Very diligent, but....:(

I work out every day, burn between 400 and 600 calories a day----it used to be more, but for some reason, my bod doesn't want to do 800-1000 calories a day like I used to. One rest day, but I take a power walk just to get a little cardio in, and I track my foods on here. I lowered my calories to 1200 because I hit a plateau. Took me 2.5 years to lose 75 pounds. I need to lose about 30 more and I must say that I am very discouraged. I am hypothyroid and taking medication to regulate that; my bloodwork was fine with it and all the dr. could say to me was that I am 'fit', kudos for good eating and exercise and she is not concerned about my weight. A couple years back, I was diagnosed as obese. It feels great not to be ill and heavier, but....I work my but off every day trying to lose. My husband does not exercise, he eats whatever he wants and he lost 4 pounds this week just riding his bike twice.:/ I take spin, Zumba, another cardio class with weights, and Body pump---3 times a week. Spin is 3 times a week and I fit in the others; 2 hours a day of exercise. It feels great and I always want more. I tweaked my diet because I figure, maybe if I change this or that, I will lose. I have maintained. I am beyond frustrated. I went down a couple of sizes, but the scale has not budged. The doctor gave me the ol' "well, generally women over 40 with kids have a more difficult time losing weight, and you are hypothyroid...", etc. I want to break through this and get to my goal. I feel like giving up if this is as good as it gets:/ Would love your input. Many thanks for your time:)


  • lynmat07
    lynmat07 Posts: 4 Member
    Wow. You have done so good. Don't give up. You workout a lot. I have been the same weight for about 6 months. I am determined to better track my calories. You inspire me to lose more. Keep up the good work.
  • lintino
    lintino Posts: 526 Member
    Maybe you need to eat more instead of less.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    I think you need to up your calories slowly and cut back to an hour of exercise a day. A lot of people on here have found as they up their calories they finally get a loss. You can't be doing more exercise and you can't be eating any less either or you're going to end up with all sorts of other health problems if you keep it up. Best wishes to you! :flowerforyou:
  • autumnsquirrel
    autumnsquirrel Posts: 258 Member
    Thanks, everyone; if I eat more; what should I add? I have cut most of the bad carbs out; no pasta, no white bread, no rice and no sugar added--I add honey, which most times places me over my sugar logged for the day. I would hate to think that honey in my tea is messing me up. If I am jonesing for bread in the morning, I have one slice of Ezekiel bread which I enjoy with oatmeal or Great Grains cereal. it's a battle that I have fought hard for; didn't think I could come this far; the doctor is proud of me. She who is tall and thin, is asking me for advice, LOL. I would trade physiques with her any day. I feel like I started too late----it took me 2 years to get off my butt and start my journey; If I had started when I was advised to, I would probably be at my goal by now. timing is everything, I guess. there are days when I feel, what's the use? Why waste my time going to the gym; what good will it do me? but I get my gear on and go. I did add running, but if the truth be known, I hate it, LOL. It's not my cup of tea, but it does burn some calories; not sure what else it's doing for me but making me out of breath and making creepy guys honk at me as they drive by. I saw an article about adding 'super foods' to the diet. I do that anyway, simply because I like them. My 'makeover' started from the inside out; I figured I would start by cleaning my blood; making the cholesteral lower, making the lipids lower, etc. Oh!!! My blood pressure has always been very low; wonder if that's why I have troubel burning more calories than I do. It's just so hard. I want to give up because I am tired of this going like a hamster on a wheel, but I know in my heart of hearts, that is not the way to go.
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    Do't stress so much about what you eat. I lose on the "if it fits your macros" mentality, and I'm down 90 lbs and 20% body fat that way. I eat carbs (rice, pasta, candy, you name it), I eat fat. I just keep an eye on calories and protein, carb and fat content to hit my 40% carbs, 30% protein and 30% fat ratios. As long as I do that, I can still have pizza or taco bell or ice cream or whatever I like, in moderation. I tend to not have those things often, since I find that the grease doesn't agree with me, but as long as I eat the rest of my meals accordingly, I eat whatever I want. Food isn't the enemy; excessive portion sizes are.

