Starting weight loss--Shopping Trip!

Okay, so I know this is not necessary, but I seriously need to get my BUTT IN GEAR. So today I went out and bought myself a food scale, bathroom scale, and a small notebook.

The food scale is because I have no idea how many grams/ounces/etc a piece of chicken or cheese looks like.
A bathroom scale because my old scale goes up and down about 8 lbs when you get on and off, LOL.
And a notebook so I can write down Goals: 1) calories, 2) exercise, etc. and check them off every day.

I came home, got on my new scale (that said 200.6 all 12 times I stepped on it.) Then swore at myself for hitting the 200s again.

Then I went out to the mailbox and found out that my cholesterol has gone up 38 points during the last year. I also gained weight during that year. Coincidence???? I think not!

Wish me luck while I start my weight loss journey AGAIN. I think I needed to start a few times before I got serious. And I would LOVE to look hot for Christmas! That is my new goal!


  • JOY621
    JOY621 Posts: 71 Member
    Good luck and never give up.
  • jessimika28
    jessimika28 Posts: 5 Member
    Well good luck! Just remember that your not alone! Not alone in the fact that, I myself, have started AGAIN (and again, and again, and again and -well you know). And not alone, that whenever you need someone to lift your spirits or sometimes to just vent, this is the place to be :o)

    And funny thing... I just told a friend of mine that I need/want to look 'better' for this Christmas! So I'm steady working towards that!

    Good Luck on your journey and with one foot in front of the other, your one step closer!
  • sallyLunn
    sallyLunn Posts: 381
    I like that you stepped on the scale twelve times. I do that all the time. LOL.

    Seriously, good luck.
  • LWatson43
    LWatson43 Posts: 65 Member
    WOW you now have all the tools necessary to lost weight a good attitude, scales of all fashion and determination YOU GO GIRL you will be under 200 before you know it.
  • tater8589
    tater8589 Posts: 616
    Good luck!! (I do the same thing with my scale, lol)
  • KellieMcMurdy
    KellieMcMurdy Posts: 49 Member
    what kind of scale did you get? I just noticed this morning that my scale changes its mind if you het on it more than once .... it was like a 5 lb range so I guess another new one is in order :(
  • kelbel76
    kelbel76 Posts: 148 Member
    You sound like me! I just recently bought a food scale as well but haven't tried it out yet. I also have one of those funhouse scales that shows a different number every time I step on it but I'm just gonna have to deal with it because I'm starting myself on a budget too. Trying to get rid of weight and debt at the same time, yikes! :noway:

    Anyway, best of luck to you on your weightloss journey.
  • abbychelle07
    abbychelle07 Posts: 656 Member
    I bought a Taylor electronic digital scale. It was $30 on clearance for $20 at Target. My old one was cheap, cheap, cheap from years ago and wasn't digital so the needle wobbled all over the place when you leaned in different directions. I have more faith in this new one since it gave me the same weight multiple times.

    Thank you so much for the support. I would love to lose at least 15 lbs by Christmas and another 10 lbs by April. Then in April my mom and I are going SHOPPING, LOL.

    I don't usually get on and off the scale like that but dang it, I was hoping for something in the 190s. Oh well, not today but SOON!
  • abbychelle07
    abbychelle07 Posts: 656 Member
    I also took measurements of my arms, thighs, and stomach. And I took pictures in the mirror of me in a sports bra and shorts. YIKES! I am hoping for some rocking before and after pictures. :laugh: