Been stuck at same weight for a year.. Why can't I lose?

I was on bc Pills for a year before I started I was 190 pounds I did NOT CHANGE ONE
THING no different meds nothing and in one year I had gained about 40 pounds!! I even started excercise every week day and got down to 224 a week after I stopped and I have been stuck at this weight for one year NO KIDDING!! I have tried lowering calories to 1000-1200 upping calories 1400, 1600 and so on, tried one meal a day, tried the 3 day diet where u can lose 10 pounds in 3 days didn't even lose a pound!! Going on vacation Saturday and I feel awful I'm so depressed I've honestly tried everything and can't lose my bmr is over 2000 so you would think lowering calories to 1200 I would be losing at least 2 pounds a week!?? Why am i stuck and what should I do?? I'm going crazy!!! Please HELP!!


  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    You could try limiting your carbs to below 100g per day for a couple of weeks to a month. Another approach would be the 5:2 intermittent "fasting" with 2 days a week at 500 calories and yet another option is two consecutive days a week of low carbing

    If it isn't working, try something different :-)
  • TKendall87
    The key to losing weight isn't always about lowering the calories but also to watch your fat grams. Look at the foods you are eating and see if they are loaded with sodium or high in fat grams. Sometimes if you lower your calories too low your body reacts by storing what it can and it becomes fat. Also, try upping your workouts. If you are just walking, try jogging a little bit. I personally cannot hit a full run for 3 miles straight, but have had to work up to it by walking for a minute, jogging for two minutes, walk a minute, jog for two, etc. I now can jog for up to 8 minutes at a time. Burns more calories that way. I have also taken up bike riding which has burned the most calories for me. I remember when I couldn't do 3 miles without feeling like I was going to die, but I have worked my way up to biking 3 times per week with one of those days being a 20+ mile ride. It takes time to work up to all of this and none of it happened overnight. Add a couple of days of doing weight training as well. Not comfortable going to a gym? I suggest getting a couple of videos that you can do at home for 30 min to an hour a day. I personally enjoy any of the Biggest Loser ones or just the ones by Jillian Michaels. This way you can push yourself as much as you feel comfortable and can use whatever weight that you want. I also started using Endomondo which is an app I put on my phone that I use when doing my outdoor sports ie: walking, biking, running. Best of luck to you in your journey! You will get there! Don't lose hope and always have faith. The good thing is you didn't gain anymore and that you have been consistent. Keep that in mind.
  • d3mon4ngel
    d3mon4ngel Posts: 242 Member
    Firstly, I know it can be difficult, but try not to let it get you so frustrated. The more worked up you get over it, the more you are likely to let your emotions affect your eating habits, which can just lead to a vicious cycle.

    Secondly, you need to have patience. How long did you give each attempt before deciding that it wasn't working? You only joined MFP in June - be patient.

    I would recommend resetting your MFP goal to lose 1lb a week and see how that goes for at least 6 weeks. Eat all of your allocated calories, and if you do exercise, then eat at least half of them back so that your net calorie intake does not drop too low.

    Another thing that I noted was you said your BMR was over 2000. I think you may be confusing the numbers somewhere. According to your previous post, you are 5'9", which at your current weight of 224lbs puts your BMR at around 1800, not over 2000.
  • monjacq1964
    monjacq1964 Posts: 291 Member
    are you honestly tracking, weighing and measuring your food and exercise? Even nibbles? you'd be surprised at how your eyes can lie to you about amounts of food.

    Keep your stress levels down, make sure you're doing what you can to sleep well. Stress raises cortisol levels, makes weight loss difficult.
  • samanthasimps0n
    samanthasimps0n Posts: 88 Member
    water, water, water! also maybe you should talk to your doctor about taking supplements. perhaps you're deficient in something which is holding you back. I take ezymes, probiotics, aloe vera juice, and a magnesium drink. I also take 7-keto which is specifically supposed to target fat loss. Good luck!!
  • hornp1
    hornp1 Posts: 7 Member
    You should check with your doctor to insure you don't have a thyroid problem: Underactive you gain weight, Overactive you lose at a very rapid rate.
  • shellyq92
    shellyq92 Posts: 7
    I was also frustrated with no weight loss at all several years ago, so I finally went to a good doctor specializing in weight loss who found that I had a thyroid problem. Once on the medicine with continued dieting and exercise i was finally able to lose weight. I ended up losing 60 pounds. (I've gained about 10 back which is why I joined MFP to get that and a few more off.) Most regular internal medicine or GPs don't diagnose hypothyroid issues unless they are very severe but there are other symptoms (hair loss, being cold al the time, etc.) too.
  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member
    if you're stuck at the same weight, you're probably eating too much.

