ANY 1.5-2 lbs loses per wk success stories?



  • ERBred
    ERBred Posts: 33 Member
    I started the last week in april 2013. Although I started using MFP weight loss is 21lbs. I started with ALMASED energy shakes. I did a 3 day shake and veggie juice only, then 2 shakes a day for a week, now I do one shake a day to supplement a meal....when I am at work (so that meal changes)
    At home, I am MEASURING my portions until I get used to what is a normal portion. My husband and I eat the same meal, just no seconds. He likes the idea of his helping me with portion control....but we still go out to dinner or eat our favorite meals together. Almased can be a little pricey, but I buy it online for 1/2 price. No cravings, no jittery feelings, and I really think it helped wash out my previously too heavy on sodium diet. Because I don't eat at the same time every day, crazy rotating shifts, and have snacks always tempting me at work....I know that the meal replacement was a big help and stabilized my insulin levels.
    So...down about 1-2# regularly a week.
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    These past 4 weeks, I have lost 1-2lbs consistently.

    I have trained hard three times a week, walked regularly and cut down on how much tea I drink. (I usually drink with a sugar and some milk...) I also started to photograph my food to make sure I was eating enough variety.

    Just some suggestions for you! It might not work for everyone, but I'm happy with my recent progress.
  • PanaMericann
    PanaMericann Posts: 47 Member
    I started last year on June 11th at about 190 pounds exactly. I worked out nearly everyday with a rest day here and there, and I ate healthy. That's it. Some weeks I lost 5 pounds, some I lost nothing, but now I'm about 152. I got to 155 in about five months.
  • jellab
    jellab Posts: 35
    Great topic. :-)
  • ascollette
    ascollette Posts: 15
    When I started with new vigor at the beginning of the year, I was 170. I decided to cut out refined sugar completely, because my weight loss had stalled, and I was desperate. So, I only ate fruit, veggies, lean protein, and very few carbs (bread, rice, potatoes, etc). I ate dairy occasionally as well. The first week sugar free, I lost 6 pounds. For the next few months, I lost 1.5-2 pounds a week. Once I hit 150, my weight loss has slowed greatly. I still have 10 pounds to hit my goal weight, which has been the hardest by far. But yes, at the beginning, I was able to lose 1.5-2 pounds a week, eating healthy and exercising, which I did 5-6 times a week (alternating weight training and cardio like running, biking, and ballet)

    Hope this helps, good luck!
  • sweetshellzz
    sweetshellzz Posts: 2 Member
    hi Im shelly and I lost 30 lbs i went from a size 13 to a 7 i was 175 lbs now i am 146 . I did this by the 1200 calorie healthy eating for two months starting in october and now in july i am 147 . however i truly think i lost it walking at least a hour everyday. Walking is amazing thats my recommendation walk as much as you can. lemon is good in water it speeds metabolism. dont eat late at night. when i have a sweet craving i eat a icee pop tends to crave it and its only 50 caloies. Good luck i still have five more pounds to lose:) im am five seven and three quarters in heighth btw
  • Teardrop81
    Teardrop81 Posts: 132 Member
    I started in Ocotber at 169 and am now 149. My loss is super slow but I don't care. I had plateaued prior to last week and decided I would change things up a bit by adding more food throughout the day and eating more "clean" stuff. I didn't increase my calories necessarily, just switched to less of the high-calorie options to more of the low-calorie options and jacked my fruit intake up considerably. I lost 2.5 lbs in the last week, so I'm pleased! I really think a lot of it had to do with fueling myself earlier in the day. Instead of using 50% of my calories for the evening, I added a lot of fruits during the day for snacks. I have less calories for dinner, but I also changed what I am eating for dinner so that I don't need those extra calories. I intend to keep this up and add even more clean foods to my grocery list. My body seems to like 'em! :happy:
  • Lonarae12
    Lonarae12 Posts: 10
    I've been stuck at 133 for weeks now and haven't been able to lose anything and I'm getting a little frustrated. I've kept my calorie intake fairly low and close to if not always at my limit but it doesn't seem to be working. I don't cheat on my diary and I also don't restrict sweets if/when I want them, I just try to make sure it stays under or at my allotted calories. I've also been working out 4-6 days a week so I don't know. Maybe it's because I don't have a lot left to lose or because I did just have a baby 2 months ago and am breast feeding so maybe that has something to do with it?

    I don't know but I'm getting so frustrated so if anyone has any input that'd be awesome. *Side note if you look at my diary I have been drinking some but I don't breast feed when I do and wait to BF again until all alcohol is out of my system and hence - out of my breast milk. We supplement with formula too because he eats so much.
  • mama78loosinWeight
    mama78loosinWeight Posts: 130 Member
    I joined MFP just over a year ago. I had a regular loss of 1-2 lbs a week. In total I am down 102 pounds in a years time.
    I did this by loosely following the primal blueprint diet. Mainly I decreased my sugars and salts, got rid of most processed foods, went very easy on the nuts, cheese/dairy, increased my clean protein, and my vegetables to 3 plates a day. And didn't skip my real fruit... not juice. I drink lots of water, and still drink my diet soda with my meals. Sorry love my soda.
    I have a spinal injury so I had to start my exercises in physical therapy, and eventually added yoga ball, and regular yoga, then swimming and walking distances.My goals were min work out 4xs a week 450-600 cal burns in addition to 350+ calories burnt in daily activity.
    I kept my caloric goals set at 1600 calories, although I usually ate more around 1100-1400 because fruit and vegetables aren't very calorie laden. I did this so when I was hungry I could eat with in reason. I never felt starved this way.
    I also planned one cheat meal every week. Nothing out of reason, and that was the point. If I had a craving I could give into it and a healthy way with out going way off my diet. As time passed I not only made better choices but it took less to become full.

    You know when I started I was in a size 30 with a thyroid problem, high blood pressure, a spinal injury, a bum knee, and barley able to chase after my baby. Now I am a fit size 14, I don't need medication for my thyroid or my blood pressure anymore, my knee hasn't given my problems for the last 40 lbs, and I chase my toddler everyday happily. My skinny teenage son passes me down his clothes he grows through because he is too tall for them and actually they fit me. I have gained my wardrobe back from the depths of the garage where it has sat unhappily for years. I'm finally smaller than my hubbie, and loving it. Now I'm not done I still have a few lbs to go and a couple sizes but I am happier than I have been in years! I couldn't have done it with out the awesome support I got from my MFP family of friends, and a boatload of determination.
  • oscarsson
    oscarsson Posts: 32 Member
    Started at 68.2 kg (150 lbs) at the beginning of June and am now 63 kg (139 lbs). I have run 30-45 minutes every day, no exceptions, and have kept under my calorie target every dat, also no exceptions. However... I have eaten whatever I have wanted. Just not in supersize portions. Haven't been really big into the fruits and veggies, but I also haven't really craved sweets either. I tend to eat most of my calories in the evenings and enjoyed fresh pasta tortelloni with pesto sauce for dinner tonight (after a 12k run!). If I am nearing my calorie limit for the day I put my shoes on and go for a jog. I eat on average 1400-1500 calories per day and eat under net each day but only just under.

    10 lbs and several inches in 5 weeks so I am happy.
  • Katey12891
    Katey12891 Posts: 41 Member
    My impression is that if you don't have A LOT to lose, you lose more like .5 - 1.0 per week w/ the ocassional 1.5. I'm in that boat. And, it is okay w/ me, because I want this to be permanent. I'm tired of quick loss and quick gain w/ addl lbs.

    Anyway, when you don't have a lot to lose (say 30 lbs or less), you have to do something drastic (under 1200) to lose 1.5 - 2.0 lbs. per week.

    I don't know what I'm talking about, of course, but this is my impression.

    This has nothing to do with your post but about the picture on your weight ticker... is that dog a white shepherd? I LOVE them. what's his/her name?
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    {{{{ Hugs and High Fives }}}}} to ALL who replied. Your posts are so encouraging, inspirational and so admirable to me --thanks again to ALL you winners ---Y'all ROCK, period.

    :love: :flowerforyou: :drinker::glasses: :love:
  • Awdwee
    Awdwee Posts: 6 Member
    That's reassuring! I'm 133 (now) and I've lost 1.5 in two weeks despite 1200 a day but if it all stays off it will be worth taking longer :)
  • rnelson487
    rnelson487 Posts: 1 Member
    I've lost 11 pounds in 7 weeks. I am a 44 year old woman, 6 feet tall and my starting weight was 207, I'm now at 196. I eat 1800-1900 calories per day and lift dumbbells and alternate walking and jogging on my treadmill (with the incline high) for a total of 1 hour per day, 6 days a week. I started out eating 1600-1700 calories per day for the first 4 weeks and I felt hungry an hour after dinner, so I am eating more and am loosing weight at the same rate. My goal is to lose 1 to 1.5 pounds a week and get to 175 pounds. I also did not loose several pounds the first week. I only lost 1. So I have had very steady weight loss, and I have gained a significant amount of muscle. I have gone down from a size 16 to a 14 or 12 (depends on the clothing item).

