Any home exercise ideas? I hate gyms!



  • tomcornhole
    tomcornhole Posts: 1,084 Member
    If you have a tablet, you can purchase the app "You're Your Own Gym." You use your body weight for weight training. You can build your weight training program and track your progress with it.

    ^^^^^This. I just started this and it is easy, then hard, then impossible. Great variety to keep you interested. And the app is awesome. It's like getting a zillion DVDs for $3. If you can make it through the elite workouts, then you have my admiration. And you can go out and do "special" things. If it's good enough for the SEALS, it's good enough for me.
  • ambsnic17
    ambsnic17 Posts: 305 Member
    I would highly recommend any of Jillian Michael's workouts. they are cheap (9.99) at Wal-Mart. I've tired her 30 day shred and ripped in 30. Now, I'll be honest....I got a lil bored with the repetition, but I'm loving her new program Body Revolution. It's a 3 month program that has a very nice layout of cardio and strength combined. I got it at target for $100. I've also done insanity and turbo fire. Personally, I didn't care for turbo fire, but others I know swear by it. Definitely check out you tube as others have said. it's a great resource. Best of luck to you!
  • SheTalksWithAngels
    Wow I can't believe there are already this many replies! Thanks guys!!!
  • tomcornhole
    tomcornhole Posts: 1,084 Member
    Your username is one of my favorite songs.
  • SheTalksWithAngels
    It's my life.
  • youcantfoolme
    youcantfoolme Posts: 79 Member
    Jump rope? :smokin:
  • MoRiv1986
    MoRiv1986 Posts: 379 Member
    Options Fun and challenging.
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    sounds like you are one of the Dance DVD--Zumba type people... May look into those options. I am more of a gym person myself but there are good advantages of those programs as well... Also, maybe the P90X program? That incorporates weights and cardio I understand.
  • Donnacoach
    Donnacoach Posts: 540 Member
    I do a nice little set of exercises at home. I start with stretching my legs and arms. Arm circles forward and backwards. Then stretch them nicely across the front of your chest to the opposite site. Shadow boxing and hugs. Pushups, Crunches, Bent Knee Leg Lifts....down on all fours and start with right leg, raise and begin to count. Then switch to left leg and repeat. Pelvic Squeezes. Butt Squeezes. Side Leg Lefts.....lay on right side, but hand of hip and raise leg as many time as you wish, turn over and repeat on the other side. Planks.......Keep your body straight and flat hold for as many seconds as you can, rest and repeat two more times to start. Fire Hydrants....On all fours.....raise right leg out to the side for as many times as you like,...repeat and do other side.. Squat Thrust or Burpees....Google for videos..........Just a thought to get you started........Good luck and enjoy.
  • daniellewillson3
    Options is the best! There is a beginner calendar (which is the level I'm on) and then there's a new more advanced calendar each month for..... FREE! The vids are all on YouTube and are really fun too :)