Apples make me bloat...

... but only in the afternoon... Does anyone else have this or am I just weird...? And can someone maybe give me a scientific (not too technical!!) reason why this would happen...
Actually thinking about it, bananas make me bloat in the afternoon as well, but thought that was if I wasnt exercising within an hour, but maybe it's the same thing?
Anyway, thoughts?


  • IAteBethDitto
    IAteBethDitto Posts: 98 Member
    When you say bloat, what do you mean exactly? Are we talking bowel gas, or something else?
  • IronPhyllida
    IronPhyllida Posts: 533 Member
    Well feels like my stomach just doubles in size (although I'm sure it doesnt) and it's uncomfortable...
    Nothing major, just intreagued
  • NOLA_Meg
    NOLA_Meg Posts: 194 Member
    Do you eat them with the skin? Try peeling them. I can't eat an apple with peel without extreme stomach pain.
  • IronPhyllida
    IronPhyllida Posts: 533 Member
    Yes I eat them with the skin - how weird is that? I'll try peeling them tomorrow then...

    edit: should have done F7...
  • deannakymer
    deannakymer Posts: 1 Member
    You might try taking probiotics. I had the same problem, although not really a specific food. I started on probiotics and it is sooooo much better!
  • gayleofdallas
    gayleofdallas Posts: 8 Member
    Apples DO bloat me so I have stopped eating them. I did research online and found that apples are one of the foods that can bloat you. I was looking pregnant, that's how bad I bloated. Now that I've stopped eating them, my stomach has gone down in size and I no longer look pregnant. I know, weird huh? Anyway, the articles I read suggested eating more 'water based' fruits such as watermelon, cantaloupe, berries, etc, and that's what I'm doing.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Have you made plans to talk with a doctor about this? There could be a few reasons but I think it'd probably be better if you get tested to make sure there isn't something serious going on like a slight food allergy or IBS.
  • IronPhyllida
    IronPhyllida Posts: 533 Member
    I had a full medical last week, which didnt come up with anything. So I think it's just a reaction to apples.
  • fatfishy
    fatfishy Posts: 19 Member
    Try googling FODMAPS, your answer may be there. A low FODMAP diet is often recommended for those with IBS.
  • jetlag
    jetlag Posts: 800 Member
    Yes, and my tummy makes the weirdest noises if I eat one when I'm really hungry. I find that they do absolutely nothing for my hunger, either.
  • allycrozier
    Probably a very late reply, but I am the same too and have had to stop eating both apples and bananas. Both make me bloat, but apples are the worst. I think it's something to do with the fermenting properties apples have i.e when they're being turned into cider, or when you see apples fallen from a tree rotting on the ground, the same process is happening in your stomach, which leads to a build up of gasses. They can then either pass as wind or just build up in your stomach, thus bloating. I think it's a matter of some people being intolerant and others being fine. As far bananas, green/semi-green bananas are more starchy than ripe yellow bananas (starch has turned to sugar), which can also cause distress to the stomach.
    Hope that helps :) x