Ladies only-what do like more ?



  • mkakids
    mkakids Posts: 1,913 Member
    Im not a fan of any facial hair. My hubby shaves 2xs a day so theres no 5 oclock shadow.
  • Kai81109
    Kai81109 Posts: 52 Member
    I think it all depends on the man and to be honest the occasion. Some men cant pull off beards and some cant pull off clean shaven. No matter what though no mustaches without a beard it just looks creapy. If you cant decide shave and pay attention to what you look like as it grows in and see what you like best. I like my hubby with stubble, clean shaven and a close trimmed goatee... He looks like a baby face with a beard if he tries anything
  • GTAFrank
    GTAFrank Posts: 730 Member
    I am shocked by the amount if people who like a go-tees. I hate them. Why hair only around the mouth area? I think its weird. I also think it is only a north american thing. I lived in Australia, New Zealand, UK, Spain and rarely saw them. However, when I came back to Canada here they are again. I know americans love them too. I find them really creepy.

    Hmmm.. not everyone likes mine, but creepy? That's new.
  • kissylee2001
    kissylee2001 Posts: 5 Member
    Clean shaven - I like the honesty and candor in smiles and facial expression
  • brillmer
    brillmer Posts: 1,268 Member
    I don't do clean shaven very often. I like a thin layer of scruff. Just easier to maintain I guess... And I think clean shaven makes me look like I'm 17.

    This is how it usually looks (me at work right now.. damn mondays~)

    I've been doing this for a while.. Time for a change orrrrrr?

    Genuinely wondering on opinions from females .. I have been thinking about changing it up for a bit now.
  • beckieboomoo
    beckieboomoo Posts: 590 Member
    1 or a bit of stubble :)
  • jen_zz
    jen_zz Posts: 1,011 Member
  • combatbunny
    combatbunny Posts: 42 Member
    A ****ing long pirate-tastic dread beard!
  • snockers3112
    snockers3112 Posts: 190 Member
    Clean shaven
  • mazzasweet
    mazzasweet Posts: 266 Member
    It's ALL good! There are sexy men of every shape, size and facial hair arrangement :-)
    For me personally though, I don't like the 'Grizzly Adams' full-on beard that birds could nest in. hehe
  • snockers3112
    snockers3112 Posts: 190 Member
    Clean shaven
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Hi ladies :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    What do you like more regarding beard and mustache ...

    1- Clean Shaven.

    it doesn't look bad, but it's just not my cup of tea
    2-Narrow mustache.

    by narrow, do you mean like Hitler or like a long thin line above the lip? Neither is my cup of tea, but unless the guy had no education in history whatsoever to the point that he'd never heard of Hitler, I would want to know why he styles his moustache like Hitler.
    3-Full beard (Long or normal ?).

    4-Small beard.

    usually :love: but it depends on the style
    5- (What else).

    Goatee beards are nice, although I have to say, a goatee beard does not suit King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia. Not one little bit. Other men look good in goatee beards though.

    Regarding what style, it really depends on the face. It's got to suit the man's face shape and also go with his hair style. Or just let it grow to its natural shape and trim it a bit to keep it tidy. A good barber should be able to match the beard style to the face shape (though that begs the question of how the Saudi king didn't manage to find a better barber to make his beard style suit his face, given that he's a king n'all)
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    As long as I'm not getting hair in my mouth or scratched a lot doesn't matter.
  • Jennvandemark
    Jennvandemark Posts: 179 Member
    5 o'clock shadow is sexy. :bigsmile:
  • joleenl
    joleenl Posts: 739 Member
    I like them all. It really depends on the guy IMO. Some men can pull off facial hair and some can't. I think facial hair is cool as long as it doesn't age you, it suits you, and it's well groom (clean and tidy). I don't find the really scruffy facial hair attractive. An afternoon shadow is sexy on some men.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    Depends on the man and my general mood. Most of the time, I prefer clean shaven, but on some men, and at certain times, the rough-around-the-edges thing can be OMG hot. If I can tell it's just because you're too lazy to shave, I have a problem with that. I shave roughly half my body on a daily basis, without fail, so I don't even want to hear it.
  • southerndream24
    southerndream24 Posts: 303 Member
    Well since I love me some nicely put together men in perfectly tailored suits, the face needs to match. So it's either clean shaven or just that right amount of scruff.
  • amwoidyla
    amwoidyla Posts: 257 Member
    Lover of facial hair in the below order:
    1. Mustache (rides)
    2. Full beard
    3. Scruff
    4. Mutton Chops

    Even though my fella loves his's my least fave.
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    Honestly honey, it depends on the face. I lean more towards goatees, but there are some men that just DON'T wear them that well.
  • UrbanLotus
    UrbanLotus Posts: 1,163 Member
    NO mustache for the love of god! I like a couple days of scruff, nicely trimmed up. I guess that would be "small beard"?

    Oh and no flavor savers or chinstraps, they look douchey. And if you don't have much hair or it grows patchy, stay away from facial hair.