How long has it taken you?

Okay so i know im just starting my new "journey" However... Im hoping some of you can tell me how long its taken you to loose some weight or even get to your goal?... I have to loose at least 35 lbs to get to my first goal... and then an aditioal 25... Any advice or give me a time im looking at if it all works the right way and i stick to the darn thing?


  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    I have the same weightloss goal. it has taken about 3 months to lose 15 lbs, which, is great becasue the HEALTHY way to lose it is slowly, becasue that mens it ownt come back the second you have a bite of icecream. :)
  • megamom
    megamom Posts: 920 Member
    That varies so much depending on your metabolism and each individual persons efforts. It has taken me about 6 months to lose what I have so far and another month if you include the 8 pounds I lost before I joined here. I have it set to lose about a pound a week. I have had several times though where i stall for a couple of weeks, but it always goes down. And if I wasn't doing this slow and healthy I don't think I would have stuck too it.

    As long as you know it will be a lifetime eating changing, not a quick fix you will be fine. Just do a day at a time. 5 pounds at a time. And don't quit. Good luck.

    Oh, I have a long ways to go to meet my goal. But I know I will make it. I just got off a week long vacation and actually lost 2 pounds.
  • rockinmomto3
    rockinmomto3 Posts: 97 Member
    Like other people said, it depends on how your body reacts to eating right and exercising. Mine reacts quickly, so the more I work out and the better I eat, the more I lose. Since I started working out again last week, I've lost about 5 lbs, and 13 lbs total. When I was in high school and playing volleyball, I could EASILY lose a size in the first two months of practice (and that was an hour and a half 3 days a week). So if your body reacts well, you'll lose quicker. If your body resists change, it'll take a bit longer to get into that groove of losing.
  • DanOhh
    DanOhh Posts: 1,806 Member
    I started in the middle of January and just reached my goal last week, starting at 277 and now 199. I was usually around 2 to 2.5 lbs. lost every week. Sometime it was more and I had plateaus too.
  • dore0021
    dore0021 Posts: 137
    30lbs. Started mid-March - 1lb away now.
  • vickiele1
    vickiele1 Posts: 394 Member
    I started walking about 4 - 5 miles a day with my dog Willow on June 25th. I didn't walk so much for about 3 weeks in July when my brother was at my house putting in new windows and siding. I started really hitting it hard again after he left. I started out at 197 on June 25th and am this morning weighing in at 175.8. I do a lot of walking and recently purchased a recumbent bike, so have added that to my exercise regimen. In addition, I do a lot of hard physical labor (at least hard for me) working on remodeling my house - that is my strength training. I monitor my food intake carefully and completely quit drinking wine in the evenings (that was huge for me as the wine I drank was nearly 600 calories a 6oz glass). I joined MFP about 17 days ago and I've reduced my weight by a little over 4 lbs since joining. Exercise is key - and combining aerobic with strength training seems to be important not only for weight loss, but also for muscle toning/strengthening. I NEVER eat all of my "earned" exercise calories - I know my body - and know that would be a recipe for weight gain for me. I do allow myself treats now and then i.e. going out to eat once in a while and eating something I shouldn't probably eat. For the most part, though, I just watch everything very closely and make sure I exercise at least some every day - even on the days when my muscles are so sore I can hardly make it up the stairs to bed.

    Good luck with your goals, and please feel free to add me as a friend for support and encouragement.

  • Lilliesmom2010
    My Goal is to go from 208 to 160, so that's a 40lb loss. I've lost 13 lbs now in just over 1 1/2 months. I lost about 6 lbs the first week but that was due to portion control. I never knew how much I was over eating in high calorie foods. Especially pastas! I measure everything now and I stay in my calorie intake range and exercise is also a huge reason the weight is coming off.

