Anyone on here with hypothyroidism?



  • milesvictors
    milesvictors Posts: 83 Member
    Quite often people don't do well on a whole foods, raw (or close to), high carb vegan diet because they don't eat enough. Eat a LOT of fruits and veggies. Get OUTSIDE (not in the gym) to do your exercise/physical activities and that will take care of the vitamin D problems (synthesized by the sun). Keep your fat intake below 10% (help you lose weight and digest properly). EAT! I dare you to tell me when you pound down 8-10 bananas, even in smoothie/liquid form, that your stomach isn't full and you aren't "satisfied". Meat satisfies? Meat sits like a brick in your stomach, rots its way through your digestive tract, then slows your digestive system to a crawl, not to mention causes all sorts of issues like increases the acidity in your blood and creates all sorts of nasty issues, ONE OF THOSE BEING THYROID ISSUES.

    The trick to the diet/lifestyle is to eat enough calories, and quite often that is far more than what they recommend here on MFP. If your diet is clean, whole foods, and mostly raw, as well as keeping your protein intake around 10% and your fat intake at 10% or less, you will lose weight. You will also have energy blowing through the roof! Carbs/sugar = friend. Don't buy the hype that says otherwise.
  • ritarichards520
    suffered with it for around 10 years and currently on 100mcg of thyroxine,
  • FuchsiaBones
    FuchsiaBones Posts: 19 Member
    I actually had no symptoms before I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism. I was actually at my peak weight loss! I went in to the doctors for a check up and they drew blood and low and behold my thyroid is underactive. They started me on 50 mcg of levothyroxine. Shortly after that I was started on another medication that helped me gain all the weight back that I had worked so hard to get off. Now that I'm off of that, I'm hoping to get back on track!
  • lyndasav
    lyndasav Posts: 1
    I was just diagnosed on Wednesday. My TSH was 7. The doctor wants to re-do the test to be sure, so I have the re-test in about three weeks. I'm assuming if the results are the same, that he'll want to medicate. I'm trying to decide between synthetic or Armour Thyroid. I'm also curious if I have Hashimoto's Thyroid, but my doctor isn't testing for that. He said that would fall to a specialist's expertise.
  • candyastra
    candyastra Posts: 42
    Diagnosed about 4 years ago, started at 12.5mcg synthroid now at 175 mcg. I've always been overweight and could never lose, even now it's hard but I did knock off over 100lbs by eating healthier foods, portion control and exercise. Since I've lost the weight I'm having issues of tiredness/fatigue, hair loss, brain fog, brittle nails, cold intolerance, depression, heart palpitations, Intestinal issues you name it!! The dr said my TSH levels are elevated (have been past few times) but they don't want to up my meds. Very frustrating when you're feeling so ill, now I'm starting to put weight back on and it's breaking my heart. I have to eat practically nothing to just maintain now and I was losing eating 2000 cals a day!
  • Maura_Moo
    Maura_Moo Posts: 1
    I have Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, which is the same except worse, Mine is an autoimmune disorder in which my body is attacking my thyroid gland. I am currently on the same prescription. :)
  • LorryGuthrie
    LorryGuthrie Posts: 113 Member
    I have been diagnosed with hypothyroidism for well over 10 years. I am on meds too. It has had to be changed a couple times since I have started losing weight. As soon as my weight loss comes to a screeching halt and I get all the typical symptoms, I get in to see my doc and have him do a blood test. Most times I am in need of a change to my thyroid med. I have not seemed to struggle with long as the meds are working. Good luck to you on this journey!!!
  • pastamomma
    pastamomma Posts: 34 Member
    Diagnosed in 2006 with a sky-high TSH. Now I'm on 175 Mcg Synthroid (I can't seem to do the generics) & vitamin D & daily. I've got a great endo who pays attention to my symptoms as well as my numbers. Feel free to add me if you wish.
  • wallflower_x
    I've been on 50 mcg of synthroid for 2 weeks now, although I've had suspicions that I've been hypothyroid for 2 years. My doctor put me on 1,000iu B complex and 5,000iu vitamin D. I know its only the beginning, but I'm already discouraged and convinced I was just born to be overweight. Its nice to see other people in my situation who are making amazing progress, weight loss and other wise.
    Over the past 5 years or so I have been to a number of doctors. Sadly, most of them care more about the numbers and not how I feel. I have also been to docs that use old, outdated "normal" ranges and severely under-treat (1 even refused to medicate). I was tired all the time and I kept gaining weight in pote of dieting and exercising.

    Wow. Story of my life, minus the timeline. I had my thyroid out about a year and a half ago. I have been to 3 endocrinologists since then and really don't like any of them. They think I'm a drug really, they think I'm trying to use the Synthroid as a diet pill. If I hear "your levels are in normal range" one more time I'm gonna punch a Ph D in the face! I'm not sure if I was hypERthyroid before but I certainly don't feel like I did before they removed it. I'm also taking prenatal vitamins and they are making me feel a lot better actually or maybe it's just that I've given up on the doctors and have tried to figure this *kitten* out for myself. Sorry...I get a little angry when I talk about my thyroid
  • Normacurrie
    Normacurrie Posts: 19 Member
    Your not alone! :) I`m a Thyroid cancer survivor, I take 300 mcg`s of Synthroid a day. If I`m not careful I can find myself severely Hypo again. So I`m watched carefully by an Endo Doctor. But I`m very overweight, exhausted tired most of the time, with many other little problems that go along with the disease. At the moment, I`m preparing to have a long term solution to a life time problem and have Gastric Sleeve surgery.
    There`s many excellent sites on Google that talk about and deeply explain Hypothyroidism and they may help you immensely!!
    Good luck!, Norma
  • andi5285
    andi5285 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Norma,

    I stumbled upon your repsonse as I have been experiencing symptoms of hypothyroidism during the past year. I just wanted to add that I had Gastric Sleeve surgery three years ago. I do not regret the decision at all, however it is not quite the solution I thought, or hoped, it would be. I lost 100 pounds steadily over two years and was having little trouble maintaining, but I have regained 50 over the past year. It is incredibly frustrating and disheartening because I never thought I would be back to where I am at. I still have restriction and can eat much less, but lately its like the weight just keeps climbing.

    It is a great tool, but don't get too confortable with it. I gain weight just as easily as before and it's just as hard to lose. I let my guard down and was feeling good and let old habits back creep back in. Not trying to discourage you, or claim it doesn't work...just a warning from experience. I would do it all over again, I just wish I had kept up the good habis and not let myself slide. I never thought I would be one of the people who deal with regain.

    Good Luck!
  • Ivonnegarza1980
    I'm with ya been hypothyroid since 2003 and have been on levothyroxine since then
  • aviduser
    aviduser Posts: 208 Member
    What "average range" does your doctor like to keep your TSH level at? Mine is currently a little above 4 and I've been told by my PCP that it should be lower but my endocrinologist hasn't adjusted my synthroid dosage in about 6 months now. What do you all think? Leave it alone or seek a second opinion?

    I have been told that optimum TSH for non-cancer patients is 1. For cancer patients, it is even lower--like .1 or .2. My understanding is that 4 is way too high, especially if you are having all those symptoms. Once you are on the correct dose of replacement hormone, most of your symptoms should disappear or greatly diminish. Speak to your endocrinologist or get your internist to refer you to someone else.

    DISCLAIMER: Not a doctor. Just a guy who researches the crap out of things.
  • HeatherOberholtzer
    I would swear I have it, but the dr says no...about 2 years ago my hair just started falling out, insomnia severely, so hard to lose weight, I get so tired for no reason...but my dr says my numbers are smack dab in the middle of normal...
  • smcassaro
    smcassaro Posts: 123 Member
    I am. I was diagnosed about 10 years ago & just found out a year ago that I have Hashimoto's. There is a group on here for those of us with thyroid issues, you should join us. :)
  • ewunia99
    ewunia99 Posts: 121 Member
    Yup I have it too! Feel free to add me anyone!
  • cchartzell
    cchartzell Posts: 18
    I have Hashi's, so maybe not exactly the same but I have all those same symptoms. :) It came on suddenly after my daughter was born and when I went into the doctor to finally get checked (I had no idea what was wrong but I felt like I was dying), my TSH was over 125.

    Anyway, through medication (levo 88mcg), healthy diet and exercise I have lost all my excess weight and gotten healthy enough to run marathons. This is coming from three years ago when I was literally unable to get off the couch because I was too exhausted to even move.

    So, I know you can totally do it, but it is harder when you're working with the disadvantage of your body not working the way it is supposed to. You can add me if you want encouragement from a lady who has stood in your shoes!

    P.S. When it comes to your TSH levels, within the healthy range you should be able to speak up to your doctor about it. Some people feel really crappy at a TSH level of 4 and some feel great. If you don't feel your best at 4, ask if you can up your medication to try to get a little bit lower. Your doctor should respect that request as long as you're in the healthy range.
  • SabrinaNorton70
    SabrinaNorton70 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi there I had gastric bypass in 2005, lost over 120 pound and since 2010 my weight has steady increased without change to diet/exercise , very disappointing. I am currently taking liothyronine A SR Veg 50 mcg and cortisol SR VEG 10 MG twice a day- continuing to tired, brain fog, sluggish feel bad most of the time.... I really hope something works fast! I have over 30 pounds to lose , I guess I should up my calories- I stay around 1000 a day bc of my surgery...add me if you like
  • JoyMcFaulTaylor
    I take 125mcgr of levothyroxine and the doctors told me I definitely would not be able to lose weight without anti fat absorption meds, but I've lost 22lbs since January. Its a slow process, and we do have to be so careful of what we eat but it is possible! I love this website it takes so much pressure off.