8lb gain in 4 days

I overdid it a little this weekend thinking it wouldn't hurt me that much....maybe 3-4lbs of water I could work off in a few days....but unfortunately I am literally back to wear I started from. All the hard work I did last month was diminished by "living"....well, I can't cry about it. I just know that for the next holiday....I'm bringing my own damned food lol and I am not going to quit. I am just going to push myself harder this month!!!! At least I got two months until the next holiday lol


  • Squamation
    Squamation Posts: 522 Member
    8lbs in 4 days is a lot- did you weigh in same time and on your same scale?
  • Lmns218
    Lmns218 Posts: 155
    Same scale....first thing in the AM like I always do and that was the amount of gain it said. Even said the same thing this morning. And I am not about to lie and say I didn't eat that much because I did. And I drank alcohol....but I would think that amount of weight gain would occur if I ate like 30,000 calories over the course of this weekend but it was 1/3 of that. oh well, what can i do?
  • Full4Life
    Full4Life Posts: 172 Member
    Go to the bathroom first! :-)
    Besides, if it goes on that fast, it'll come off that fast, easy as pie!
  • daniellemm1
    daniellemm1 Posts: 465 Member
    When I overeat/binge it tends to take 3-4 days before the water weight goes away. I'm pretty sure that you did not really gain 8lbs in four days. Take some deep breaths, start back eating right and drink lots of water. In a few days I'm sure some of that weight will be gone.
  • angelac1296
    angelac1296 Posts: 48 Member
    That stinks! I totally feel your pain! But you have learned from your mistake, and now you KNOW yes, you can have a treat, but you can't eat everything in sight. I've learned at holidays, to only take ONE plate of food. It usually means I just get to try everything, but I still get full.

    I recently learned the hard way that cheese and crackers a few times a week adds a lot to my body in a couple months! No, I don't just eat 3 small slices of cheese with 3 crackers when I do it. I have to get at least 10 slices of block cheese with as many crackers. Smoked gouda and sharp cheddar only. Otherwise, it's just too much work slicing up cheese to only have a little bit. Add to that a weekly trip to sonics for a shake, and bam, I've gained back all 50 lbs I lost a few years ago!
  • kit_katty
    kit_katty Posts: 994 Member
    You should track your sodium. In all likelyhood it's mostly salt, make sure you drink enough water and wait say 3 days, you should be back down like 5lbs at least. Relax.
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    Also, if you have digital scales check the batteries!

    back to weighing your food as well, because once you've had a few buffet-type meals its easy to think that as long as the plate is smaller you're OK :wink:
  • nyboer
    nyboer Posts: 346 Member
    I overdid it a little this weekend thinking it wouldn't hurt me that much....maybe 3-4lbs of water I could work off in a few days....but unfortunately I am literally back to wear I started from. All the hard work I did last month was diminished by "living"....well, I can't cry about it. I just know that for the next holiday....I'm bringing my own damned food lol and I am not going to quit. I am just going to push myself harder this month!!!! At least I got two months until the next holiday lol

    I had virtually the same experience as you over the holiday. I'm trying like crazy to not beat myself up and just stay on course. Feel free to friend me if you like and we can support each other over holidays (lol!) Anyway, you CAN do this! Just one day at a time...is it bad that some days I feel like it's one hour at a time??? lol. You GOT this!!
  • JessiBelleW
    JessiBelleW Posts: 822 Member
    I totally know how you feel!

    I flew from Dubai to London this weekend on an overnight flight and now my scale reads 2.5 kgs (5lbs) more than before I left. I'm not sure if its from eating three times on my overnight flight or just from the fact its foods I don't normally eat with a ton of extra sodium! We also had a garden party yesterday and I drunk a ton of champagne!!

    I will be waiting until the end of the week to weigh myself again!
  • ForMyAngelBaby
    ForMyAngelBaby Posts: 123 Member
    I overdid it a little this weekend thinking it wouldn't hurt me that much....maybe 3-4lbs of water I could work off in a few days....but unfortunately I am literally back to wear I started from.

    First, I am totally right there with you - I just gained 5 pounds in 7 days...it's rough! I take 100% ownership of my gain - I was stress eating.

