Weight cutting for MMA

Alright, so here's what I'm doing now, and I'd appreciate some feedback and advice;

Well recently, I decided to change up my calorie deficit due to new information regarding my BMR (thanks to this website)

I'm on a 1330 calorie deficit. I make sure to count every calorie of absolutely everything I eat, and it is a daunting task. However, I'll either eat about 800 calories throughout the day and eat the other 530 calories around 7:30 so I don't get so hungry at night, (my willpower fades at night it seems) and so far I'm losing some weight, but this is only week 1.

I decided to stop eating so many processed foods, and cook more often. I use a PAM spray, 0 calories. I use one tiny packet of Splenda with a sugarless Oatmeal that is 100 calories. Nutrition shake is a breakfast nutrition shake with many vitamins, only 130 calories and I add (measuring specifically) 130 calories worth of milk to get a whopping 260 calories for the nutrition shake. I'm eating real chicken breast now, getting the skin off and I have a tablespoon of barbeque sauce to measure the calorie intake of that.

I started eating more fruits and vegetables, mainly things like raspberries, bananas, blueberries, and strawberries. I'll make a veggie burger and eat that, too, with 210 calories alone. If I add anything, a wheat bun, mayo, I count every calorie.

I'm trying to lose ten pounds, I'm at about 140lbs right now and I want to lose 10 pounds of body fat, I'm at 5'6" and I want to fight at 135lbs.

I'm simultaneously lifting heavy every other day, mainly to keep as much muscle loss as possible. It says on another website that I need at least 50g's of protein a day, so immediately after I lift I calculate my calorie loss and eat those back with my protein shake, 150 calories per scoop (1 scoop is 35g's) and a chicken breast I calculate to have 15-17g's of protein along with various other things in the day leave me with 50-60 g's of protein daily.

My goal as of today, is to be at 130lbs by August 18'th losing 1.5-2lbs a week. If I over-eat, I make sure to work out those calories. If I work out and get below about 1330 calories, I make sure to eat back those calories with something healthy.

Am I doing this right?


  • LongIsland27itl
    LongIsland27itl Posts: 365 Member
    You said you're on a 1300 calorie deficit?, as in, you eat 1300 calories less than what your body needs to maintain weight? Or did you mean you're eating 1300 calories per day?i hope the latter or you'll wither away by next month
  • PacManBrah
    PacManBrah Posts: 17
    If your fighting at 135lbs than why are you trying to get to 130? Are you weighing in the night before the event? A lot of people safely cut 10% of water weight the day before, but lower weight classes like 135'ers it's harder. If this is your first time cutting weight than I'd diet to 138 or 137 than night before weigh-in cut water weight to 135.

    Josh Koshcheck on dieting

    Jim Miller & trainer on water weight cutting using epsom salt bath
  • AbeMaj
    AbeMaj Posts: 10
    I want to be a lean 135lbs year round, because I want a better physique when I fight. I know I can cut 5 lbs easily and fight at 135, but that's my fault for not being more specific.

    I want to cut 10 lbs of body fat, I'm eating 1330 calories a day. I want to build about 5-10lbs of muscle mass in my chest/arms (my legs are a tiny bit unproportional) so that cutting 5lbs before a fight would be easier.

    So basically I want to burn fat to get in a better physique!
  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    You can't gain 5-10 pounds of muscle while losing 10 pounds of fat eating at a deficit. You have to pick one or the other. Gaining 5-10 pounds of muscle will take a fair bit of time, and it will come with some fat gain because you must eat at a surplus. I'm also not sure how realistic it is to lose 10 pounds of fat in just over a month, especially if you're already at a healthy weight. What is your bf%? 1.5-2 pounds a week is only really realistic for someone who has over 50 pounds to lose or someone losing water weight at the beginning of their journey. It sounds to me, and I'm not an expert, like you need a bulk/cut cycle, and to take a year or so to do this.
  • AbeMaj
    AbeMaj Posts: 10
    I'm at about 12% body fat.

    If I eat enough protein during the day, lift heavy every other day and take protein for that and eat back my calories from the workout to maintain about 1330 calories daily, what's the harm done?

    The calculator says 10% body fat but I look more like a 12% body fat.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Eat around maintenance, get 1g/lb of BW protein, lift heavy on off mma training days, stay around 140lbs and cut 5lbs water weight for fights.

    You are after body recomposition not exactly weight loss.

    Your strength gains will not be massive if you have a heavy mma training schedule but it will still benefit.
  • AbeMaj
    AbeMaj Posts: 10
    I'm extremely confused about my body fat percentage. They say at 10-12% you can see a two pack and an outline of your abs, like I can when I flex my stomach. On the other hand, when I let my gut hang out all the way, even my breathing I can see a two pack, but when I measure at 31 inches it says I'm at like 17% body fat, and that doesn't feel right. I've been doing years of sit-ups, could I have developed a pot belly?
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I'm extremely confused about my body fat percentage. They say at 10-12% you can see a two pack and an outline of your abs, like I can when I flex my stomach. On the other hand, when I let my gut hang out all the way, even my breathing I can see a two pack, but when I measure at 31 inches it says I'm at like 17% body fat, and that doesn't feel right. I've been doing years of sit-ups, could I have developed a pot belly?

    it doesn't matter. Abs don't win fights. Look at Mark Hunt vs Check Kongo :laugh:
  • AbeMaj
    AbeMaj Posts: 10
    I'm extremely confused about my body fat percentage. They say at 10-12% you can see a two pack and an outline of your abs, like I can when I flex my stomach. On the other hand, when I let my gut hang out all the way, even my breathing I can see a two pack, but when I measure at 31 inches it says I'm at like 17% body fat, and that doesn't feel right. I've been doing years of sit-ups, could I have developed a pot belly?

    it doesn't matter. Abs don't win fights. Look at Mark Hunt vs Check Kongo :laugh:

    Lol but I'm talking about reaching my goals in looking great physically! I know I can fight at my weight right now by cutting 5 lbs for weigh ins, but I want to get ripped for my self esteem and the ladies.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    fair enough.

    The actual BF% still doesn't matter though.

    Stand by my original advice.

    Patience + persistence = progress
  • AbeMaj
    AbeMaj Posts: 10
    Thank you! I just have ONE last question;

    I know I'm new to lifting, so I have newbie gains to go through. Everything I've got so far is mostly genetics/years of body weight work-outs but I've slowed down a lot since then and it's pretty much all been cardio and I've lost a lot of muscle mass coming down from 170lbs to 140lbs.

    Do I still need to eat about 140lbs worth of protein daily? (And 139 daily as I lose weight, then 138, etc.) or only consume this much protein on my heavy lifting days?

    Please help, thank you!
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    as you get leaner, you need more protein as there is more chance of losing LBM. The 1g/lb of BW is a safe recommendation that "should" (along with resistance training) mean you won't lose too much LBM. It is still possible depending on how large of a deficit also.

    Hope that helps :smile: