Confused over all the diets, sorry long post!

hi everyone

I started on here a few months back having done MFP last year and also WW. My motivation has been really lacking when it comes to sweet food and especially ice cream and I decided to do something different and try The Harcombe Diet. I read about it online and heard some brilliant reviews so got the books last weekend. It really made a lot of sense to me and I hoped it would be the way I could get out of my cravings for sweet foods. Started phase 1 yesterday but today I've given in already and had a coffee with milk.
Now on MFP I happily had my coffee every morning at work and often had enough calories left over for some dessert each day, but I'm really getting confused over all the information around and it's started to make me wonder what is right???? Is it the 'avoid the bad foods at all costs' diet (sugar, processed food, white carbs etc), or is it 'move more eat less' (MFP) - but then I've had my calories set at TDEE -20% and then changed to 1200 as per MFP calcs, or what about WW where we can have points but whatever we want and 'don't need to exercise'?
I did lose 2.5 stone a couple of years ago on a combination of low calorie and then WW, but I didn't lose anything really this year so far, even when I've been to the gym and been within my calorie count and I think it's because of the sugar in my diet, but is going without sugar sustainable?
Not sure if I even want answers from anyone, this post just a way to get all my thoughts out of my head as I feel I've hit a brick wall with my weight loss and I feel that I'm failing with everything I try :cry: for those who have read this all the way through, thank you for listening :flowerforyou:


  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    You sound like you'd do well with keeping it simple--follow MFP's calculations, exercise (and eat back, realistically, your exercise calories). Get the minimum recommendations from MFP of your protein and fats, and if you can without stressing too much, add in some more protein. Don't waste your time trying to figure out how to stick to MFP's sugar count--you'll lose your mind.
  • teresachelton99
    teresachelton99 Posts: 10 Member
    I know exactly what you mean and how you feel. I am lost too, and what used to work for me no longer does since Menopause due to early hysterectomy years ago.I have gained 50 lbs in the past year after loosing 130lbs. I am miserable.I did the WW thing many times but when they switched it to unlimited fruits and veggies I quit because it made me gain.
    I am on protein shakes and bars now and a sensible dinner , but with MFP giving me oly 1200 cals a day and my shakes and bars being so many calories. I am hungry all the time. I also can not handle two shakes a day any longer. I am going to try one shake a day I think.
    What is the Hardcombe Diet?:smile:
  • tricksee
    tricksee Posts: 835 Member
    oly 1200 cals a day and my shakes and bars being so many calories.

    Why not eat the same calorie value that's in your shakes/bars, in real, whole foods?
  • ngyoung
    ngyoung Posts: 311 Member
    Different diets may work for different people. MFP is a pretty basic cal in cal out tool to keep track of what you are eating. People who keep food logs are more often successful at losing weight and eating healthier no matter what they use to log, WW, MFP, or just a journal.

    The most important thing is finding what works for you to maintain a predominantly whole/real foods diet. I would suggest in the least to limit as much refined sugars and carbs as you can. It can be tough for a week or so but if you plan out your snacks ahead of time and don't allow yourself to go searching the kitchen or vending machine for something when you're at your weakest. After the initial cravings start to pass you will notice that you don't get as hungry or ravenous because your blood sugar is more stable and not spiking and crashing.

    If you still find yourself not having success even when switching your source of sugar to fruit I would suggest moderating your fruit. Finding lower gylcemic fruits or lowering portions. Unfortunately some people are more sensitive that others and can't get away with eating all the fruit they want as WW suggests. If you calculated some fruits like other foods in WW they would be pretty high in points. Don't go for low-fat/no-fat options for snacks, those are usually void of any real nutrients with higher sugar to offset the lack of fat and won't keep you satisfied for very long as opposed to eating a reasonable serving of a full fat version.
  • magieanne
    magieanne Posts: 1
    I have to loose weight to control my sugar/glucose as i am diabetic and realy have no idea where to start. i have been advise by my nurse to join ww which i am going to do just to get information regarding what is best for me I have done loads of diets before and seem to gain weight so hoping tj=his time i can do it for my health . if anyone has any tips for me please post
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Losing weight is about "How Much You Eat", not so much about "What You Eat". (although some people with certain health issues benefit from watching what types of things they eat). Obviously, you can eat a lot more of real whole foods than other stuff.
    or is it 'move more eat less' (MFP) - but then I've had my calories set at TDEE -20% and then changed to 1200 as per MFP calcs,

    MFP calculates your needs not including exercise, so I wouldn't say it is a "move more" calculator, it bases your needs on the assumption that you will not do any exercising but then when you do, it adds calories for fuel for that extra activity.

    TDEE- % includes exercise.

    These are not "diets", just calculating how many calories you should eat.