    Second, you said, "I am literally back to wear I started from" - your ticker says you are down 14 pounds - celebrate that!

    Keep moving forward and you'll get to where you want to be :)
  • JamieM8168
    JamieM8168 Posts: 248 Member
    Don't worry too much about it. Same thing happens to me if I eat bad for a few days. It'll come off. When it happens to me, I usualy eat low carb for a couple days then im back to my normal weight
  • cappri
    cappri Posts: 1,089 Member
    I'm going to the scale to assess the holiday weekend damage in a few minutes. I'm sure it will be in the 8-10 pound range. My body reacts badly to excess sodium now. By Friday it should be gone again.

    editing to say it's a 4 pound gain in 3 days. We should all update on just how long it takes for the weekend sodium/water weight to leave. I usually give myself the same amount of days it took to gain it, to lose it.
  • Lmns218
    Lmns218 Posts: 155
    Thanks guys!!!! I am trying not to spazz out. I am pretty sure it was the sodium and the alcohol, but damn it really hurt to step on the scale. And if I change my weight today it is only going to show a 6lb lost....so I am going to wait a week and see if it comes off. I am back to eating right and watching my sodium in hopes this will help. At least lost 5lbs of it lol
  • husseycd
    husseycd Posts: 814 Member
    I'm up 5 lbs to, but literally in two days. I weigh myself every day, and it's interesting to watch the trends. I obviously didn't gain 4 lbs in one day (the difference between yesterday morning and this morning). I wasn't even over my calories yesterday, but I did have smoked wings at a restaurant and some breading on a couple jalepeno poppers (I don't usually eat bread). Water gains are crazy.

    Give it a few days and I'm sure it'll be back to normal. It's possible you did gain a lb or two, but probably not 8.
  • Lmns218
    Lmns218 Posts: 155
    Thanks guys!!!! I am trying not to spazz out. I am pretty sure it was the sodium and the alcohol, but damn it really hurt to step on the scale. And if I change my weight today it is only going to show a 6lb lost....so I am going to wait a week and see if it comes off. I am back to eating right and watching my sodium in hopes this will help. At least lost 5lbs of it lol
  • RHSheetz
    RHSheetz Posts: 268 Member
    Make sure to get your water in, this will help flush out the sodium. I usually say that it is very hard to eat 17,500 Calories Above what you burn thru living and movement over a 5 day period. That is the only way you could really gain 5 LBS. However, alcohol adds up quick.

    So MOST of the gain should be water, and it can take up to three days to get back out of your system.

    Good Luck and hang in there. Just remember, the scale is one of many tools in our toolbox for tracking change. And it is NOT the best one at that.
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    JessiBellW - flying makes you retain water so you should be fine by the end of the week.

    Its only a couple of weeks to my vacation and I'm slightly panicing about what the scales will say when I come back! I'm determined not to ruin my holiday (and that of my family) by obsessing about everthing, and I know we'll do a fair amount of walking around and I might even get on a bike (first time in 36 years!). I've put some zumba tracks on my i-pod so i can zumba round while the kids are swimming, but I'm going to swtitch calories to maintenance and not stress if I go over. Well, not much:wink: But I'm not getting on scales til I've been back at least a week!

    ETA - sorry, got sidetracked! What I came here to say was, don't change your weight too quickly. Do you change it for all those little feminine blips? (I certainly don't!) If its still up in a month, change it, but for now give yourself time to work it off and flush it out!
  • cappri
    cappri Posts: 1,089 Member
    Just like I know I didn't gain 4 pounds in three days I know I didn't lose 4 in one day. Yet that is what the scale says, my holiday weekend weight gain was gone this morning.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    It's water....I put on 6 Lbs over the weekend as of yesterday. Today I was down three pounds from yesterday...it's water. Scientifically, you cannot gain 8 Lbs of fat in 4 days...well, you could, but it would require a **** ton of calories over your maintenance and you'd most likely be very sick before you ever got there.
  • Mmegroove
    Mmegroove Posts: 2 Member
    Good for you! That's the spirit! Hang in there and you'll be back to where you were before you know it!