Anyone trying to gain muscle?

David_Hernandez Posts: 16 Member
edited January 28 in Introduce Yourself
I see alot of ppl on here trying to lose weight but is there any body builders here who trying to not only cut the fat but gain muscle mass? I just started cutting 3 days ago and very new to it. Trying to get more in shape n have that body I always wanted. Want to b shredded but also have a good amount of muscle mass too. I don't wanna b the skinny guy who just shredded. There's nothing wrong with being a skinny shredded guy just it isn't for me.


  • David_Hernandez
    David_Hernandez Posts: 16 Member
  • Have a search for one of the groups run by SideSteel. He's a body builder and has some good stuff.
  • Theres there's loads of people on here that lift. Just hang around the forums a bit, you will find them....
  • Crossfit112
    Crossfit112 Posts: 269 Member
    Well u can't build muscle and lose fat in the same time ..ur goal when cutting should be losing fat without losing muscle you do it ? Work every muscle group in ur body by a lifting split over the week there is the 3 day , 4 day , 5 day split choose the suitable one for u and for ur life style , do some Cardio about 30 to 40 min 4 or 5 times a week on the pace u like , eat more than 100 grams of protein , don't cut more than 1000 calories from your diet to avoid muscle less and ending up skinny fat and lift heavy . gd luck
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    Check out the Eat, Train, Progress group. There are lots of knowledgeable people on there as well as lots of people on bulk/cut cycles.
  • maffrizzle
    maffrizzle Posts: 7 Member
    It is possible, but you're probably looking to cut rather than lose weight specifically. I've lost a lot of weight in the past few months, and gotten a lot more muscle too. Major calorie control but ensuring I get enough protein and I've been making slow gains, not losing any muscle from the cardio.

    I used to lift with a skinny friend, and he was bulking up substantially faster than me for the same amount of effort, but my main goal is losing weight so I'm happy with slower gains for now, since the weight is still dropping.

    I think the more built you are the harder it is to lose weight quick without losing muscle, so it may be more difficult for you.
  • HelenRHarvey
    HelenRHarvey Posts: 7 Member
    Try going to - there are tons of useful blogs, workouts, supplement suggestions etc. Very lovely community that help you all the way. I've been working out for 3 months now by using that site and the suggestions. It's very good, you might find it useful too.

    To lose body fat, you need to make sure you are following the correct exercises and weight training, you will also need to feed your muscles with the right foods - protein for muscle mass. Don't starve your body to get thin, your body will hate you for it and you won't be strong enough to lift.

    Try to mix weight training with HIIT. I use this website for the 'Work out of the month' to keep motivated.

    Good luck!
  • alyhuggan
    alyhuggan Posts: 717 Member
    Can't beat a bit of the iron!
  • elkahallick
    elkahallick Posts: 1,138 Member
    I will be in bulk mode in a few months, but not while its summer!! Bulking is a winter thing for me
  • David_Hernandez
    David_Hernandez Posts: 16 Member
    Ya I'm just trying to cut right now. I think my body fat % is around 18% I know I got alot of fat around my stomach soon as I get my body fat down to where I want ill start my bulking. I'm taking in about a gram of protein per lb of weight so I'm good there. Far as cardio all I can really do is walk on treadmill for the fact my left knee is messed up. Thanks for all the comments
  • elkahallick
    elkahallick Posts: 1,138 Member
    I lost 30lbs by watching my cals, carbs fats and protein... No cardio
  • David_Hernandez
    David_Hernandez Posts: 16 Member
    Not bad. Hopefully now I'm trying to watch what I'm eating I can drop this fat. How long it take u to drop 30 lbs
  • Hey man, don't mean to repeat word for word what everyone else is saying, but cutting bodyfat while gaining muscle mass is near impossible, even for experienced lifters. It's a concept known as "recomping" and is an extremely slow process that requires advanced knowledge pertaining to macronutrient ratios and training intensity..

    Personally, I'd recommend a lean "bulk", followed by a slow "Cut". Good luck!
  • elkahallick
    elkahallick Posts: 1,138 Member
    Not bad. Hopefully now I'm trying to watch what I'm eating I can drop this fat. How long it take u to drop 30 lbs

    30+ weeks and I am just as strong.. Only wanted to cut around 1lb a week to not lose strength
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