    So, how long did you do TDEE - 20%? And were you actually measuring/weighing and logging all of your food so you know your calorie intake was accurate? Did you calculate your TDEE at the correct activity level for how much you normally move? (And not eat back exercise calories?)

    Now with MFP settings, how many pounds per week did you say you want to lose? And how many pounds are you away from goal weight? I ask this because if you chose 2 pounds per week, this may be too much of a cut for you. I don't know but for many people they choose this setting and it sets them too low.

    You need to set an appropriate calorie goal and be consistent in logging accurately and give it time before switching to something else.
  • ncmedic201
    ncmedic201 Posts: 540 Member
    Learn to eat in a way that you can sustain for the rest of your life. If you enjoy chocolate then find a way to fit it in your calories. I love chocolate and have some all the time. I have found that dark chocolate is better for me because I can have a smaller amount and it satisfies my sweet tooth.

    You don't have to figure this all out in a day. I've been tweaking my eating habits since late last year. I've got high blood pressure so I've had to limit my sodium. You may find that you don't have to limit or restrict anything.

    Don't go on a diet. Learn to change your lifestyle and you will be able to maintain much easier in the future. Also, the calorie amounts for what you burn (TDEE) are an estimate. You will have to tweak your calorie intake based on your own results.

    Don't get discouraged. It will take time but it's worth it in the end to know you've found a way of eating for life.
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    hi everyone

    I started on here a few months back having done MFP last year and also WW. My motivation has been really lacking when it comes to sweet food and especially ice cream and I decided to do something different and try The Harcombe Diet. I read about it online and heard some brilliant reviews so got the books last weekend. It really made a lot of sense to me and I hoped it would be the way I could get out of my cravings for sweet foods. Started phase 1 yesterday but today I've given in already and had a coffee with milk.
    Now on MFP I happily had my coffee every morning at work and often had enough calories left over for some dessert each day, but I'm really getting confused over all the information around and it's started to make me wonder what is right???? Is it the 'avoid the bad foods at all costs' diet (sugar, processed food, white carbs etc), or is it 'move more eat less' (MFP) - but then I've had my calories set at TDEE -20% and then changed to 1200 as per MFP calcs, or what about WW where we can have points but whatever we want and 'don't need to exercise'?
    I did lose 2.5 stone a couple of years ago on a combination of low calorie and then WW, but I didn't lose anything really this year so far, even when I've been to the gym and been within my calorie count and I think it's because of the sugar in my diet, but is going without sugar sustainable?
    Not sure if I even want answers from anyone, this post just a way to get all my thoughts out of my head as I feel I've hit a brick wall with my weight loss and I feel that I'm failing with everything I try :cry: for those who have read this all the way through, thank you for listening :flowerforyou:

    Don't do any diet. The reason you probably aren't having much success with weight loss is because you don't seem to be sticking with anything for very long.

    You said on MFP you 'happily' had milk and dessert every day. If you were happy on MFP, why did you change? The idea of this is to find something that is sustainable. A diet is not sustainable. Go back to TDEE - 20%, have the milk and dessert and whatever else you need to make this something you can stick to, and stop worrying about anything else. You are over-complicating weight loss which never works.
  • Bekahmardis
    Bekahmardis Posts: 602 Member
    it's not about what you eat, it's about how much you eat. Period. Calories in versus Calories out. Easy! As long as you are logging everything accurately, just eat 20% fewer than your TDEE. If you don't know or can't figure out your TDEE then get something like a Jawbone or a FitBit and let that figure it out for you?
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    Agreeing with everyone else here. Its all about changing your whole approach to eating and your health. Diets are temporary aberrations. What we all really need is a new roadmap, not a band-aid.
    Why does everyone always think MFP sets us at 1200? It doesn't...that's the default minimum. Tell the program you want to lose one pound a will give you a perfectly sustainable calorie you also eat your exercise burn. Ive lost most of this weight eating (net) over 1600. Happily. And ive never eaten better, because I'm giving it more of my attention, not just grazing.
    Good luck, CAN do this!
  • sunseeker100
    sunseeker100 Posts: 90 Member
    thanks for all your replies, you are all correct! I do stick at things for quite a while, but I'm the sort of person who wonders if there is something else out there that I haven't discovered yet that will be easier/make sense/'click with me'.....I guess I know I need to knuckle down and stop faffing about! I suppose I wanted to have some reassurance that this approach works and changing eating habits overall is the right thing to do for weight loss and health.
    It's been about 3 years since I started my weight loss journey and I think I'm just getting impatient. But no one can do this for me and no one has forced me to over eat, or made me miss my gym session and watch tv instead :ohwell:
    So, I think I might have my mojo back again :happy: Making plans with my OH to get out and walk after dinner instead of being tv hogs, get out and about hiking at the weekend instead of strolling around the shops all the time...she is also on this journey with me so we can motivate each other (and encourage each other to slack off!).:flowerforyou: