Does Zumba really work??



  • :smile: Zumba works for me.....I do it to stay in line not for weight loss, but I still watch what I eat and do 90 minutes of intense Zumba....and i managed to loose a few lbs for sure...Can't complain....Plus it really helps tone your body if done right :)
  • I asked the same question myself.....this helped me a LOT
  • jsong11
    jsong11 Posts: 8 Member
    agreed, zumba is a great workout. I bought the DVD set and have also been to the classes. Personally, i found the classes more vigorous and motivating than the DVDs. I think it works because for most people, it's fun to do so it's easier to stick with. It definitely gets your heart rate up and gets you moving and sweating.
  • lissamw
    lissamw Posts: 2
    Hell yes! Any aerobic exercise that makes you perspire profusely and you do for 1/2 an hour more is great for weight loss. And if you have fun doing it-it's more likely that you will keep it up.
  • cpotter4
    cpotter4 Posts: 116 Member
    Anything that gets you up and moving is going to help you lose weight. Its just whether you enjoy it or not to whether you will stick with it for it to help your lose weight. But Zumba does seem like it would be a lot of fun.:smile:
  • kjvelzen
    kjvelzen Posts: 1
    I love Zumba, but I wish it were in the exercise list on MFP. I have to guess and end up logging it as part dance and part circuit training sine we do weight and band work in our zumba class...
  • GeekMom17
    GeekMom17 Posts: 51
    I do Zumba at home. I love love love it! I have a toddler and a small living room so sometimes its much easier to do Zumba than other cardio. It really is a blast once you get over feeling silly!
  • xSophia19
    xSophia19 Posts: 1,536 Member
    Zumba is great for an all body workout! I have zumba 1 and 2 for the wii, and i used to go on them like for 45 mins everyday! and i noticed changes in my body within weeks! I then stopped zumba and started doing jogging instead, as i want to work on my legs the most :smile:
  • lissamw
    lissamw Posts: 2
    Thanks for the website-very cool.
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Zumba transformed my body! Then I got ill and had to stop it. In 2 months I can start again. Can't wait! I'm turning to jelly again. :-( I love love love zumba x
  • Yes! It does wonders! I got the game for the kinect and do it every night. I also go to zumba class every Thursday. Take it from me, It does work. I love it!
  • jsong11
    jsong11 Posts: 8 Member
    Oh, it shows up for me in my exercise list...but i can't remember if i just looked it up online and input it in....but i could've sworn it was in there...
  • I start my first class tomorrow
  • Okay, I am new to working out so I'm so lost. I bought beach body's Turbo Jam and plan on starting that today. But I've heard all but good things about Zumba. Can I do both of the programs? Like alternate on different days? Or do you only do Zumba...
  • It's best to mix up your workouts. In this case, cardio and cardio, it won't hurt. I started zumba in 2010 (only wish i started earlier) and lost 51 lbs. I now instruct Zumba and other fitness classes. It is SO fun and burns a TON of calories (if you have a good instructor) Give it a shot!