I just wanted to say goodbye the same way I said Hello

MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
Thanks for everything MFP I appreciate the incredible lessons I've learned and the friends I've made. Thanks for helping me lose alot of weight; 100 lbs actually. Its been an incredible ride that has lead me from being Extremely Fat and out of shape to a triathlete and a marathon runner. Great experiences.

Some notes for newbies:
You wont succeed unless you want it. I mean REALLY want it.

I don't care what diet Fad or Science you use... If you don't want to be fit and healthy more than you want your next breath of oxygen you wont be successful.

Good Luck you really are going to need it.


  • lrose50
    lrose50 Posts: 58 Member
    That's terrific - and you're right. You have to want it for sure.
  • gigiscoolparents
    Truer words have never been said! Congrats on such a journey - and thanks for being my inspiration today!