    I've read so much information about nutrition and exercise and I have found that the quality of food and quality exercise are key to loosing weight without feeling famished. I feel really good each day and know that I need to eat enough calories to support my physical and mental health.

    I eat avocados, plain greek yogurt, cottage cheese, lots of fruits and vegetables, eggs and toast, salmon and grilled chicken. I weigh all the food I eat and only eat out about once per week.

    What's working for me is... sleeping 8 hours a night, exercising 6 days per week, weighing my food and being totally honest about logging all my food in MFP. This plan is working well and I feel really good!
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    rnelson487 wrote: »
    I've lost 11 pounds in 7 weeks. I am a 44 year old woman, 6 feet tall and my starting weight was 207, I'm now at 196. I eat 1800-1900 calories per day and lift dumbbells and alternate walking and jogging on my treadmill (with the incline high) for a total of 1 hour per day, 6 days a week. I started out eating 1600-1700 calories per day for the first 4 weeks and I felt hungry an hour after dinner, so I am eating more and am loosing weight at the same rate. My goal is to lose 1 to 1.5 pounds a week and get to 175 pounds. I also did not loose several pounds the first week. I only lost 1. So I have had very steady weight loss, and I have gained a significant amount of muscle. I have gone down from a size 16 to a 14 or 12 (depends on the clothing item).

    I've read so much information about nutrition and exercise and I have found that the quality of food and quality exercise are key to loosing weight without feeling famished. I feel really good each day and know that I need to eat enough calories to support my physical and mental health.

    I eat avocados, plain greek yogurt, cottage cheese, lots of fruits and vegetables, eggs and toast, salmon and grilled chicken. I weigh all the food I eat and only eat out about once per week.

    What's working for me is... sleeping 8 hours a night, exercising 6 days per week, weighing my food and being totally honest about logging all my food in MFP. This plan is working well and I feel really good!

    WOW!!! How truly wonderful and excellent of you to resuscitate this super old thread of mine! o:)

    It's so VERY powerful/inspirational and humbling for me to see how very FAR The Lord has brought me/I have come, since wayyyyy back then--what a relief and joy it is, after ALL these many years to FINALLY, in November 2017 that I am seeing results of being a success and a success story myself (even though I'm not done yet)--because I'm losing 1.5lbs or more per week and it's thrilling!

    I sooooo remember this thread I started way back when...when I started this thread in/from November of 2012, what a time of utter woe, hopelessness and all kinds of desperation and self-centered yuck I was filled with back then, I was totally trapped and locked in a scary cycle of gluttony, obesity and all kinds of "nice" but ungodly yuck in my life back GLAD those days are gone forever!

    Lastly, I love how succinct and encouraging your post is. Thank you ever so very much for bringing up this old post of mine--you rock, period. <3o:)<3
  • getoffin1year
    getoffin1year Posts: 87 Member
    If you have a 1000 calorie deficit everyday that will equal 2lbs a week. Theres a lot of schools of thought on how to achieve this.
  • DanishFeta
    DanishFeta Posts: 61 Member
    edited October 2017
    I did the first time i lost weight, I went from 240- 200 in 2 months, then from 200 to 190 in 1 month and I was losing a good 8-10lbs per month right up until 160 where i stalled for 3 months but i didn't gain, the weight just didn't budge but my clothing size still went down. I dropped my calories by another 200cals and started to lose again until 150 at that's at 5'2.

    I did start working out during my stall, so i may have been overestimating my burns and just eating a little too much. I started weight lifting at around 180 and i think that helped.

    But I'm back to square one again because i didn't stick to it.
  • JenWagoner2017
    JenWagoner2017 Posts: 1 Member
    I have been doing low carb and low sugar for a little while and lost 20 pounds. I hit a plateau, so I started using My Fitness Pal 5 days ago. I have been losing a pound a day. I started at 205 and am now 201. My goal is 145 pounds and I was assigned 1200 calories a day. I am meticulous about entering everything I eat. I still have a lot of weight to lose, so that could be why it's coming off so quickly. I also walk at a brisk pace at least 30 minutes every day.
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