


  • staps065
    staps065 Posts: 837 Member
    I have an Ultra and love it! I really motivates me and when I don't exercise, I feel like I cheated my Fit Bit! The One and the new bracelet look like good tools but I wont replace my Ultra until it dies.
  • lcantrell65
    lcantrell65 Posts: 228 Member
    I had the FitBit that you clip on for a while. It did an excellent job, but I didn't like the fact that I had to go somewhere private and look down my shirt to check on my progress. At the time I didn't have a smartphone, so it was either hide and peek or else log on. And sometimes I would just forget to put it on.

    I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my Flex. I can check my progress right there on my wrist. I also have an iPhone now, and that is pretty handy too. The main thing with the Flex is that it does NOT track flights of stairs. That wasn't a big deal for me since I rarely have the opportunity to climb them anyway. The other thing with the Flex is that because it is on your wrist, you are going to want it to be a watch. And it isn't.

    Both were super easy to set up. I think you can't lose no matter which you choose.
  • 42hockeymom
    42hockeymom Posts: 521 Member
    A lot of you have said it is good to hide the clip on ones. I see no reason to hide it, and in the 6 + mths I have had mine, no one has asked me what it is when it is on my shirt or a tank top. I usually end up talking about it and pointing it out because I like it so much! lol

    I prefer mine to be on my bra, so that when I play with my son (18 months old) he won't take it off and run away with it. :laugh: He is constantly taking my glasses off, so I figure it's best to hide it. Other people have to hide them because of dress codes at their work place.

    Aside from that, I am constantly telling people about it.

    When I had my Ultra, I usually wore it on my waist band. But when I wear dresses I wore it on my bra.

    So there I am one Easter Sunday at the Communion Rail and Pastor comes to serve me Communion when my Fitbit decides to "greet" me. Yep, my boobs are glowing and poor Pastor doesn't know what to do! :laugh:
  • reeldancer
    reeldancer Posts: 156 Member
    I have the Fitbit Flex (bracelet) -- have had it two days. Love it! Still getting to know it but already know I'm going like the info it provides :)
  • marianneread
    marianneread Posts: 21 Member
    I have a Zip and love it. My sister got one first, then got one for me and mom, then a couple friends got them. It's great having a friendly competition to be more active. I wear it on the waist or pocket of my pants and like that I can check the exact number of steps on the display since it won't sync to my iPhone 4. I also like that I don't have to charge it. I considered the One to track sleep and stairs, but it didn't seem worth the extra money. I didn't want the Flex because I thought wearing the bracelet all the time would be annoying. I have small wrists and don't like bangle bracelets.

    If you don't have a phone it will sync to, don't worry about how often you sync. It will remember the prior day and beyond. I was on vacation for six days and all days uploaded when I got home and synced.
  • Pippa_ttc
    Pippa_ttc Posts: 40 Member
    I clip mine onto my bra x
  • Anna_Joys_Journey
    Anna_Joys_Journey Posts: 253 Member
    So there I am one Easter Sunday at the Communion Rail and Pastor comes to serve me Communion when my Fitbit decides to "greet" me. Yep, my boobs are glowing and poor Pastor doesn't know what to do! :laugh:

    Hahahahaha! Sorry, but this made me literally LOL! Mine has greeted me at some inopportune moments as well...but yours takes the cake! ;-)
  • MSam1205
    MSam1205 Posts: 439 Member
    I ave the fitbit one, I clip it to the center of my bra. Easy to set up acct on their site, and since I don't have a smart phone, I sync everynight on my laptop. I wish it would sync with my Ipad, but it's my version of the Ipad, not them.

    Takes a bit of time to figure out the syncing with MFP, the negative calorie issue, etc. Search the technical threads. They were very helpful.

    PS got mine via a groupon for Brookstone stores. that way It was a bit cheaper if $ is an issue. Have also seen the zip on sale at Target occasionally. ($10 less)

  • Dort68
    Dort68 Posts: 36 Member
    I have the Fitbit One and I love it! I typically clip it to my bra. I managed to score one on Amazon a few weeks ago when they were $90. Totally worth it. It really does help keep me moving during the day.
  • teganjessica
    teganjessica Posts: 20 Member
    I have the fitbit one and recently have added some friends on my leaderboard so that is my daily motivation to move more so i can climb to the top money i have spent
  • segwayne
    segwayne Posts: 52 Member

    I had (operative word, had) a Fitbit One, which is the little pocket/beltclip version up until June 1st. "Had", because while the device was fantastic, the soft-rubber clip that held it would randomly simply "let go" of the Fitbit, leaving it to fall out/off, hit the floor and promptly become hard to find. Finally, on 6/1 (according to my last sync), it fell off/out one last time and I've never found it since.

    Is a Fitbit worth it? My opinion is, yes, because it reminds you to get off your tuckus and get active. If you do the online thing (and it looks like you do 'cause you're here), it shows you more data about what you do every day which can help motivate you to be more active.

    My problem wasn't with the device at all, but I called Fitbit themselves and they don't ever intend to fix the soft rubber case problem, there's no "Etsy-style" (homemade) solution, and they also say there's no way to find it once lost (like you can with a smartphone these days)...

    Coincidentally, I had just now made my mind that today, I'm going down to BestBuy to pick up a new Fitbit Flex (the bracelet model).

    I'm choosing the Fitbit Flex over the Jawbone Up because the Up doesn't sync wirelessly, and I'm choosing the Flex over the Nike Fuelband solely on price ($99 versus $149)

    The Fitbit Flex has fewer features than the Fitbit One (no display, doesn't track flights of stairs walked), but if I don't lose it, that makes up for it, right? Of course, this means that I will immediately find my Fitbit One about the time that the return policy runs out :)

  • princessofredrock
    princessofredrock Posts: 382 Member
    Love the stories about the clip on fitbits. too funny! Mine tells me I'm a step geek all the time lol guess that's good!