    1) log everything. condiments, sugar in coffee, licks off the spoon after measuring out 2T of peanut butter
    2) log everything every single day, for at least a month. do not take weekends off, do not take a day off.

    then see if you've lost any weight, and you'll also be able to see how much you are truly eating. you may be surprised, i know i was when i started logging again. what i thought was eating at a deficit, was actually maintenance eating.
  • JulesAlloggio
    JulesAlloggio Posts: 480 Member
    I was on bc Pills for a year before I started I was 190 pounds I did NOT CHANGE ONE
    THING no different meds nothing and in one year I had gained about 40 pounds!! I even started excercise every week day and got down to 224 a week after I stopped and I have been stuck at this weight for one year NO KIDDING!! I have tried lowering calories to 1000-1200 upping calories 1400, 1600 and so on, tried one meal a day, tried the 3 day diet where u can lose 10 pounds in 3 days didn't even lose a pound!! Going on vacation Saturday and I feel awful I'm so depressed I've honestly tried everything and can't lose my bmr is over 2000 so you would think lowering calories to 1200 I would be losing at least 2 pounds a week!?? Why am i stuck and what should I do?? I'm going crazy!!! Please HELP!!

    The 1200 calorie plan is way too low in my opinion. You need to eat according to your personalized age/weight/height. You're probably not eating enough calories. yes it is true, that if you increase calories you CAN lose weight. I would suggest finding something makes you feel great, stick with it for 2-3 weeks. You won't feel and see a difference only after a few days. In the long run, you are doing more damage to your metabolism with eating so little calories.

    If you need some guidance, I can help. All you gotta do is ask.
  • JulesAlloggio
    JulesAlloggio Posts: 480 Member
    I was on bc Pills for a year before I started I was 190 pounds I did NOT CHANGE ONE
    THING no different meds nothing and in one year I had gained about 40 pounds!! I even started excercise every week day and got down to 224 a week after I stopped and I have been stuck at this weight for one year NO KIDDING!! I have tried lowering calories to 1000-1200 upping calories 1400, 1600 and so on, tried one meal a day, tried the 3 day diet where u can lose 10 pounds in 3 days didn't even lose a pound!! Going on vacation Saturday and I feel awful I'm so depressed I've honestly tried everything and can't lose my bmr is over 2000 so you would think lowering calories to 1200 I would be losing at least 2 pounds a week!?? Why am i stuck and what should I do?? I'm going crazy!!! Please HELP!!

    The 1200 calorie plan is way too low in my opinion. You need to eat according to your personalized age/weight/height. You're probably not eating enough calories. yes it is true, that if you increase calories you CAN lose weight. I would suggest finding something makes you feel great, stick with it for 2-3 weeks. You won't feel and see a difference only after a few days. In the long run, you are doing more damage to your metabolism with eating so little calories.

    If you need some guidance, I can help. All you gotta do is ask.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Open your diary and give us your height/weight/age and we'll tell you where you're going wrong.
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    if you're stuck at the same weight, you're probably eating too much.

    1) log everything. condiments, sugar in coffee, licks off the spoon after measuring out 2T of peanut butter
    2) log everything every single day, for at least a month. do not take weekends off, do not take a day off.

    then see if you've lost any weight, and you'll also be able to see how much you are truly eating. you may be surprised, i know i was when i started logging again. what i thought was eating at a deficit, was actually maintenance eating.

    Set your MFP settings for 1lb a week loss, eat all your allocated calories and at least half of any exercise calories. Also, make sure you buy a food scale and weigh everything - you'd be surprised how hard it is to weigh 40g cereal or 75g pasta, especially if you're using "cups". Just try it - put what you think is 75g of dry pasta in a bowl, then weigh it. I bet its well over 100g.

    Also, although the BC pill is often blamed for weight gain, its a convenient scapegoat. It might contribute to weight gain by messing with your hormones (which is what its for :wink: ) and putting your apetite a bit out of whack, but if you honestly only take in the recommended calories to eat at a deficit you will lose weight. However, you could also ask your dr if your particular brand is specifically linked to higher weight gain and ask for an alternative. And as others have said get some tests while you're at it to check for any thyroid issues. I did and it was confirmed - I was just lazy and greedy, no thyroid issues or other excuse:sad: :blushing:

    Weigh and log for 6 weeks, keep within your calories and you'll be back here saying how much you've lost:happy: