How Do I Keep From Stress Eating??? Grrr

andeeinevansville Posts: 98
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
Wow, I did so great yesterday and had a bad night last night...not as bad as it could have been, but I definately went over my calories :(
I don't eat if I'm mad, but if I'm out!! My hubby has a VERY stressful job and it has its strain on our relationship. He also works nights, so when he leaves and we've had a not so great day, I graze....It's so frustrating because I know I will get no where doing this and I definately won't lose this extra weight! Feeling discouraged today :( but trying to stick to my plan...


  • ProTFitness
    ProTFitness Posts: 1,379 Member
    Put the food down and try working out to a dvd. That may help. Stress eating is a hard habit to break.
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    I read a book and chew gum. Chewing gum takes care of the need to munch on something and reading allows me to escape my life for a time and think about someone else's life. :)
  • sgaylet
    sgaylet Posts: 1
    Hang in there, Girl! You can do this. I have the same trouble with stress eating. My husband travels a lot and my kids are grown so I get lonely and start grazing. I have my best days when I have a creative project going, like painting or sewing or working on something in the house. I have decided it is all a battle of the mind. Keep it busy or else I eat. God bless your day.
  • suzikelley
    suzikelley Posts: 210 Member
    The good news is Today is a new day!!! :-) One of my FB friends had a great status today: " Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow." I think we can apply that to our weight loss journeys as well! One thing that has helped me is I don't keep anything in the house (for the most part) that is bad for me. I keep healthy snacks and treats in the house at all times. I have to - or I know I'll make bad choices! I always have a beautiful fruit bowl on my dining room table, reduced fat whole wheat crackers & laughing cow cheese, baked chips, fresh veggies that I wash and cut up and put in the fridge as soon as I bring them home, kashi cereal (they make a great one with cranberries and blueberries in it - making it nice and sweet!), etc. That way, if I do have the munchies and go over my calories some, at least it's with low cal healthy foods! I've also discovered that going for a brisk walk is fantastic for stress relief! I understand you can't do this at night - but maybe earlier in the day, after we wakes up. My hubby works 3rd shift, too - last week he frustrated me to no end - so around 7pm, when I was really feeling the stress, I laced up my tennis shoes, grabbed my water bottle, and hit the sidewalk! It really did melt the stress away. Plus, knowing I had burned those extra calories, I didn't want to just blow them! I hope to get a mp3 player sometime soon - which will make my walks even more stress relieving. Music really does wonders for me! Don't beat yourself up - and don't let this one slip damper your goals!! Make today count! :-)
  • newman84
    newman84 Posts: 234 Member
    excersice or drink water when you feel like your stress eating. Go for a walk or find something to take your mind off of it.
  • wyld4eva
    wyld4eva Posts: 58 Member
    I try to brush my teeth before I eat anything. Most of the time I am not hungry and after you brush your teeth with a nice minty toothpaste, you really don't want to eat. (Nothing tastes good with toothpaste) that allows me to figure out if I am hungry or just stress eating. PS your dentist will love you ;)
  • i leave. i go shopping, or bring the kids to the park, just go somewhere that there is no food. i tried just working out but when you are stressed sometimes you dont feel like working out either :)
  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    I too exercise to avoid stress or boredom eating. If I work my *kitten* off then I dont want to sabatoge it by eating bad, plus I am just to worn out to eat! LOL!
    Good luck and hang in there! :happy:
  • balfonso
    balfonso Posts: 370 Member
    I try not to have anything unhealthy to snack on in the house. If I feel stressed out, like everyone has mentioned, I try to keep my mind busy by either going for a walk/run/going to the gym, cleaning the house or some chore that needs doing, or meeting a friend for a long walk.

    If you're going to graze, maybe have some pre-cut veggies or fruit in the fridge if you're peckish at least you're grazing on healthy foods :happy:
  • JaimeHolland
    JaimeHolland Posts: 8 Member
    I have the same problem with eating at night. I do an excellent job all day, eating healthy and portion control. Then boom, I'll way overeat (or drink calories) at dinner and after. I think it is because I associate snacking with reading and watching TV. If I can keep myself busy I don't usually slip up as much. I have found if I brush my teeth and use mouthwash after dinner it cuts back my cravings. Also, drinking water helps.But really the only thing that works for me is not buying easily accessible unhealthy snacks. I am usually too lazy to actually walk to the store just to buy a snack and usually by the time I get there I have had the time to reconsider my options.
    Maybe you could change your routine when your husband leaves for the night. I don't know how late it is but maybe you could change your workout time to then, or take a shower, go for a walk, call friend/family (hard to eat while talking), or something else that is different.
    Don't be discouraged!
  • ashlee954
    ashlee954 Posts: 1,112 Member
    I bought a punching bag! When I am stressed I hit that thing like there's no tomorrow! Great exercise too! You can buy cheapy ones at Walmart or Target even.
  • balfonso
    balfonso Posts: 370 Member
    I bought a punching bag! When I am stressed I hit that thing like there's no tomorrow! Great exercise too! You can buy cheapy ones at Walmart or Target even.

    hahaha I like that. May invest in one :laugh:
  • slamminsammy
    slamminsammy Posts: 8 Member
    What works for me is to try and get in touch with my hunger. If I feel like eating I stop and consider if I am hungry or just stressed. If I am not really hungry or not sure I try to get busy with something else not food related and maybe drink some H20. I find chewing a flavorful gum and drinking H20 is helpful and satisfies false eating urges.
  • slamminsammy
    slamminsammy Posts: 8 Member
    What works for me is to try and get in touch with my hunger. If I feel like eating I stop and consider if I am hungry or just stressed. If I am not really hungry or not sure I try to get busy with something else not food related and maybe drink some H20. I find chewing a flavorful gum and drinking H20 is helpful and satisfies false eating urges. Also "forgive and forget" It is a new day and you can make the most of it. Remember it is a weight loss journey not a single event.
  • slamminsammy
    slamminsammy Posts: 8 Member
    :wink: What works for me is to try and get in touch with my hunger. If I feel like eating I stop and consider if I am hungry or just stressed. If I am not really hungry or not sure I try to get busy with something else not food related and maybe drink some H20. I find chewing a flavorful gum and drinking H20 is helpful and satisfies false eating urges. Also "forgive and forget" It is a new day and you can make the most of it. Remember it is a weight loss journey not a single event.
  • mrscates
    mrscates Posts: 559 Member
    I agree w/ this! Put food down and go for a run or work out w/ a DVD!
  • blakejohn
    blakejohn Posts: 1,129 Member
    It's quick it's easy and you can do it any where, Drop and hit the push ups and sit ups, it doesn't cost anything to go till you burn out you'll workout the stress you'll be buff.
    the strong you get the easyer it is to deal with stress, there are no big deals in life and (Your) God never gives you more then you can handle

    Stay health my friend
  • Thanks everyone for the tips and encouragement! So far so good today :)
  • Maitlyn
    Maitlyn Posts: 22
    I'm real bad about eating when I'm stressed. I want to go right for a coke or sweets. I've found if I don't have any of that stuff in my house then I don't have the urge to eat anything because the last thing I want when I'm stressing is something healthy. Maybe try going for a walk or put on a good TV show to get your mind off of food. That works for me.
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    my husband went to a movie I wasn't interested in last night and I discoved the fridge was a magnet to me. So I changed my ruitine and put on my running cloths and ipod and went running for 30minutes. I've never exercised at night, but I enjoyed it. Was only thirsty after, so I had a tall OJ to use some of the calories. Evenings can be hard so you have to break some long existing habits with change. Try differnt things and take note of what works. Musis helps switch moods. Best wishes.
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