I'm always hungry



  • postrockandcats
    postrockandcats Posts: 1,145 Member
    It's hard, but to lose weight you're most likely going to have to be hungry at some point, it's learning to get used to it and deal with it that is the biggest part of the battle.

    ^^this does not have to be true. I have been successful at this since January and have yet to be hungry.

    ditto. If I'm hungry, it's because I need to eat! :D
  • postrockandcats
    postrockandcats Posts: 1,145 Member
    Girl, you need more fiber, protein and fat! I'd also change out *some* of the sugary snacks for calories that will sustain you longer. Those little snack packs never last. Keep the chocolate around, though- a little sweet's not bad at all :)

    I eat vegetarian intermittently, and I get a lot of protein from things like lentils and beans and Seitan.

    you forgot Lean meats like chicken, turkey, beef and fish.

    Except that the OP is vegetarian :)
  • mssierra2u
    mssierra2u Posts: 86 Member
    I find Fiber Choice tablets really helpful.
  • retiree2006
    retiree2006 Posts: 951 Member
    Thanks for opening your diary. I went over about 5 days and, as previously mentioned, you have a large number of high calorie sweets. They add up from 450 - almost 1000 calories some days. Imagine the healthier choices and more filling foods you could substitute in for those heavy, sugary carbs! You'd be eating a lot more foods that would stick with you and satisfy you for longer. It may take awhile to break that cycle but when you figure your foods for the day, maybe remove a couple of those items and put in other foods that give you the same calorie count. Good luck.
  • Mainey13
    Mainey13 Posts: 54 Member
    Your diary looks like you're eating too much sugar and unhealthy foods and not enough veggies and protein. Protein will keep you full. Supplement the chocolate that you're eating with raw veggies. No more hot dogs full of nitrates!

    I think you could eat more calories, if you choose to eat more "clean".
  • Vicki8524
    Vicki8524 Posts: 33
    Drink water, snack on almonds and berries. Chew gum. It takes some time to get over the constant hunger but trust me, eventually it goes away. At night after I have dinner, I either brush my teeth or eat fireballs (seriously!). Good luck!
  • LaurN326
    LaurN326 Posts: 99 Member
    Thanks you guys, this has helped a lot!
  • postrockandcats
    postrockandcats Posts: 1,145 Member
    Thanks you guys, this has helped a lot!


    One day at a time! If you just started, be patient. You'll get your groove and find the right balance before you know it! Don't be afraid to try new things! :heart: :drinker:
  • micheleld73
    micheleld73 Posts: 914 Member
    Another thing to try is to drink water when the hunger starts...sometimes your body is just craving hydration.
  • run2bfree
    run2bfree Posts: 108 Member
    Your diary looks like you're eating too much sugar and unhealthy foods and not enough veggies and protein. Protein will keep you full. Supplement the chocolate that you're eating with raw veggies. No more hot dogs full of nitrates!

    I think you could eat more calories, if you choose to eat more "clean".

    THIS! You are eating lots of surgary foods. Stay away from ANYTHING McDonalds or Fast Food.. and the candy (brownies). Try more veggies - celery & PB, apples - protein shakes/bars and lots more water/tea. Good luck and don't give up!
  • MyJourney1960
    MyJourney1960 Posts: 1,133 Member
    well, i just looked at a few days o fyour diary but - no wonder you're hungry! lots of sweets, cookies, etc but not a lot of FOOD.

    add more food to both your meals and to your snacks - a snack can be a small container of hummus with crackers or veg, or a handful of nuts with 2 slices of cheese, or a fruit with plain yogurt. cookies just make you want more cookies!
  • rosemaryhon
    rosemaryhon Posts: 507 Member
    I know the main contributor to why I'm obese is because of my snacking.
    I don't know if this is just me or what, but I'm always hungry. I'll eat a meal and then I'll be full for maybe
    30 mins then I'm hungry again. Any ideas how to get full with low/ no calories?

    For *me* the key was upping my protein and decreasing my carbs. I used to eat mounds of pasta/potatoes in a misguided effort to fill myself up ~ I assumed starches were how to avoid being hungry. I learned it was quite the opposite and actually my huge servings of pasta were causing me to feel starving. Once I adjusted my eating style I sincerely have never felt starving since (5 months now).

    Now mind you I'm not on low carb and I'm not advocating low carb either ~ I'm no expert ;). Just saying what worked for *me*.

    I took a quick peak at your diary and seems it may be a bit low on protein and a bit high on sugar/carbs.

    Also I'll have a big salad anytime I want ~ when topped with a low cal dressing it's really low cal, about 60 calories for a huge bowl. It helps to have your fridge & pantry stocked well.

    Good luck :)
  • dandelyon
    dandelyon Posts: 620 Member
    As a vegetarian who eats eggs and dairy (not sure if you do) I have my best days when I start out with an egg and cheese omelette/sandwich and fit in a veggie burger for lunch and dinner, with Greek yogurt at some point. However, I haven't been consistently sticking to that plan or consistently losing lately, so i feel a little hypocritical giving advice.

    I do feel for you. My husband struggles with his weight and he never feels full from food.

    I also will say that I put up with a little hunger from time to time. I know that I ate my calories for the day and I stick to tea or water from that point on (I think tea is a great 0 calorie option if you're not up for yet another glass of water).
  • meredith1123
    meredith1123 Posts: 843 Member
    Water, water and more water.
    I drink 8 oz of water before a meal and 8 oz of water after.
    I'm STUFFED by the time i get the water, meal, water down.
  • rosemaryhon
    rosemaryhon Posts: 507 Member
    ...cookies just make you want more cookies!

    This ^^ rings true for me.
  • amylouize2012
    amylouize2012 Posts: 268 Member
    Meet your sister!! Am always hungry too but you know what I think I also eat when I'm bored or sad or also just out orf habit (the snacking in fromnt of the TV simply HAS to stop for me). x
  • I've been feeling the same way lately. Of course... mine is not just hungry, but constantly craving sweets. Have you possibly been checked for Diabetes. If you have Diabetes, you will feel a constant hunger for sweets or carby foods. Medicine such as Metformin can help this. BUT... also, busying yourself with other things... such as reading a good book... going for a walk... or drinking water. A lot of times, if you drink water, it will quench the thirst AND the hunger.
  • jasonpclement
    jasonpclement Posts: 146 Member
    carbs by themselves are not good for satiety. You need to get protein AND FAT mixed in for your leptin (hormone that contributes to feeling full) levels to work properly. This is why I can eat an entire box of children's cereal and only feel marginally satisfied. Its all carbohydrates. You can stil eat your carbs, but you have to support your body's need for the other two macronutrients (fat and protein). Once you do this, and stick with it for a few days, I'd be your appetite will return to normal.

    A quick note: Some people do the opposite, and drop almost all their carbs, and then, they also cannot get full. For most people to succeed, they need a balance of all three. 50/20/30 (carbs, fat protein percentage)...or 40/30/30... Something nice and balanced.
  • operation_cute
    operation_cute Posts: 588 Member
    I looked at your diary, and I think the problem isn't the snacking, its just the type of snacking :) Its ok to have a couple of cookies or a piece of candy, but think of them more as a treat rather than your snacks, you need to have enough room for the foods that will keep you full :) You don't have to get rid of the foods altogether (I try to get a treat into my day at least a few times per week) But I would try and at least reduce the quantity of them... Try eating a greek yogurt (I love dannon light n fit because there not as strong in flavor as the rest are) or an apple with peanut butter, cottage cheese... make a habit at looking at the label and checking the amount of protien per serving (I try to have at least 10 grams in a snack, at least 15 grams in a breakfast, at least 20 grams in a lunch, and at least 40 grams in a dinner) Also, adding a glass of milk with your meal could help trump hunger too, It contains some more protien and always pushes my dinner to another level of fullness :)

    edit: I'd also like to point out that the "healthier" you eat the more food you can eat :) On days that I need to do grocery shopping and I eat pre packaged crap I feel like I haven't been able to eat hardly anything at all and my diary looks a lot more empty, on days I eat my normal intake my diary looks like its going to explode (unless I plugged in a recipe) and I ussually end up being even lower in my cals for the day even :) Try avoiding prepackaged things, you can make almost anything yourself (pinterest is my best friend <3) and it will be a ton less cals, you can eat more of it and 9 times out of 10 taste a whole heck of a lot better ;)
  • getting_fit86
    getting_fit86 Posts: 128 Member
    Really try to eat high protein. Protein takes longer to break down, leaving you fuller for longer. When I have a protein shake in the morning, (strawberries, blueberries, 1 scoop of vanilla protein powder) I don't even think about food until lunch! It is seriously filling. Eat some HEALTHY fats like nuts and avocado. Try to eliminate breads and pastas, I find that those just leave me hungrier than I was before!