Hello, I am new to this site, as of yesterday. A ittle history about me. I have a six month old daughter Justyce Jade, I lost 42 pounds after I had her, but now am in a rut. I worked in a hosp. for 11years in the ICU, So I was constintly running for 13 hours. Now since JJ was born i switch to a clinic for better hours. I sit in my office for 8 hours a day, so now I don't get any kind of excerise. My routine in the morning is: get up, get ready. Get JJ up and dressed, head out the door to the baby sitters. Then I stop at the gas station and get a star bucks energy drink, then on my way I stop at McDonalds for a saugage burrito. I do this every morning. Well this morning I got up, and I even got up later so that I wouldnt have time to stop. But guess what, I stopped at both places. WTh is wrong with me. I want to loose this weight so bad, but I can't kick my bad habits. I did the best when I was at home for the 2 months with the baby. I go back to work and eat all day. I need help!!!!!! Then to make matters worse, we get a hour lunch and there is fast food everywere her. I did stop at festival foods to get a salad for lunch. So I need to eat that. Any suggestions, and I need true friends, so we can help each other::sad:


  • alicerouse
    alicerouse Posts: 6 Member
    Continue to stop at both places in the morning, just make healthier, low-calorie choices when you're there. Also, squeeze in 30 minutes of exercise SOMEWHERE in your day. YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!
  • justyce13
    justyce13 Posts: 19
    Thanks! I was thinking about get up be4 work and go walking. It would be nice and relaxing, no baby no dog or husband. lol
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    Continue to stop at both places in the morning, just make healthier, low-calorie choices when you're there. Also, squeeze in 30 minutes of exercise SOMEWHERE in your day. YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!

    This is good advice. I often eat out - you can always choose a lower calorie option or else get a smaller portion. Always.

    Also, you've been at this for, what, just a few days now? There is no way you're going to upend years of worth habits in just a week or so. It's a learning process. We all have those days. Be kind to yourself - this isn't a race, it isn't about cutting off your previously enjoyed foods and drinks full-stop. It's just about learning how to make better choices and learning how to keep making better choices.
  • blah2989
    blah2989 Posts: 338 Member
    Im almost in the same boat. I went from working jobs that allowed me to get exercise while working, but NOW... not so much. Feel free to add me. I agree with the previous post you can still make your stops and instead make healthier choices. Or switch it up and hit up subway instead. Also for lunch if you want, lets say a burger- In and out and carls jr offer lettuce wrapped burgers! You could go to the gas station and buy a diet green tea instead. If you feel like you are starving calorie counting, never deny yourself fruits, like apples, oranges and watermelon; as well as veggies like cherry tomatoes, baby carrots, snap peas, brocolli and leafy greens like spinach, mustard greens, romaine lettuce. You can also make things like beet chips, and roasted veggies to take with you!
  • blah2989
    blah2989 Posts: 338 Member
    I agree with quirky, we eat out when we run errands and you can always opt for a healthy option. Like a grilled chicken salad with vinigrette. I forgot to mention that you should allow yourself one or two "cheat" days per month. Im not saying binge eat, but lets say you are going to the movies, allow yourself that popcorn and diet soda, maybe share a candy. That kind of thing.
  • fooninie
    fooninie Posts: 291 Member
    hi there! I understand your frustrations, don't get discouraged, every day is a new day!

    I lost my weight on maternity leave (one year here in Canada) and gained about 12 back in a year due to my office job.

    So...here's what I do: I run 5k at lunch time. Obviously, not everyone is a runner, but it has the following positive effects for me:
    1) breaks up my day;
    2) forces me to drink more water;
    3) produces endorphins and makes me happier/more energetic in the afternoon and evening (so when I go to my REAL job at home, I can go the distance);
    4) makes me feel like I have not compromised my physical fitness.

    I do the Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred at home most nights of the week.

    Also, I log all my foods and watch my calories - BUT - I allow the things I love in moderation (beer and wine with supper on Saturdays mostly).

    Hang in there! I do not believe success is a 100% al the time, I think it's a combination of successes and failures combined for a better, healthier you going forward.
  • anniegail1961
    Hi There: You want honest friends-O.K. here goes.
    If you continue with this unhealthy routine of yours-you are going to hate yourself!
    You don't want to show your daughter that you don't care about yourself-because she will learn it from you.
    You want to be healthy and active and around for your precious daughter.
    You need to take responsibility for your bad habits.
    Make healthy meals-protein,fast carb and slow carb.
    Eat 6 times per day. Breakfast,snack, lunch,snack,supper,snack.
    Drink AT LEAST 8 glasses of water a day.
    Put your baby in her stroller, get your sneakers on and get walking.
    Nothing is wrong with you except you are looking for short cuts.
    There aren't any!!
    Come on Mom-Get it together!
    You are stronger than you give yourself credit-you are a WOMAN!!! MOTHER!!! CONQUORER!!!
    Your baby needs you fit!
    I'm praying for you!
    P.S. I'm a mother too!
  • wanttolose62
    Since you stopped at both places everyday, it's now a muscle memory thing. If you don't want to stop going there, then like others have said, don't stop, just make a small change the first day and stick with that change for a week. Then make another small change to your selection and stick with that.

    Give yourself time to relearn what you want to do rather than what you do on autopilot.

    If you do want to stop going there, then start with one day a week and bring a breakfast with you. Make a conscious decision and if you need to repeat the mantra of "don't stop, I have breakfast with me", then do that. Once you have that worked into your schedule, add another "don't stop" day.

    Small changes over time will give you results and will be sustainable.

    By the way, have you patted yourself on the back for the achievement you've made already?
  • Kai81109
    Kai81109 Posts: 52 Member
    Make a snack along bag and take it with you when you leave so you already have what you need with you so you dont have any excuse to stop i used to stop and grab a white chocolate mocha coffee every morning with a banana nut muffin... When i started bringing lemon or grape flavored water with me and a pack of breakfast nuts or a kashi bar i was fine couldnt come up with any reason to stop any were.
  • bigrah13
    bigrah13 Posts: 20 Member
    This is the quickest way to get a healthy breakfast. I use only Steel cut oatmeal. You can make a couple days ahead of time and then measure out your portion in the morning. It takes 1 to 2 minutes to warm up in the morning. Make cold salads a head of time and keep them for a day or two in the fridge. Doing all this just one or two times a week can really make eating your own healthy food choices easier. I generally make two different salads and keep them on hand. I would be happy to send you the recipes if you like they are easy and help keep you filled up. At lunch walk for half the time instead of sitting or anything else.You can do it!!!!!!!
  • spottedkathy
    spottedkathy Posts: 196 Member
    Take your lunch and maybe on your lunch break walk for the hour instead of going to a fast food place. If it is too hot outside where you are located, do laps in your building. I am going through the same stuff. I am here for you! :)