill makes it where you eat less, which is why you lose weight. So if its possible for you to do so, maybe try to eat less without the pill.. you will still see results. Guaranteed. :flowerforyou:
  • jayrudq
    jayrudq Posts: 475 Member
    Go for it. You have done everything you can, and done it right and it isn't working. Why wouldn't you try it? You are under the care of a physician and sound like a knowledgeable and reasonable person. If it works for you, more power to you. And it will be up to you to keep the weight off. Good luck!
  • tanyalevan
    tanyalevan Posts: 182
    Did anyone else think of mean girls when you read the topic?

    "It's all in, like, Swedish or something.
    Yeah, you know, there's some
    weird ingredient in them that's not legal in the U.S. Yet.
  • Hi all...just reading through threads to see who has been on phentermine. I've been on it 3 months and I'm down 25 lbs. Oddly enough the weight has been all in 1 week each month. I'm going on 4th month and I think I'm taking a break. It does lose the effectiveness you feel in the first month. I'm up to 2 pills a day and it isn't working how it did on 1 in the first 2 months. I've also learned eating 50 carbs or less a day is the way to go with these pills and 1/2 your body weight in water each day. If nothing else, it's puts you on the right thinking process of eating better. The pills give a lot of ENERGY the first 3 or 4 weeks which got me exercising and I'm not giving that up. Absolutely love to walk, ride the stationary bike. Only side effects I've had from the pills is dry mouth and some unknown why should blade pain. Other than that...hoping to finish this last 10 lb. journey with what I've learned.
  • rjc0704
    rjc0704 Posts: 3 Member
    It ABSOLUTELY DOES work and has been proven to not only suppress appetite, but BOOST metabolism. BUT, you must make lifestyle changes in your eating/exercise habits or just like ANY OTHER DIET you will put it back on. I went on Phen after two months of plateau. I immediately started losing and down 6lbs in a week. It was the extra metabolism boost I needed, but will be on it for no more than 2 months.

    On average, if you stop the bad carbs, sugars, high fat for just a week, your body will no longer crave them. I would never believe it if I didn't live it! I was a junk food, bad carbs lover - and having the diligence for a week to resist that stuff, my body stopped craving them. Even if I do cheat once in awhile, it's not as good as I remembered.
  • MsBeautifullOne
    MsBeautifullOne Posts: 54 Member
    I know several of my coworkers who have used it and it worked. I also have used it previously but I went back to unhealthy eating and not sleeping. I'm in a different place in my life and my physician will have me start it and another medication. I believe it will work for me. But i put in the work! Sleep right, stay hydrated, eat right, and not live a stressful life.
  • korygilliam
    korygilliam Posts: 594 Member
    Dayo6 is a spammer for the website (look at their profile, all 6 posts report purchasing from online...and funny that the websites are different for the different posts). Don't buy without a doctors guidance! Please!
  • Hi there

    I'm taking phentermine for about 2 months.
    My appetite is so decreased, I eat much less and have no cravings. I'm - 9kg for now and I'm so happy!
    I certainly combine it with a low calorie diet and exercises. I like it's effect :)