    I think the important thing to realise is this... How long did it take for you to put the weight on? It didn't happen over night and it's going to take a lot of hard work not just phyiscally but mentally to get rid of the weight. We have to re-train our body and minds to this new lifestyle. Get lots of support from your friend, the site and loved ones and you'll make it!! You can do anything you put your mind to and if you really want to do it! Good Luck in your journey and I hope to see you at the finish line! :)
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    It's taken me a year to lose 51 pounds, but it only took 6 months to lose 36 pounds since I started with MFP and kicked my healthy lifestyle up a notch. I'm 24 pounds from my first goal of 140, and I'm hoping to hit that by my one year anniversary with MFP in mid-February. I know as I get closer to my goal, my weight loss will slow down. I'm stuck in a plateau right now that I'm trying to break. My goal will need about 1 lb a week of weight loss, very doable. It's good to keep your time frame realistic and healthy.
  • sally150
    sally150 Posts: 4 Member
    I started in January and have lost 82 pounds so far. I'm happy with my results so far and have started to look at this process more as a new way of eating for life rather than a diet with a finite goal. I think that's helped me to be satisfied with my 2-2.5 pounds a week, without focusing on the time it's taking.
    I did get a scale that reported weight in tenths of a pound increments (i.e. 235.8 instead of 235) and that helped me feel I was making progress when it was only a tenth of a pound lost. That seems to help me feel positive as well.
    Think about everything you're going to put into your mouth----don't eat first and think later. Be intentional about what you're going to eat and by all means, record it here!
    You'll get there!
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    I started on January 4th, and in the 34 weeks since then I’ve lost 39 pounds. On average I’m losing about 1 pound a week, (some weeks less, some weeks more) which according to my doctor is a safe and healthy rate. I still have 15 more pounds to reach my goal, and I’m hoping to get there by Christmas.
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    On and off for over a year, but really half my loss has been since May when we joined the gym
  • katelyn002
    katelyn002 Posts: 260 Member
    You guys are al awesome for posting... Thanks!!

    I know its not a journey over night, if it were then god i would have done it already... and im setting realistic goals.. i give myself time, im hoping by next September ill be at goal weight... Until then im taking it a lb at a time... if i go down 1, im happy! Like most of you said... the slower the healthier...

    Thanks guys :) Its really appreciated! I dont have much support at home since my hubby just wants sweets, the kids dont help much and my fam is HUGE italian eaters that want to lose but wont give into anything!... So you all are my support teams! :)

    Add me as a friend if anyone wants! :) Thanks again...
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    When I was on Weight Watchers, I lost 25 pounds and went from a tight size 12 to a comfy size 6 in about 12 weeks of perfect eating and lots of exercising.

    I've been too complacent lately and am on and off the calorie-counting, but I can lose 1.5-2 pounds a week when I'm following the program correctly.

    Everyone is going to lose differently, though. MFP tells me my metabolic rate is about 1,600 calories a day and that I'll lose .9 a week on 1,200 calories a day. I lose about twice that, so I think it's underestimated my metabolic rate.
  • BlueEyedMomma88
    BlueEyedMomma88 Posts: 558 Member
    I started at the end of Feb. beginning of March time.. I woulsa started sooner but I broke my foot at the beginning of the year therrefore I could not exercise and stuff :-(.. But since March I have lost about 38 pounds.. I am about halfway to my goal, and am doing it the healthy way.. Good luck on ur weightloss journey :-)
  • bellinachuchina
    bellinachuchina Posts: 498 Member
    11 months, to get from 244 to 134 :flowerforyou:

    Depends on your metabolism and dedication. It can be done, I've maintained my goal already for 6 months. Take no prisoners :wink:
  • Sara2525
    Sara2525 Posts: 50 Member
    It has taken me 5 months to lose 32 pounds. I exercise at least 5 days a week and eat healthy 95% of the time. I do splurge occasionaly on weekends but I have stuck with it successfully and am almost to my goal. Good luck to you and just remember to stick with it. If you have a bad day, start over again tomorrow!
  • kendra1976
    kendra1976 Posts: 90 Member
    I started in January on WW, but hit a plateau. So I joined MFP and have doen great on here. I am down 23 pounds since January, but i feel like it's great for me. I am making lifestyle changes not a diet. I know that I can keep it off now!

    I am also only 5 feet tall, so the weight loss shows faster visually vs the scale,.