need a bit of help...



  • kaned_ferret
    kaned_ferret Posts: 618 Member
    a good way to up calories but with good quality food and not having to feel stuffed is to use nuts and seeds :)
  • jackdub1
    jackdub1 Posts: 24
    alright then ill start that tomorrow, money is tight tho, well the mother has a dinner on so it looks like i get a second dinner ;) haha thanks man!
  • jackdub1
    jackdub1 Posts: 24
    what kind of nuts would that be? like pistachios and roasted peanuts?
  • Morninglory81
    Morninglory81 Posts: 1,190 Member
    They work well. It doesn't take much. You can also add dried fruit and seeds.
  • jackdub1
    jackdub1 Posts: 24
    are you sure this will work, cause i read somewhere else were people are saying dont eat back your burnt cals, and saying eat 1600 if you go further you will just be maintaining your weight?
  • Morninglory81
    Morninglory81 Posts: 1,190 Member
    Your cal needs are personal to your activity and body. One person may maintain at1600 cals while others myself included loose on 1800 cals.
  • Morninglory81
    Morninglory81 Posts: 1,190 Member
    I also have many male friends who maintain at2500-3000. You need to remember your cal needs greatly depend on your activity level.
  • jackdub1
    jackdub1 Posts: 24
    they say my maintaining calls are around 2,400 but with exercise i have ate 2,369 today? this is reallll confusing
  • Morninglory81
    Morninglory81 Posts: 1,190 Member
    That is what you need to maintain with out any added exercise. You maintain at 2400 but you have also burned an additional 600 cals in exercise today so to maintain today you would have to eat 2400+600=3000 if you stop at the 2400 you have a deficit for the day of 600 cals. This means weight loss.
  • jackdub1
    jackdub1 Posts: 24
    ahh thanks that makes much more seance, soo im happy at with im at now, thanks everyone!
  • Morninglory81
    Morninglory81 Posts: 1,190 Member
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    are you sure this will work, cause i read somewhere else were people are saying dont eat back your burnt cals, and saying eat 1600 if you go further you will just be maintaining your weight?

    Everyone's maintenance is different. It is based on your height, weight, sex, activity level, body fat, etc. In general, men have higher calorie needs because they have more muscle. Muscle requires more energy to maintain than fat. A younger person of the same size will have a higher calorie need than an older person. I'm guessing the posts that you saw saying to eat 1600 were women, not men. As a 20 year old male, you have higher calorie needs than most women. You have a certain number of calories that is required just to maintain your organs functioning even if you were to lay in bed all day. This is known as BMR or basal metabolic rate. The estimated BMR of a 5'10", 165 pound, 20 year old male is about 1850 calories. A female of the same size and age, that would be about 1600. A male the same size but age 50 would be about 1650. Keep in mind that is just the amount you need to live, it is what they would feed you if you were in a hospital in a coma. Once you are up and moving and living and exercising, you need more than that. That number you need for all your activity is known as TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) or Maintenance.

    So, the point of all that is figure out your own numbers and don't go by generic advice. Eat more than BMR but less than TDEE to lose weight. And the closer you are to your goal weight, the closer you should be eating to maintenance. Patience is key.
  • jackdub1
    jackdub1 Posts: 24
    sound advice! so i should slowly just build myself back up to my maintenance when i hit my goals?
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    According to your ticker, you are only 6 pounds away from your goal. If that is correct, you should be eating -250 or -300 a day from maintenance already. So once you are at goal it won't be that big of a build up to maintenance.
  • jackdub1
    jackdub1 Posts: 24
    i have decided i want to get down to about 11 stone, so theres about 14 more pounds now haha, and if you dont mind me asking what is TDEE?
  • jackdub1
    jackdub1 Posts: 24
    your post confuses me could your elaborate a bit more? i do weight training have been since the start of the year whilst i have been on this cut, iv lost 3 stone but have come to a "halt"

    Set your calorie goal to lose half a pound a week. This will give you more calories to eat. Your body is not going to continue to lose weight at the same rate. And your goal is to lose fat, correct? Continue to strength train and give your body enough fuel.

    was reading back over, should i just stick to strength training now and not do cardio?
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    TDEE is Total Daily Energy Expenditure. This is all of the calories you need for everything, sleeping, eating, living, exercise. It would be the balance of calories in = calories out or "maintenance calories".

    Some cardio is helpful for fat loss / weight loss. But don't over do it, because then you will have to try to eat even MORE calories to make up for all you are burning. Strength training and 30 minutes cardio should be sufficient.