10 Days in looking for more active friends!!

Its only been 10 days since I joined and I love it btw!! BUT already I have had to delete allot of people who havnt logged in for 5-8 days!! I love new friends and am on daily, looking for new friends that are serious and active on the site <3

im 23, and I have 94 pounds to loose <3<3 ADD MEE!!!


  • Deloresbolt
    Deloresbolt Posts: 36 Member
    You may add me if you want, Weekends is when I have the problem of logging, but unless I am off on a vacation, I log everyday. UNLESS I went way over in calories. It happens. Feel free
  • ManjKA
    ManjKA Posts: 35
    Hi : ) apart from last week where i was having a bad week, i log in every day (maybe only once on the weekends though). i've been on the site for about a month now and i log in and log all my food and exercise, even if i've been bad. feel free to add me!
  • You can add me if you like I'm always looking for new friends :)
  • jennynewbury
    jennynewbury Posts: 48 Member
    Feel free to add me, I'm somewhere in the 500days of logging and I log every day!
  • VincitQuiSeVincit
    VincitQuiSeVincit Posts: 285 Member
    26 with 60lbs to go.
    I log/update/workout EVERYDAY. No excuses!
  • andreabrabham
    andreabrabham Posts: 116 Member
    ADD ME!! I am addicted to this site. I look at MFP like family. Love to motivate and support! Lets GOOO!
  • alw141
    alw141 Posts: 59 Member
    I'm on here every day! Think I'm up to 225 days in a row. Feel free to add me!:happy:
  • Feel free to add me and anyone else who cares to. I keep an open diary for me (and for friends) to keep me diligent. I am trying to go for 365 in a row!
  • Terryism
    Terryism Posts: 314 Member
    Active here! Just lost my 385 day streak when family visited, oops! Anyone can add me!
  • laurenlhubert
    laurenlhubert Posts: 15 Member
    sent request :smile: We can all use the encouragement
  • MadelineGraceG
    MadelineGraceG Posts: 34 Member
    When I first read this, I thought it said "Looking for more attractive friends." Lol! You'd have to count me out!
    I'm not really active, being 4 months preggo, but I log in every day. :)
  • jones092508
    jones092508 Posts: 75 Member
    Please feel free to add me as well! Totally addicted to this site! Little less then two weeks left until my first weigh in! yahh!
  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    I'm active, more or less, depending on workload at job or running to Dr. apts for me or DH. :smile:

    You can look me up and decide if you want to be friends.
  • tizzypic
    tizzypic Posts: 27 Member
    I'm on here everyday. Feel free to add me!
  • Barefoot115
    Barefoot115 Posts: 30 Member
    I try to log in daily and I do exercise. I didn't log in consistently last week due to having family from oversees here and being crazy busy. My diary is also open and I prefer friends that open their diaries so that I get food ideas. Add me if you'd like.
  • ThatOperaGirl
    ThatOperaGirl Posts: 138 Member
    I'm on here every day ... I had to take a week off recently because I was travelling and didn't have reliable Internet access, but the day I came home, I got right back to logging! Feel free to add me :smile:
    HEAMOM3 Posts: 8
    :) I recently rejoined MFP, and have noticed the same thing,
    Please feel free to add me :)
  • warmvanillasugar1
    warmvanillasugar1 Posts: 17 Member
    I'm on here everyday now and love it! :D anyone can feel free to add me! :)
  • You can add me as well! Today is my first day but I will be consistent because I need accountability buddies!
  • You can add me if you want. I'm definitely very active, as i log in every day and record everything i eat. One possible downside, though, is im pretty committed to the gym and go every day. So i would understand if you didn't want that popping up on your newsfeed as you might feel discouraged about going to the gym say, three times per week your self (even if it is more normal...). On the other hand, it might motivate you to go to the gym every day yourself. Your call.