What is YOUR Gym Routine???



  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    3 days a wk,intense water aerobic classes,& 2 days a wk interval water aerobic classes,both last an hour.I sometimes swim laps after to cool down.
  • DVaughan1975
    DVaughan1975 Posts: 158 Member
    bump for when my physical therapist gives me the green light to go back to the gym : )
  • dlrosen
    dlrosen Posts: 51
    If I go to the gym (I run outside most days) I usually end up on the treadmill running for 60-90 minutes. I try to get myself to do strength training about 1-2 times a week for 30-45 minutes, I do a lot with a weight ball and I do some ab exercises.
  • crandos
    crandos Posts: 377 Member
    Monday - Legs sqauts,leg press, hammy curls and calf raises.
    Tuesday - Chest Bench Press(barbel or dumbell), Incline bench, dumbell flies and dips
    Wed - Back Pullups/Chinups, Deadlifts, Seated Row, Lat pull downs.
    Thursday - Shoulders Shoulder or Military press, Shrugs, Upright rows and side raises
    Friday - biceps/triceps bicep curls,hammer curls,skull crushes and tricep pulldowns.
    sat and sun rest.

    10,8,8,6,4 reps going up in weight each time.
  • jollyjoe321
    jollyjoe321 Posts: 529 Member
    Cardio for 10-15 minutes, nearly always treadmill, 2 degree incline at 11km/h

    Then weight training for at least 60 minutes (on their machines), tend to focus on upper body, legs seem to have a natural strength of their own :devil:
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    5/3/1 (lifting) 4x per week plus accessory exercises, stretching, foam rolling. I walk to and from the gym, half hour each way. I train with kettlebells twice a week at home, and I go out for walks and stretch/foam roll on those days as well. I take one day as a rest day, but I typically go out for a nice walk and do a bit of stretching/foam rolling on that day as well.
  • I workout not only to lose weight and be healthy but I really have learned to love it. So, I workout 6 days a week.

    Monday- Zumba
    Tuesday-20 minutes elliptical and legs
    Wednesday- Zumba
    Thursday-20 minutes elliptical and chest and back
    Friday-40 minutes elliptical and triceps
    Saturday-40 minutes elliptical and shoulders

    I do a mix of machines and free weights. And I do some abs work every day. Some people get bored doing the same cardio machine all the time but I am a huge fan of the elliptical. I love it. Good luck on finding a workout routine that works for you!
  • tatasmagik
    tatasmagik Posts: 185
    Cardio 6 days per week, usually elliptical on hills for 30-45 minutes. Weights M-W-F on machines (which will be changing as of today to a 4 split with free weights and/or body weight and much heavier).
  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member
    Mostly free weights. Not a fan of machines and I don't feel that they allow you to work as hard.

    It depends on the machine. Some provide tension throughout the movement, unlike dumbbells. I read the Preacher Curl machine and the Lateral Cable Raise are examples. I've always read that there is no real substitute for the Lat machine. I do a mix of free weights and machines.

    Free Weights

    Pros: Can use lighter weights; machine may be too big, weights come in smaller increments, more control, more muscles engaged, develops proprioception


    Pros: Form is somewhat less important, can use heavier weights without help,machine may be engineered to provide more tension during the entire movement
  • FeebRyan
    FeebRyan Posts: 738 Member
    Because i do a lot of classes, i tend to go to the gym straight afterwards and do 30mins of weights.

    Followed by 25mins of gentle cardio (on the stationary bikes)

    If i am not going to a class i tend to do 30mins on the treadmill jogging, followed by my 30mins of weights and then i finish up with 30mins of stationary bike. I push myself a bit more on the cardio machines if i have not just been to a class.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    Mostly free weights. Not a fan of machines and I don't feel that they allow you to work as hard.

    It depends on the machine. Some provide tension throughout the movement, unlike dumbbells. I read the Preacher Curl machine and the Lateral Cable Raise are examples. I've always read that there is no real substitute for the Lat machine. I do a mix of free weights and machines.

    Free Weights

    Pros: Can use lighter weights; machine may be too big, weights come in smaller increments, more control, more muscles engaged, develops proprioception


    Pros: Form is somewhat less important, can use heavier weights without help,machine may be engineered to provide more tension during the entire movement

    Most machines are crap. They keep trying to improve them but they keep coming up short. The biggest problems with them are that they force everyone into exactly the same joint movement which will be wrong for a good number of users, and they isolate the muscles unnaturally. That is not to say that they should never be used (except the Smith Machine which, the best I can tell, has zero purpose and will kill your joints) but they shouldn't form the basis of anyone's program UNLESS the person has no other option due to specific injuries or availability.

    Tension throughout a movement can be achieved with chains if someone is trying to bust through a plateau. Otherwise, that is basically a sales pitch for machines. All this attention to functional strength and people still ignore the advantages of free weights.
  • JusticeGirl25
    JusticeGirl25 Posts: 703 Member
    Mainly use the treadmill when I'm at the gym and at least once or twice a week I will go swimming.
  • Yogi_Carl
    Yogi_Carl Posts: 1,906 Member
    M: Bodyweight and Dumbbell (pressing/pushing).
    Tu: BW/DB: (pulling/chin-ups/biceps)
    W: Evening Yoga class
    Th: Lunchtime swim. BW/DB: (Legs/Core)
    F: BW/DB: (pressing/pushing)
    S: Morning Yoga class. BW/DB: (pulling/chin-ups/biceps)
    Sn: Casual pace swim. Rest

    Cycle to work 4 days out of 5; around 60 miles per week.
    Yoga work-alone session at home every evening.
  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member
    Mostly free weights. Not a fan of machines and I don't feel that they allow you to work as hard.

    It depends on the machine. Some provide tension throughout the movement, unlike dumbbells. I read the Preacher Curl machine and the Lateral Cable Raise are examples. I've always read that there is no real substitute for the Lat machine. I do a mix of free weights and machines.

    Free Weights

    Pros: Can use lighter weights; machine may be too big, weights come in smaller increments, more control, more muscles engaged, develops proprioception


    Pros: Form is somewhat less important, can use heavier weights without help,machine may be engineered to provide more tension during the entire movement

    Most machines are crap. They keep trying to improve them but they keep coming up short. The biggest problems with them are that they force everyone into exactly the same joint movement which will be wrong for a good number of users, and they isolate the muscles unnaturally. That is not to say that they should never be used (except the Smith Machine which, the best I can tell, has zero purpose and will kill your joints) but they shouldn't form the basis of anyone's program UNLESS the person has no other option due to specific injuries or availability.

    Tension throughout a movement can be achieved with chains if someone is trying to bust through a plateau. Otherwise, that is basically a sales pitch for machines. All this attention to functional strength and people still ignore the advantages of free weights.

    I pointed out the advantages of both and said I use both. Weights, machines, and other devices don't always perform exactly the same way. There are some exercises where you can get a better workout if you use the machine. It depends on what you're looking for and your options.
  • maeveconroy
    maeveconroy Posts: 11 Member
    Just adding to this discussion because it's nice to write out your routine :)

    I go for 1-2 hours about 5+ times a week. I only don't go if I work a 11-7, 12-8, 9-5 shift at my work. My excuse for not going on these days is that I'm a fast food slave, so my 8 hour shift is spent on my feet.

    At the gym, I do weights every other visit. This is usually 3-4 times a week.

    I go on the treadmill and walk for 2-3 minutes, then do a 30 minute run at a pace of about 6 miles an hour (which I'm very pleased about). Then on the days I do weights, I do a cool down and head over to weights.

    Weights: I don't do free weights, I do machines since the free weight section of my gym is dominated by men and I feel too intimidated :ohwell: . It's a full body 14 station or so workout that takes about 20 minutes of half and hour. I do 12-14 reps, and for some I do 2 sets, but generally just 1.

    Either after weights, or after running, I hop on the stationary bike (I alternate between the upright and the recumbent bike every few times). I go at a pace of about 17 miles an hour with a resistant of about 7-8 for half an hour. I usually "travel" 8-9 miles over this time depending on how close I stay to my goal rpm of 95.

    I push hard in every workout!
  • BarbieAS
    BarbieAS Posts: 1,414 Member
    In a good/typical week, I go to the gym 4 times (and take 1 60 minute cardio/body weight strength class).

    First thing I always do when I get there is my lifting - 2 days upper body, 2 days lower body/abs. I just use the circuit machines since I will need a LOT of help when I start free weights (bad joints) and I can't afford a PT right now, but I do try to lift "heavy." (ETA - I do know that machines are not at all preferable to free weights. Like I said, I would love to do them, and I'm currently saving up for 4-5 sessions [at least] with a trainer to ensure that my form and everything is correct. I have some really weak joints and, for me, the machines make more sense right now in order to prevent injury, but it's not my long-term plan.) I don't know all the exact official names for the exercises, but - upper body is biceps curls (I actually do these with free weights), chest press, a row machine, shoulder press, a pull-down machine, and a triceps press; lower body/abs is a leg extension, leg curl, glute press, leg press, inner and outer thighs, a twisty ab machine thing and then crunches. 3X10 of each.

    Then, after that, I do whatever cardio necessary to hit my TDEE goal for the day (I use a Fitbit so I know my NEAT for the day and I typically go in the evenings so I don't really get a lot of activity in after the gym). Sometimes that's 0, sometimes it's 45 minutes. I switch it up between the treadmill (and switch that up w/ inclines, speed, etc) and the elliptical.
  • southerndream24
    southerndream24 Posts: 303 Member
    This week is a little messed up thanks to last weeks holiday but:

    Sunday: Legs and HIIT
    Monday: Back and HIIT in the morning and 4-5 miles marathon training run in the evening
    Tuesday: Arms and Core/HIIT in the morning and 6 mile marathon training run in the evening
    Wednesday: Nike Training Club Class (HIIT) 60 mins
    Thursday: Shoulders/HIIT and Speed training in the evening
    Friday: Rest day
    Saturday: Marathon training long run 10+ miles
  • bamapeggy
    bamapeggy Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks for all the routines. Gave me some great ideas.
  • I am starting back at the gym in the morning after 2 months off. I have lost my motivation and just havent bothered :(

    Would anyone on here like to add me to their friends so that I can gain some motivation please?

    I am determined to get my butt back into the gym tomorrow and back on the healthy eating wagon.. I think I just need a gentle nudge through the door.. lol
  • Parmcat
    Parmcat Posts: 268 Member
    Just marking this for myself to find later!