    As for exercise, if you don't like running, then don't run. Find something you do like. I personally love to run, but I didn't enjoy it until I started racing. I can run for miles and be happy, but put me on an elliptical for five minutes and i want to shoot myself. Try different things. Weight lifting, body circuits, youtube videos, zumba classes, yoga, swimming...there are so many options, there's bound to be something you like. It's much easier to stick to it if you like what you're doing.
  • jljshoe1979
    jljshoe1979 Posts: 325 Member
    Hi sweetie - you sound a little burned out...just reading your post made me tired :-) I don't really have any advice, but I do hope you find a solution. Good luck and way to go losing so much already!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Sunitagt
    Sunitagt Posts: 486 Member
    I agree with the above, you might want to calculate your BMR and TDEE and eat between there. Also from what I've read, you'll have better luck losing if you add in strength training to your routine.
  • FaerieCae
    FaerieCae Posts: 437 Member
    Options sound like you are over training in a big way, especially if you're only eating 1200 calories! Are you a sucker for punishment?
    1. Dont do exercise you dont enjoy.
    2. Increase your calories slowly.
    3. 1 hour a day is enough!
    4. Add weights into your workout.

    Hopefully you should see some results, calculate your tdee-20% as well
  • FitGeekery
    FitGeekery Posts: 336 Member
    It sounds like you need to eat considerably more... burning 400-600 calories and only eating 1200? Unless you're eating your exercise calories back? Otherwise that nets you 600-800 calories a day... which wouldn't be enough for your body to run itself properly, much less then work to lose weight.

    As far as -what- to eat, do you follow any lifestyle that restricts certain choices? The easiest go-to's for me are lean proteins like fish, chicken breast, turkey breast, ground turkey, greek yogurt, organic free-run eggs, hummus, beans, lentils... there are a lot of healthy choices. I eat whole grains like quinoa, brown rice, whole wheat couscous, whole wheat english muffins, whole wheat pitas or wraps. Healthy fats like avocados, almond butter, peanut butter.

    Don't get down on yourself about starting late, because the fact is you -started-. That's what matters.

    Another idea is to try out some new activities or exercises or classes or sports that you might actually enjoy. If you're not having fun with it or getting some kind of positivity from it, then you're right, I can see how it would feel like being a hamster in a wheel :/ But that doesn't mean that it always has to be that way :)
  • jeninfl
    jeninfl Posts: 20 Member
    You mentioned you've lost sizes but the weight is staying the same. Remember, muscle weighs more than fat but takes up less space. Sounds like you are gaining muscle and losing fat. Pay more attention to how you feel and how your clothes fit than the numbers on the scale.

    I also agree with what others have mentioned that you might need to eat more. Slowly add more healthy fats and proteins.
  • Colliey
    Colliey Posts: 19 Member
    Correct me if I am wrong, but I always thought is was "easier" to loose weight than to maintain, hence why most of us put it all back on. Maybe change your strategy to maintaining for a period of time, (that doesn't mean go off the diet/plan) and then reassess. This maintaining might just be the new push to loose those stubborn ones. Weight is like a pyramid, Λ the weight you had on the top is easiest to loose and the future you go down the pyramid the harder it is to loose because it's been on the body longer. Though this could also be myth. . .(hope not). Remember, you have done an EXCELLENT job so far, don’t be discouraged . . it will happen.
  • autumnsquirrel
    autumnsquirrel Posts: 258 Member
    Thank you all so very much for your help and insight. I added more calories and not working out 2 hours a day at the gym. Hoping it gives my body a little jolt to move on to that goal. My thyroid---even with medication, makes my body unresponsive to all I do---It 'stalls' or takes a longer time to respond than for that one one with a healthy thyroid. I will get there, it will just take me longer. I refuse to give up, though there are days when I want to throw in the towel and say what's the use. I will try anything I can, that's healthy, to lose this extra weight. I have come this far. I was told in the beginning by a doctor that it would be difficult to lose weight, but to 'cut carbs', LOL. I didn't take that advice right away as I loved my pasta, sauce, breads, rice, cereals to snack on, etc. I 'weaned' off of that stuff and I am fine. Once a week, I enjoy pizza. And once a month, I give into the monthly cravings of milk chocolate. Hey! I'm only human:) I hate that genetics has to be a big part, though:/ Lots of overweight people in my family, tons of health issues as a result. I don't want to be like that, constantly having to go to the doctor and getting medicine for something I could have prevented. I got my blood levels where they should be--no easy feat, but now, I want to get rid of the jiggle jaggle. I would LOVE to look like those ladies on Ripped Goddess, but I have noticed that they don't seem to list what they did to get to that point; just their muscly pictures. Going to keep at it and read and reread your posts; I find it reassuring and helpful:)