Goal outfit or article of clothing...?

I was shopping for something specific on the weekend.... but couldn't help but browse the clearance rack and wound up falling in LOVE with a pair of jeans

(that I can't get on over my rear end)

but they were dirt cheap
(we're talking $5.00!)

so they came home with me.

Am I setting myself up for disappointment/failure?

*I think my hips are in & around the 42 inch mark, and i'll need to take a good 4-5 inches off to have a HOPE of getting those jeans on!

Or have others done this too?

(either with an impulse or motivational buy... or something old from your closet that you can't let go??)

Hoping I haven't lost my mind.


  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    Over the weekend I purchased a very cute, fitted denim dress from a thrift shop for $1. I am between sizes 18-20 currently and the dress is a 16. I can get it on all the way but I look like a stuffed sausage in it.

    However, I've got faith that I will get into it and have it fit me properly, in time. It looks very similar on me to the way my larger sized dress looked a couple of years ago when I first bought it, and now that dress is baggy.
  • beniky
    beniky Posts: 24 Member
    Nope - I have a few - my old clothes are my main motivators. I use a pair of jeans that we so tight at the beginning I was literally in pain wearing them (they started off fitting perfect when I first got them as my weight was creeping upwards still)...I try them on every Friday morning...not to wear them...but to see how they are fitting - and to see that I can now button them without sucking it in is a huge mental high five...and to turn sideways in them and not see a muffin top is even better.
    I accidentally bought a dress that was 2 sizes too small a couple of months ago...and I never got around to returning it - so that will be my next motivator...first to get it on, then to zip it up, then to not look like a sausage stuffed in it are my goals ;-)
  • RebeccaSarah16
    I just want to look and feel better in all of my clothes:)
  • lynn_miller15
    lynn_miller15 Posts: 57 Member
    I actually bought a brand new winter jacket that is my motivator for weight loss. I took my measurements first and then ordered the jacket that was 2-3 sizes smaller. It's the type of jacket that I've always wanted so I'm going to work my butt off to get into it for the winter months!!

    Good luck everyone!
  • Snicklefritz81
    Snicklefritz81 Posts: 35 Member
    I don't have any, but this makes me think, hmmmmm. Might be fun to get something....
  • Pearsquared
    Pearsquared Posts: 1,656 Member
    I have goal underwear! I went out with friends a long, long time ago and we bought a bunch of pairs because they were only $1 a piece. I took them home, but couldn't fit into them. I didn't want to return underwear, but somehow I could bear to throw them away either, so in my drawer they sat. Now, they are almost to the point of fitting comfortably. I just want a little less booty because I like my underwear to sit slightly higher on my hips.
  • jlshea
    jlshea Posts: 494 Member
    swimsuit, I'm tired of wearing the cover-up out on the lake
  • TribeHokie
    TribeHokie Posts: 711 Member
    First goal: Fit in to my winter coats, including a gorgeous white one I bought from Express in February but was never able to fit in to : (

    Second goal: Be able to wear the majority of the other (literally) half to two thirds of my closet that I haven't been able to get in for the past year and a half

    Third goal: I have several sun dresses, tops, and nice pairs of pants that I bought a few years and 50 lbs ago that I was never quite able to fit in to. I had expected to be able to wear them as I was still eating semi-well and exercising semi-regularly at the time, but this was the beginning of falling back in to bad habits so I never quite got there. Even though they are well past their return date I have never taken the tags off. I want to beat my lowest weight and finally get to wear those "new" pieces.

    Fourth goal: Shopping spree at Express and Banana Republic when I hit GW!
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    I have two pairs of 'project pants'.

    I kept an old pair of jeans for years and finally fit back into them during summer of last year. Sadly I had to donate them on as I lost even more weight, but I found it was good encouragement to keep going. =)
  • jlshea
    jlshea Posts: 494 Member
    Jeans! I forgot about jeans. I have lived in yoga pants for too long.
  • adrylong
    adrylong Posts: 29
    A pair of jeans I used to wear when I lived in NYC. When I moved to LA, I walked less and gained 20 lbs. I still have the jeans, and I think the best thing to do is for me to print out a picture of me when I used to wear them...so I can get motivated.
  • tavenne323
    tavenne323 Posts: 332 Member
    Everything from the store Athleta. Their "sized" pants only go to 14/16. I want to be able to fit into those without squeezing in.
  • tattedlady75
    tattedlady75 Posts: 185 Member
    I have a pair of super cute jeans that I got from the thrift store that I want to be able to fit into at summers end, they are a size 16, wearing an 18 now. i can get them on and zipped/buttoned but walking around i near impossible not to mention the muffin top. I think once I fit into those I will go searching for another motivator either another pair of jeans or maybe a dress - something I haven't worn in years. I also have motivational underwear
  • CoffeeLush
    CoffeeLush Posts: 46 Member
    My little sister lost a lot of weight about a year or two ago and has been continually giving me hand me downs as she keeps shedding pounds. I have tons of uber cute clothes (particularly jeans and skirts) sitting in a box that are anywhere from size 12-16.

    That said, I also have a dress I bought about 25 lbs ago that I don't feel comfortable wearing at this point that I can't wait to fit into again!
  • abberbabber
    abberbabber Posts: 972 Member
    I have two dresses I picked up off the clearance rack that I think/hope will fit me when I'm at goal. They are gorgeous and I think together set me back about $20. They're hanging in my closet right now, towards the back...maybe I need to display them to keep my motivation up :laugh:
  • BarbieAS
    BarbieAS Posts: 1,414 Member
    I have a dress that I LOVE that I wore to a wedding just before I got married myself - I was basically at my lowest adult weight at that point. 2 kids and about about 80lbs later (34 of which are already gone!) it definitely does NOT fit, but my super duper stretch goal is to wear it out for New Year's this year. I figure it will be at least 40 more lbs before I have even a hope of it fitting, and that's going to be tough in 25 weeks at my average rate of loss, but we'll see!
  • EddieHaskell97
    EddieHaskell97 Posts: 2,227 Member
    I intend to spend most of my vacation in my "Jack Burton" tank top from the 80s movie, "Big Trouble in Little China".

    I got it as a gag gift, but couldn't bring myself to put it on being 40 lbs overweight... By August, I'll be %100 ready!
  • Jdiaz72
    Jdiaz72 Posts: 29 Member
    I have a pair of white jeans and a pair of fitted cargo pants - in addition to an entire winter work wardrobe. I am determined to get in the pants by my sons bday end of august and the work wardrobe in the fall.
  • nicruns
    nicruns Posts: 201 Member
    "project pants"
    i like it!
  • Nikoruo
    Nikoruo Posts: 771 Member
    As long as you aren't buying a whole wardrobe haha. It's something to work up to!!

    I myself have saved some clothing that is smaller and i'll be so happy when i can fit into them. As for other stuff I'm waiting to see how I lose weight (Which area's and how small i go) before I buy anything :)

    I wish you luck on your journey!!