What is the best time to exercise in humid weather?



  • camrrt
    camrrt Posts: 4 Member
    Who cares if it took you 30 minutes to walk 1.5 miles. That's about what I do. The most important thing is that you DO IT!!! You should feel proud of yourself because you choose not to just sit around but to do something good for yourself!!
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    It's 7:55 p.m. and still 90 degrees with a heat index of 92 degrees. I definitely won't be going outside tonight for a walk or bike ride. Too humid.

    Thanks everyone for your posts and advice. I'm going to try the early morning exercise, and take everyone's suggestions to make sure I take care of myself properly when I exercise during this summer heat.

    Just a thought, but if the place where you work is air-conditioned could you do your exercise at lunchtime by walking around inside the building?
  • trishfeldt
    trishfeldt Posts: 1 Member
    I like to run and its quite humid here, too. I find the humidity is at its highest early in the morning, but the temps are also at the lowest, so it's a double edge sword. The humidity is at its lowest in the evening, but then you have to deal with the heat radiating off of the concrete. Personally, I find the evening better for outdoor activities. That being said, you will build up your endurance either way in the heat and or humidity, so just do what you can, when you can and look forward to cooler temps in the fall!